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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Human Piñatas: Violence Resurges in the Sierras of Guerrero; Women and Children Fleeing

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: La Jornada

             In Guerrero, adjustments of accounts and revenge between criminal groups continue.

Acapulco, Guerrero: The level of violence resulting from the clashes in Leonardo Bravo and Helidoro Castillo, municipalities disputed by the South Cartel and the Tlacotepec, in the Central region of Guerrero, reached one of its highest levels on Friday morning.

The same criminals broadcast videos through social networks during and after the confrontation. In one of them they warn that the dejected ones were hanging in the trees.

The Cartel del Sur is commanding by Isaac Navarrete Celis, "The Lord of the I", and the one of Tlacotepec, led by Juan Castillo Gómez, alias "El Teniente".

Both dispute the Xochipala - Tlacotepec corridor where several communities converge. VIDEO:


An unofficial balance of 13 dead and an undetermined number of wounded, led the clashes that have sustained in different points of the mountain area of ​​Filo de Caballos, municipality of Leonardo Bravo, members of the United Front of Community Police of the State of Guerrero against criminal groups linked to organized crime.

According to the reports that have been issued by residents of the communities of Filo de Caballos, Los Morros, Carrizal, Campo de Aviación and Tres Cruces, which are not endorsed by the authorities of the federal government or the state, these clashes between the two sides , have registered for the dispute over the territory, which has forced hundreds of families to leave their homes and seek refuge in Chichihualco again.

The incursion of armed civilians has occurred on board of double cabin and closed trucks, carrying tactical equipment and AK-47 assault rifles known as "cuerno de chivo" and AR-15, which have confronted the members of the United Front of Police Community of the State of Guerrero, with an alleged balance of deaths and injuries.

It was affirmed that the characteristic rattling of assault rifles and long gun bursts are constant, since Wednesday, intensified this Thursday afternoon and night, despite the torrential downpour that has intensified in this part of the Sierra de Guerrero, who woke up this Friday with a dense fog and a light drizzle.

Despite denying this information the authorities, both groups have broadcast videos about the results of these clashes, in one of them the community exhibited the body of a man they identified under the alias of "El Chaca", alleged leader of a group of hit men from the community of Izotepec, in which they affirm, that together with him they shot down five of their security group.

These same, they assure that 7 more of the same criminal group lost the life in another confrontation, which assured forced to fall back, taking with himself several wounded, penetrating in the mount, in zones of difficult access, even for the same inhabitants of this part the Sierras, for which a group of community members carry out their search in ravines and the wooded area.

It was said that this Friday there was a new confrontation against alleged assassins in the vicinity of the Pueblas Santos, who fled aboard a 4 x4 truck, in which they transport the wounded to try to save their lives.

While in a second video that spread through social networks, the members of the rival group, account for the murder of two people who hung from their feet to the branches of a tree, which they deprived of life with bursts of heavy gauge armament.

The spokesman for the Guerrero Coordination Group, Alvarez Heredia, acknowledged that he has these videos and shared them with the Guerrero Coordination Group, so that they can take action on the matter, but insisted that there is nothing official about there being 13 dead or injured, because no body has been found.

During the last weeks, human rights organizations have detected the increase of displaced people from their places of origin.

This morning, about 100 inhabitants of the community of Los Morros, the municipality of Leonardo Bravo, fled their homes again. They had barely returned on November 17, after clashes a week earlier.

Leonardo Bravo, Gro:  Nearly one hundred women, including minors, fled early yesterday due to the violence that persists in the town of Los Morros and other communities of Leonardo Bravo; After walking 10 hours they arrived at Chichihualco, the municipal seat.

One of the women, who requested anonymity, said: "that if the governor, PRI Hector Astudillo Flores,  does not solve the problem this week, we are going to plant ourselves in the government palace, to see what it feels like .

She denounced that the elements of the 50th Infantry Battalion of the Secretariat of National Defense stationed in the town of Los Morros  "do nothing, they only walk the streets, and now they are allied with those of the Tlacotepec Community Police ".

She explained that the one hundred women left at 4:00 am in Los Morros, and they had not eaten for hours, so they asked the state governor to address the problem of insecurity in that region of the Sierra Madre del Sur.

"Look, the children come without eating, they are not to blame for anything. We have not done anything. What have we done? Tell us, because we have nothing to do with these people"  (with the criminals) .

She recalled that last Wednesday there were shootings again, which started since the beginning of November. "The military is there and they do nothing. The children were frightened; but we do not know anything because we can not leave. Our husbands stayed in Los Morros defending the town because they want to take away our houses ".

Extra material from Televisa


  1. Narcos need to be shot with two bullets to the back of the head.

    Attn: El Clan De Planta

    1. As long as there is a war on drugs, there will be Narcos.

    2. Amen brother...they feed off and perpetuate each other

  2. Jesus, Guerrero’s Fuerza Estatal is rolling around in some beat-up 10-year-old trucks.

  3. Off topic to what's posted and transcribed from bb.
    This day is a day for Mexicans to celebrate. A political revolution has just begun to change the corrupt policies which Mexico has always embraced. Rather serving its constituents with respect and dignity. Moreover, removing a virus from those who have benefited.

