Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

El Chapo Trial: "I love him", says Damaso of Chapo

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat
Entered in court as a "demonstrative aid"-defense draws attention to the ridiculous assumption that Chito,
A low level maintenance worker, alone could have pulled off Chapo's Jalisco prison escape

Before Damaso’s claims about Emma, he testified about letters Chapo had written to him from prison.  These depicted the “how” Chapo operated the business.

Damaso says Chapo told him to make sure in his absence that the sicarios and their widows get paid.  [like other cartels they give widows support payments] He keeps up with the news on  their synthetic heroin project and reminds Damaso to pay rents on the “front” companies in Europe.

Chapo also would write things like; "Crop duster should be started and flown periodically, so it doesn't get ruined," There are also cryptic orders written in code.

Example; “Go easy on the thing with the three intellectuals."

In the letters Chapo make reference to drug trafficking with writing about kilos and tons, collection of debts and weapons sch as RPG7’s.   

Chapo typically had others write his letter, even love letters.  This was due to his low level literacy. US agents could easily tell his texts by how bad the syntax was.

Chapo invited an American lawyer to Culiacán in 2014. The meeting was with his four sons and Damaso about possible cooperation with the US government.

Damaso said he also made his separate outreach in 2016.

Letters below entered as evidence-highlighted notes by Keegan Hamilton

Cross Examination

Chito remains in prison 
While he admits he was involved in the planning of the 2015 tunnel escape from Altiplano, Damaso denies having any part of the construction.  Why the distinction isn’t clear to me. 

Damaso: "I didn’t know about even one shovel of earth that was removed.  It was his sons [Chapo] who were doing that.”

Eduardo Balarezo grilled Damaso regarding Chapo first prison escape in the laundry cart.

"Why didn't Chapo use the laundry cart again instead of the tunnel.” “It's pretty spectacular right?" 

Damaso: "It's very real."

[foto at left the lowly maintenance worker, the only one ever punished for either escape.  He remains in prison Chapo never reached out to help him]

The murder of Javier Valdez

Damaso was asked about his role in the 2017 killing of  RioDoce founder and journalist,  Javier Valdez.

"My son and I are innocent of this man's murder."  Said Damaso.  

He blamed Chapo’s sons.

Damasos have been accused of the murder by RioDoce magazine themselves. Read the article by using this hyperlink.  
From the post “One of the killers according to the cousin who is now the protected witness [mexico]- "El Quillo" showed them the  silver plated pistol with the image of Damaso Lopez Nunez , "El Licenciado" on its grips   and Damaso Serrano Lopez, "El Mini Lic" which he had received as payment for the murder.”
Gestures to Compa Chapo

Throughout the trial most of the cooperative witnesses have signaled to Chapo a greeting or message.

Except for the IT guy who experienced a mental breakdown and when finished scurried out of the courtroom without looking at Chapo.  One uttered an expression to Chapo meaning “you got nailed”, [clavado] When Jorge Cifuentes, walked past the Chapo while  leaving the courtroom, crossed both his arms over his chest and pumped them back and forth.

Vincente Zambada always referred to Chapo as “Compa Chapo” or “My compa Chapo”, a sign of respect.

At the end of today, on cross examination, Damaso was asked about a gesture he gave Chapo when he took the stand. Damaso had patted his heart with his hand.

When asked why?  Damaso replied “I love him." The why was he testifying against Chapo?

"Circumstances have placed me here.”

Note to readers, to access all trial coverage type in El Chapo Trial in the search bar.  

Damaso's plea agreement September 2018

Sources:  BB archives, RioDoce, Chivis Documents, Pacer, Keegan Hamilton, NYT

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  1. These guys are something else.
    He loves him but is snitching on him lol and he wanted to kill his dumb kids

    1. It's not just him. They're all a complete waste of an egg and sperm.

    2. and spilled the beans abt his wife who happens to be the mother of his ahijada. si es asi que nadie me quiera

    3. Chapo is a dead man and his dumb kids went nuts. So Circumstances, amigo, circumstances.

    4. Definitely was beef between the kids. Chapo saying go easy on them, to me means, let their crews Duke it out and see who comes out on top. The old guys knew they were toast..IMO much was decided at that meeting when Chapos kids were lifted. On the CDS CW's all are professing love, and respect, but ratting them and their families. They all have an ace or think they do up their sleeves. JMO

    5. I guess u could say it was outta love mi compa lol

    6. No the Equivoques compa. As he said circumstances brought him there. Damaso would have done anything for Chapo even die for him. Pero ya ves Los menores are otro pedo.

    7. Chapo's dumb kids were the real scumbag assholes. Mayo has put them 6 feet under.

    8. Your right. In the end they all snitch. Look at what happened with the Italian mafia. They all snitched.

    9. 2:54 you dont know what you are talking about they are alive and well.

    10. Damaso bit the hand that fed them he thought with Chapo arrested he can finally take over and get rid of Chapos kids but the plan backfired and what else can he do but betray and eat to save his own but him and his son anew safe while all his people getting killed

    11. Damaso was all in for chapo, it was Chapos dumbass kids that brought them down. First Ivan getting out of prison triggering BLO Vs CDS. And now them going after Damaso and mini lic. They’re just like their father except they went after their own.

