[Original Story: Hidalgo: Pipeline explosion leaves 66 dead and 76 injured (video)]

CITY- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador
regretted that the theft of hydrocarbon by the population has taken
root in the country and ends in tragedies like the one that occurred
yesterday in Tlahuelilpan, Hidalgo, which has left at least 66
dead and 76 injured.
However, the president said that the fight against the huachicoleros will
continue in order to eradicate this practice that affects Mexicans.
"It hurts a lot that these practices have taken root in recent times in
our country, because the images of people with buckets, with drums,
with containers to get gasoline or diesel is an unfortunate matter that will spread to the entire area where pipelines pass," said López
Obrador at a press conference.
"Although it hurts a lot we have to continue with the plan to end the fuel theft. We are not going to stop, we are going to continue. This not only damages us economically, but the risk, the loss of human lives," he added.

The president called on the population to refrain from participating in pipeline tapping and asked that residents register in social
programs in order to have alternatives to get ahead financially.
López Obrador pledged that federal institutions will conduct a thorough
investigation to determine what were the causes that led to the events.
It was also announced that next Tuesday and Thursday he will visit the State of
Mexico and Hidalgo, respectively, locations in which in less than a week
there have been actions of tapping ducts.
He also stated that communities should assist by giving names and information to authorities as to who are involved in this and specifically fuel theft.
ReplyDeleteCurious if citizens are ready to act and support the president's request?
Decades of informants were met with their fates.
I saw lists of dead and burned victims and the the majority are males of young adults to middle ages. There will be lots of dead to follow in days and weeks to come because burn victims are very hard to treat and require specialized care in special facilities.
ReplyDeleteThis story is not over by a long shot .... it is just beginning for the survivors and their families!
Amlo werethe fuck is mencho and el 85. Until them 2 are lucked up or dead violence will continue
ReplyDeletethey will take over more plazas for sure
DeleteChapitos and mayo are no threat, they are merely trying to survive now that chapo is going to maximum security prison next month
Chivis what do think about the narco manta left and signed by Z3. Do you think he is still may be alive?
DeleteIf he is alive, he would not be dumb enough to come back. After all, if one believes that Z3 faked his death, the reason would be to disappear and enjoy the spoils, and not to come back and get back into the mess again.
It would be racist as hell to accuse Mexicanos of being uneducated about the dangers of gasoline. I was listening to AM radio today in Mexico and too many people stated "Well we were taking the gasoline to sell" Then I made the mistake of listening to USA radio who narrated stories about people taking gasoline because "there are shortages or the pr'ice of comistible was too expensive". This is not about a perro stealing an unwatched piece of bifsteak. They knew what they were doing was wrong and they paid an unspeakable price. Why can't the extraneous press treat Mexicanos like they are people instead of examples? My family was taught that "If they didn't want you to do it, then they would make it so you couldn't do it" is wrong. Making something cheat-proof is expensive and is one of the biggest stumbling blocks in administration today. When Policia Federales were easily given mordida to settle an infraccion people bitterly complained. When things stiffened and make mordida more difficult (the same?) people complained bitterly. You can't have it both ways. What's next? If spare Magna is found in a tanque you'd better have a nota from the gasolinera?
ReplyDeleteThey saw a opportunity to make money by selling gasoline where they are shortages yet they met there fates.Mexicans need to understand change and adapt to it.There use to getting away with paying the cops off.Yet so many complain that there corrupt yet where do you see people asking the cop to write them the ticket instead asking for the Mordita .The people need to change in order to change Mexico.
DeleteAnd theres the problem. Asking residents to register for social ( govt ) programs to get ahead financially. There you have it. Typical socialst mindset..
ReplyDeleteAgreed. The plan is to bring Venezuela Socialism to Mexico 100%. The Mexican government is allowing the corruption to take over every business, every town, every industry until every Mexican is starving and MUST turn to the government for food... Having the military protect the pipeline workers is just a show. USA is next - this is also the plan.
DeletePfft you guys are stupid... Mexico is not going to turn into Venezuela, and the USA isn't going to turn into Mexico. Whats funny is all you socialism = Venezuela people likely dont understand what socialism is. If this happened here in the USA do you know who you'd call? 911, so they could dispatch fire fighters, of course. Now here's the real shocker... Drum Roll.... the Fire Department is a socialist program. But yeah socialism through and through is terrible.
DeleteI also find it funny how you guys hate Socialism but love communism!! And dont say you dont, the whole world knows how much your hero Trump loves giving Putin a peck on that KGB ass. The fact you guys always back him shows you're down for that clown.
