Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, December 21, 2018

The Luxurious Rural Hideouts Of “El Mencho”

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Vanguardia
These are narco ranches and rural properties used for relaxing and collecting exotic animals, luxury cars, jewelry and other rare items.

In the past Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, ''El Mencho'' , could have a more relaxed life and occasionally go to urban areas to enjoy his ill - gotten gains, but by becoming one of the most wanted kingpins  by both  the governments of Mexico and the United States he now requires  hide outs in different hidden places.

During the search for "El Mencho" by authorities they have managed to detect properties used by the head of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) as temporary shelters.

The rural ranches were adequate to make the stay of Oseguera Cervantes and his criminal cohorts a pleasant one.

One  of the most valuable properties secured by the  Attorney General's Office (PGR)  is the "Rancho La Esperanza", in Tonalá, owned by José Luis Gutiérrez Valencia, known as "Don Chelo", father in law  of 'El Mencho' , who used it to keep  a bengal tiger , a Harris hawk, a yellow-breasted toucan, two other buteos ( hawk family)  called Crested Cara-caras and three green macaws. ( I think this one may have already been confiscated).

In the capo's ranch, six .9-millimeter pistols were also located, two of them  gold plated, one had the image of San Judas Tadeo, another had precious stones embedded with the logo of a skull and Ferrari.
Other properties related to the criminal group were located in towns of the municipality of Villa Purificación, in Jalisco.

The properties were used as  shelters for "El Mencho'' and many others of the foremen of the criminal leader.

They are located in the delegations La Eca, Lo Arado and Villa Vieja . This last point was where on May 1, 2017, armed civilians shot down an Army helicopter and killed eight soldiers and a federal policeman.

These sites stand out from the rest of the constructions around them, the ranches owned by CJNG's top capo have an extension of between 20 and 50 hectares; the "Rancho El Palmar'' is the most luxurious one, which  has a kiosk, residences, parking for several vehicles, stables, a swimming pool .

It seems obvious that if these are the know "hideouts" , "El Mencho" must have others or someone really does not want to "secure" him.

With information from El Universal and Unión Jalisco

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  1. Que vive Todo Jalisco y tambien mi Michoacan

  2. I've a certain feeling that Mencho will die peacefully in his bed at a good old age surrounded by family and friends.

    1. With how easily it is to corrupt the officials their...I see your point

  3. el mencho has always been a fascinating narco not quite sure what it is about him , there hasnt been much news on him this month so far atleast

  4. What does el mayos zoo look like??? Pablo start this exotic animal thing??? A real narco has to have exotic pets??? Is this a trend??? Seems these guys could be tracked by importing tigers...

    1. They own the finest sewer systems in all of Sinaloa filled with waste of people who only eat fruits and raisins. The expression on chapos face was pure disappointment that they made him shower

    2. It has lots of sewer rats... that snitch...

  5. He also has one in the outskirts of Cd Guzman *cough cough

    1. Dude I’m pretty sure his buddy’s in the government know Too

  6. I hope when they eventually find him he gives up instead of going out in a blaze of glory. I think most people would love to know he gets to enjoy (😉)the rest of his days in the wonderful(😉) ADX SuperMax of Florence Colorado. Just my opinion.

    1. Are you going to pay for his stay in adx. Fuck that kill him or send him to a mexican prison. He dont need to be wasting american tax payer money. Keep el 40 too. Matter of fact just hang his ass like el gafe whom was not a gafe just a an asshole.

    2. What a hater lol

    3. What’s up with you gringos so obsessed with Supermax?

    4. You wouldnt know what a real criminal really is lol if you live in the united states i would say 90% of the population support and vote in criminals so whats your point because 1 mexican isnt afraid to show he can release hell and the other likes to hide in the shadows cause havoc and crisis and blame small timers for it . Yup mencho is a real criminal alright lol

    5. This dude aint a coward,this guy is gonna go out shooting,i said it first,mark my words!

    6. I didnt write the comment above but to hate on mensos cartel is a dury of any common sense havong mexican. Hes worth less than a piece of dog shit and also fuck all his cheerleaders

    7. Keep his ass right in Mexico with the rest of his buddies. Us ameeAmeri are tired of paying taxes for people like this. Send Chapo back too but yet let him go

    8. @5:18 PM

      Amen to that. He should just be executed and then ditched in an anonymous mass grave like the worthless cucaracha he truly is.

      El Cabrón De Tamaulipas

  7. BB - please stop posting these "arriba mi estado" and other cheerleading comments like 9:36 that add nothing to the post. Gracias

    1. I understand, I don't like it either. But it's free speech. We all have a right to say what we want and some just enjoy attacking others. People come from all different social and economic backgrounds. I'd like to think we were all brought up with good manners but some people lose it through the hardness of life. Doesn't make them bad,just different. I also have a choice of reading those comments or simply scrolling down to the next one.

    2. 1:59: But keep the comments like “this would never happen in America” and comments like “we should send in the US Army...”. How does that drable contribute to the post?

      Viva mi estado Sinaloa y los Sinaloenses🏄🏿‍♀️

  8. All that money and that pool table looking like he bought it on offerup.

    1. Just goes to show that Mencho doesn't spend much on luxury. As for the statement that those houses are luxury looks like people don't know what luxury is. I recomend you look into some of the Russina Mafia houses or italians know they spend on luxury. This is what Mencho spends his money on Guns, armored vehicles, drugs, politicians and his people. CJNG pays the best out of every other cartel.

    2. 4:51- you not from Mexico because if you is you can know he only pays en drogas and for the money his people only use the guns and must tax the people and small farmers and little busyness for the money.

    3. Lol pobres animales parece que los tiene en chiqueros pero que se puede esperar de un naco narcotraficante la clase no se compra. De seguro ese malnacido a de vivir peor que mi perro con todo y su dinero. Pero ahi sigan de alucines.

  9. They are good places to stay for a day or two...but mencho is always on the run like a spun rat on meth


  11. Thanks Yaqui. Another capo with a pet tiger, yawn!. See a luxury ranch and some criminal will own it, either a legal crim like fuel/ tele co ceo or illegal crim like drug boss.

  12. The guns in the pic were property of “Don Chelo”, the punte grande narco party guy. They were recovered at his ranch when marines raided it and killed him during the gun fight.

    1. Ojo de vidrio had some dope pistols

  13. With all these luxuries and residences. You would think it sticks out like a solar thumb. Meaning that aerial footage of these residences should bring questions as to who owns them. Moreover, if they are legitimately earned?
    Then again Mexican officials are in cahoots with these criminals. So protection is a guarantee as long as payments are made on a regular basis.

  14. The government knows were all of his hideouts are but their're not even looking for him.

  15. Como el otro michoacano disque pesado que agarraron comiendo hot dogs callejeros. Estos pobres con cualquier cosa se emocionan

  16. The chinolas are in fear just to hear mencho's name lol

    1. Yup and soon they will shake and pee on their pants. CDNG apenas arranca con el señor que los gallos.

  17. El Menzo vive en Apatzingan


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