    12. 3:32 nobody beats the sinaloas cartel on snitching, Italians weren't ALL snitches like the chinolas. A few snitched but not ALL

    13. 5;34 that’s not how it went down your just a hater that’s not even from Sinaloa

    14. 3:05 shut up and stop hating on Sinaloa you must be all worried that your always in there articles

  2. So, he’s got mixed emotions. Sounds about as confused as a whore in church. Should I be here, should I not be here? Fuck. How did it ever get to this point? - Sol Prendido

    1. Sol that sounds slick but a whore should have no more conflicting thoughts in church than say...a crooked politician or a unfair judge or a corrupt cop or a drug dealer or members of the mob or last but not least,the preacher who pays prostitutes on the low...if he can be there,so can she/he...Since that whore might be a male

    2. Very true 5:55. Many of these dope pushers whore themselves out for the almighty dollar. - Sol Prendido

  3. I thought Dámaso kidnapped chapós kids?

  4. Chapo is the CIA's now.

    1. Wouldn't be surprised.
      More drugs flow into this country than years past.

  5. Awh, my heart can't take it

  6. I love him but i went to war with his family and tried to take over his cartel

    1. The love is only there when things are going well. This relationship has been demonstrated in all walks of life and business practices.
      I'm sure a profound relationship between the 2 still exists.

      I see it like a divorce nothing more.

  7. Yeah, he SAYS he loves Chapo, but did he wear a matching burgundy smoking jacket to court?

    That would be walking the walk instead of just the usual Mexican talking the talk.

    This reminds me of the old Mexican proverb: "Mejor solito que mal acompanyado" = you're better off alone than with a bad partner

    Also - Damaso and Sean Penn have NEVER been photographed together....hmmmmmmmm

    1. LMFAOOOOOO your first sentence has me dead

    2. 8:06 Jaja! Matching burgundy smoking jackets! Very good laugh! 😂

  8. Shit is twisted.. that’s what happenes when people see and do crazy shit = mind fuck. lic loves chapo.. really? What’s next mini lic on the stand saying he loves chapo and his kids?

  9. I think chapo left a lot of responsibilities with damazo and when she started going bad demaso still felt he had a lot of power and Chapo sons wanted all the beef especially that their dad was gone so they were in charge I think it would be like any family issue chapo's friend. He had the pool but chapo's kids after dad was gone came and f***** a lot of s*** up

    1. 9:50 Iván tries to be jefe and to change the way things are done when Chapo is away but he is calmer after kidnapping of Alfredo. When Joachin was captura in Mazatlan Iván required the sellers of polvo to buy Ivan’s low quality cocaina that was sold packaged in his pink bags. The quality was very bad because chemist worked in Mazatlan refining trash that became wet. Before this time Ismael, Azul, Joachin and CDS did not concern with small sales of polvo because many customers buy kilos from CDS and sell where they wanted to. Over time Ismael required Ivan stop threatening friends and customers to sell his packages but Ivan still today controls selling polvo where turistas are in Mazatlan and at clubs like la Botanas that the policía used to control.

  10. When is the godson testifying? In his corridos he was so proud that chapo was his padrino and kissing his ass in every song


  11. Damaso testified he order bravo to be killed wow

    1. Where does it show that Damaso gave the green light for Bravo to be killed?

    2. Rio doce published it last night conversation between damaso And chapos lawyer

    3. Everyone knew lic did it years ago

  12. Wow has he ever aged(at least by 10 years in all of 1 year)!Holy cow.Chivis is the photo of Chita above the 1 who took the full rap for Chapo's escape in the laundry cart?

    1. yes! he was not even a guard but a lowly immanence worker. he remains in prison. this is the only foto i know of him

  13. It's narco love. Lol.


  14. death at adx coming soon.....chapo. will die a madman in his concrete home after conviction.

  15. Its a terrible business fit for only the worst Hombres.

  16. almost over for you cheeves. big love and respect sent to you, awesome reporting

  17. I can’t believe the defense showed that pic 😂🤣😂 regardless of their point 😐😳😮🤣

    1. I was scratching my head also. Especially when the jury will not get it.

    2. I hope their defense strategy / witnesses are better than this. 😐 It almost looks like a bad joke.

    3. Yeah very unprofessional of the defense but it doesnt surprise me one bit. Balarezo is about as mature as a 7th grader.

  18. CDS has a good 401k. The widows of sicarios continue to receive payments.

    El Six de GN

    1. Very Very Smart move if you ask me..If anyone gets paid it has to be your killers.They are the last ones you want going on strike or not showing up for work when you need them..Also as long as the sicarios know that other dead sicarios widows are being cared for makes them more likely to do the job.

  19. This guy El Quillo is a real bad hombre. Killed everything that moved. He used to be in Tucson.

  20. When is mochomo testifying...i guess hes the only ganster alive

    1. Truly doubt that he will testify. Despite the treachery within the family. He holds principles of leadership and honor for his family.

      Besides not even a life line will save nor exonerate Chapo in the end.

      America has him now.

    2. El Mochomo es el unico bueno en todo este cochinero.

    3. The real g'$ from Sinaloa are dead.. snitching paved the way for Chapo and cds

    4. Mohomo was a nobody taking orders from CDS

  21. El Mayo will be the last witness for the prosecution


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