And no, im not a "liberal", im a capitalist through and through... Im just not dumb enough to lump all of socialism together.
Good for AMLO! He is in a war with these theives and unfortunantly these are casualties of war.
ReplyDeleteI hope he changes Mexico. He has a tough new job being the President of such a corrupted country.
Even the cartels should like him because he's not on anybody's side. So far.. We shall see.
EZO les paza por pinches webones
ReplyDeletegood 4 nothing hijos de la chingada
Let's hope this presidency is for real. It's time for mexico to come out of the dark ages
ReplyDeletewell said 8:13!
DeleteAMLO puts himself at risk by exposing himself in public too much. I’ve seen him ride shotgun, stops randomly and shakes hands with people.
DeleteThat’s all good but sooner or later, with the positive intent of cleaning house and moving Mexico toward a better future, the “status quo” May like change and somebody is going to make an attempt(s) on his life.
ReplyDeleteI’ve noticed a lot less reporting and comment posting since the government shut down. Which leads me to conclude you may be working for the DEA and maybe furloughed?
The truth is not many sacrifices time for little to nothing when there are Bill's to be paid.
DeleteYou %$&#, don't ever insult Chivis! You obviously have no clue as to what she and other BB staff must have to go through for Borderland Beat to keep us informed.
DeleteUnless you have some evil intentions you choose to hide, your post is totally inappropriate.
Now,disappear back under your rock.
818 Chivis had mentioned before your comment. that she wont be here often due to medical apptmts, furthermore you can contribute, 2-3 articles a week, I suggest to start typing.
Delete8:18 asked a simple question. Is Chivis working for the DEA by operating this site
DeleteIt’s not out of the realm of possibility for a government agency to channel funds to bloggers and others. If it is, it’s money well spent, relaying the brutality and “lo crudo de lo qué pasa” in Mexico. Chivis. I hope you get your back pay, raise, promotion and recognition.
If Chivis is not working directly for the DEA as an agent or operative, she has the gratitude of many followers, including myself, for delivering what is not mentioned via traditional news outlets.
i take it as a joke. my background has been posted by me on this blog for 9 years. my husband and i own and operate an international business and i founded and oversee out family foundation in U.S. Mx and Central Am- for 3 decades.
DeleteI admire DEA agents. yes there are the occasional a bad or corrupt person in the agency, but they are for the most part good people, with integrity who work hard to make a difference. and IMO are unhappy as hell when so many deals are made that do not have to be made. my guess time on the job is not a long haul
I agree. The majority of agents are solid. Unfortunately everyone has a weak spot. Money, sex, titles, power, etc and some go sideways.
DeleteThank you for what you do. Without sharing details, a relative of mine associated with the wrong people (his choice) involved in the trafficking in drugs in Jurez and After his murder (along with others), I found this site.
Besides the obvious theft, what I find strange is that Pemex was aware of the breach and depresureisation, almost immediately (lines are monitored in a control room) yet Pemex allowed fuel to flow for hours, without rerouting or shutting off.
ReplyDeleteFurther, local police and military commanders failed to enact protocols in that military sector which would have pulled the number of military and state resources to protect the breach.
Then BOOM!!
Besides the obvious theft, what I find strange is that Pemex was aware of the breach and depresureisation, almost immediately (lines are monitored in a control room) yet Pemex allowed fuel to flow for hours, without rerouting or shutting off.
ReplyDeleteFurther, local police and military commanders failed to enact protocols in that military sector which would have pulled the number of military and state resources to protect the breach.
Then BOOM!!
Time for the Mexican government to declare a peace day. One day where the citizens hang a peace blanket and turn in all the scum.
ReplyDeleteEl Oj
Maybe Borderland beat Can Start It. Save Mexico
Call out to all Newspapers and Media
peace symbol one love
AMLO will change Mexico for the better,
ReplyDeleteNo one has fault of this,only the people who put themslefs into tbis position...gas is toxic and very flamable annnnd this gasolime was not theres for them to take,its theft! I domt care if your broke,etc etc u have no right to take that gasoline even if uts pouring out of the ground.its called ignorance
ReplyDeleteChivis is a ghost.
ReplyDeleteall that people were taking a gasoline shower, so what do you expect to happen? another thing is that the survivors can be taking to jail because they get caught robbing and doing damages on a private property, lets take them under custody
ReplyDeleteTheir disfigured grotesque look, missing nose, disfigured face and body is punishment enough. Further, they probably wouldn’t survive in prison. Why add more punishment to what they have already done to themselves, including having to wear the world’s ridicule on their skin.