    Like all governments who fall short of serving their constituents than their pocketbooks. God bless Mexico.


    1. Wake up... Mexico is the capital bof curruption.

    2. That is YET to been seen. I hold off on celebrating till 6 years from now.

    3. Rather, a past and now a pillar of what many can look up too. A true democratic government who serves its constituents.

      His first presidential speech was well spoken. An unbearable death for former president Pena Nieto to sit through.
      Where transparency is met with accountability.

      A political revolution has awakened and its citizens are engaging.


    4. Oh Amlo's in power today!

    5. E42 if your referring to ALMO I think your living in a liberal delusion. Hope your socialist revolution does not turn my beautiful country into Venezuela.

    6. México needs to cut ties with The US, that is the main reason why it is corrupt. AMLO wont change or be able to change anything significant in such short time.

    7. Have you lost your mind 707… The reason Mexico was corrupt it’s because of the US… That may be the most idiotic statement I’ve ever seen on here… I guess there’s no way it could be the billions of dollars in profit up for grabs… Of course there’s no way Mexico and all of the greedy politicians amd Narcos are responsible for their own behavior

    8. E42 same thing was said when Fox became president and nothing changed. Hopefully history doesn't repeat its self and things do change for the better.

    9. E42, socialism has not worked in any country ever! It is not possible for socialism to work, it is a pure utopia for the poor and for folks with an IQ of no more then 60 lol

    10. The only ones who don't want good change are the ones who create the chaos. Reffernce to those foriegn powers along with those within for political and financial purposes.

      Look around the globe.
      Its clearly visible.

    11. 11:05: "socialism has not worked in any country ever"

      Ummmm. You do realize that most of Europe is socialist in one form or another, right?

    12. Mexico is not even close to being the capital of corruption.

    13. 5:57,
      Dont confuse social programs such as food banks with socially run country. Almost all europe us capitalism with a 3 exeptions. Everywhre where socialism has been tried, that country went belly up because in socialism the money eventually runs out and then you have big boom such as Venezuela.

  4. So very sad that hundreds of people cannot lead a normal life through no fault of their own.What gives here?

  5. What’s the name of the song

    1. Caiga quien caiga

    2. Gracias compadre

    3. Caiga Quien Caiga Los Inquietos Del Norte

    4. Caiga Quien Caiga Nazaro Moreno's message to the Narcodefensas.

  6. For every civilian out there: Try serving your country instead of just serving yourselves.

    And for every operator worldwide. You know who you are! We marshal in the days of WAR. Stay subtle as fucking LIONS!

    - Sol Prendido

    1. Interesting comment Sol.
      Unfortunately, self interest always wins.

      U doing good Sol.

    2. E42 saludos playboy. - Sol Prendido

    3. A real operator would cringe because shadows are not only cast in days of war. Pay attention.

    4. Love my Sol! Dr. K

    5. @5:26 Well hello there Dr. K - Sol Prendido

  7. What ever happened to los jefes cartel??

    1. Still around n beefing with cartel del sur.Most likely those are the ones who made the video

    2. The movie yeah I been waiting for jefes 2 to come out too bro

  8. The lack of guns among the innocent and law abiding is disturbing. No ability to fight back against the cartels nor the ability to keep the government honest in its commitments.

  9. Adios a epn let’s see what amol does

  10. Cartel translation is as follows:
    This is for all the sons of bitches from the Southern Cartel!
    Isaac you son of a bitch! This is what will happen to every bitch you send. Here they will all end up hanging like piñatas. We are the Ghost Cartel, faggots!
    - Sol Prendido

  11. Were those guys hanging still alive?

    1. You're really not missing much. Saw the unedited version of this video elsewhere. Bodies just look like shadows hanging there. Looks like they were killed before being strung up. - Sol Prendido

  12. So I’m guessing these groups were created because the people from Guerrero got tired of the BS from los de Sinaloa ?

  13. Yo soy tamaulipeco so i shouldn’t speak that much but, Christ almighty, i’ll be damned if Guerrero isn’t the filthiest shithole in all of Mexico.

    El Cabrón De Tamaulipas

  14. ok.. so if the women and children are fleeing then what are the men doing? Staying there to try and protect their homes? That would be the more interesting story here.

  15. Those who suppose to uphold
    The law
    Become the law
    Once that system broke
    You have ONE
    For me.
    This cannot be
    Authority to serve and protect is gone
    Don't know what that feels
    Like for average citizen of mexico
    I weep my brothers
    One day
    One day
    We see the lite
    Your dreams
    So far
    But not far gone
    To come back
    Oneday thatz all you can doNOW

    Just eh black canadien dude


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