Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, January 3, 2019

El Chapo Trial: Vicente Zambada Niebla takes the witness stand

Chivis Martínez Borderland Beat

One of the long-awaited cooperative witness testimony began today as Vicente Zambada Niebla was sworn in today to ell the truth and nothing but the truth in the trial of El Chapo Guzman.

Zambada [or VZN] is the 43-year-old son of Sinaloa Cartel leader Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada García. 

Zambada cut a plea deal with the government just two months ago. 

Zambada,  arrested in 2009, pleaded guilty to two counts of trafficking and will be sentenced in February.

As Zambada entered the witness box and sat down, observers report a nod of recognition between Zambada and Chapo, and a smile.

News outlets uniformly reported something about Zambada’s looks.  Saying his appearance hasn’t changed since his arrest, and that he was handsome and articulate. 

Then it was down to the business of testifying.
He began his narrative, speaking of Chapo teaming up with El Mayo in the late 80s, Chapo's fleeing Mexico to Guatemala in 93, after authorities were hunting him down in connection to the murder of Cardinal Ocampo. Chapo’s subsequent arrest in Guatemala and his imprisonment in Mexico. and his famous first prison escape, in a laundry cart, in 2001.

Zambada testifies that "Chapo" told him that the man in charge of the laundry at the federal prison in Jalisco, a guy named Chito, [Francisco Javier Camberos Rivera] hid him under a load of dirty sheets and blankets.

He then explained Chapo’s account of how he counted the click of each of the checkpoint doors he passed through to count how many remained until freedom.

"When Chito let the cart loose to talk to a policeman, Chapo told him that he was in fear of the cart toppling over, he laughed at the memory of what could have happened if the cart had been turned over.” Today, Chito is still confined to a maximum security prison number 8  in Guasave, Sinaloa

He recounted at time when he was in the room as a trafficker was giving his father, El Mayo, a sales pitch with respect to trafficking cocaine by train to Chicago and when Chapo asked permission to assassinate a rival, Rodolfo Carrillo Fuentes.

Zambada also testified that when Chapo was on the run, hiding in the Sierra’s after the escape, that Chapo would share stories with him.  Including how Chapo once tried to murder rival, Ramon Arellano Felix, at a Puerto Vallarta night club.

The plan to spring Arturo Guzman out of Altiplano

Something not testified to before, was a story about the brother of Chapo, Arturo aka El Pollo. [below left]

When Pollo was arrested he was in Altiplano prison, the same prison Chapo would later tunnel out of, when Vicente hatched a plan to break him out. The plan was to fly a helicopter over the yard and drop a rope with a large "steel bubble". Arturo could climb inside and avoid being shot as the helicopter exited the prison yard.

However, before the plan could be executed, Arturo was murdered. Zambada says the killers were they Vicente Carrillo Fuentes and Benjamin Arellano Felix, Chapo’s archenemies.

Zambada testified that the AFO and Chapo conflict began in 1988, when Ramon Arellano Felix shot and killed one of Chapo's friends, Armando Lopez, at a birthday party for Mayo Zambada. Chapo's conflict with the Carrillo Fuentes began in 2003 because Rodolfo Carrillo Fuentes was mistreating, even killing, some of Chapo's people in a town near Culiacan.

Zambada claims that in both wars, he was a part of the peace negotiation teams, attempting to quell fighting and killings. Both times he failed.  Apparently, he was trying to establish how involved he was.  Remember he was born in 1975.

He was often his father's messenger, flying in private jets, wherever necessary in Mexico in delivering messages from his father.

He says he personally took part in a meeting in the Sinaloa mountains with cartel leaders, representatives of Pemex, [Mexico national oil company] and representatives for unnamed "high level politicians.”

The deal on the table: Shipping one hundred tons of cocaine in an oil tanker vessel owned by Pemex.

Additional corruption:  

Zambada, declared that his father, had on his payroll to the tune of 50k per month, Humberto Eduardo Antimo Miranda, [name not given in testimony] senior official of the Secretariat of National Defense ( Sedena) during the administration of Felipe Calderon, and the personal escort of former President Vicente Fox, Colonel Marco Antonio de León Adams.

He recounted a meeting that his father had at the beginning of 2007 with General Humberto Eduardo Antimo Miranda, at that time senior officer of the Sedena.

"I took General Antimo to Culiacán to meet my father, he was a general, a senior official of the Ministry of Defense," Zambada said.

"There were rumors that other generals were being paid to be at the service of Arturo Beltran Leyva, Los Zetas and Carrillo Fuentes," said Zambada.

"General Antimo told my father that Arturo, Los Zetas and Carrillo Fuentes were looking for other generals to ask them to go against my father, and Chapo.

He says that in the alleged meeting in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Antimo Miranda, general of the diplomatic division of the General Staff (EMP), told him that he and other generals had decided that they would be on the side of El Mayo and El Chapo.

Zambada: He told my father that he would warn him of any information about Arturo, Los Zetas and Carrillo Fuentes. My father told him that I would give him a monthly payment. He then gave him a payment of 50k and he would then receive $ 50,000 a month thereafter.

El Chiclet

Chiclet Adams
Coronel Marco Antonio de Leon Adams, aka El Chiclet, was El Mayo's personal spy, passing sensitive info to the trafficker. An example: Adams told El Mayo and Chapo the deployment of forces sent to capture Chapo after he escaped from prison in 2001.

"When we talked about him on the radio or on the phone, we said 'El Chicle' --- because in Mexico there was a brand of Chicles Adams (Chiclets Adams)," he explained.

Zambada explained how Colonel De León Adams was involved in a rescue of Chapo.  He claimed that is was due to information given to them by El Chicle they safely removed Chapo from Tepic, Nayarit, aboard a helicopter owned by him, and flew him to Culiacan.

Zambada says his father’s monthly payouts to authorities totaled about $1 million.

Below click to enlarge---interesting portion of VZN’s plea agreement,  where he agrees to delay sentencing until AFTER the conclusion of his cooperation. 

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  1. He is basically telling on the government, not Chapo. He knows what he is doing

  2. 100 tons of coke equals 1 million kilos of coke. Deal would of been worth in the billions of dollars. In the end, the traffickers get locked up or killed and the real crooks the politicians get to live a posh life.

    1. So is those corrupt politicians who should be extradited an given lengthy sentence

    2. 1 ton is 907kg...

    3. Thats 100 thousand kilos mate...

    4. yeah it would be a 100 thousand not a million you got ur math wrong 803

    5. Depends if you are using the metric scale.

    6. Ralph that would include 🇺🇸 federal agents as well, we don’t want that.

    7. Like 10:16 said....its 100,000.

  3. I was surprised at the interactions that journalists described. The fact that they smiled and nodded at each other a few times shows there might be some affection there after all.

    I’m happy for VZN. I wasn’t surprised when they said he’s handsome, i however was surprised when they said he was articulate and well spoken. 👍🏻 I hope he takes advantage of his second opportunity to be with his family. Though I feel it’s so weird that everything has worked so well for him. Have the other CW’s families arrived to the US already as well?

    1. The plan is for chapo to get over 100 years behind bars and VZ to be released to turn in his dad. I agree it’s a great plan

    2. That could be but I find it so hard to believe that someone could want to turn in their own father...

    3. Have you seen the Godfather when Fredo gets whacked by his own brother for betraying the family. I think that will happen to this guy. Soplon

    4. @ 5:55 en Mexico el padre vale madre

    5. 6:48 no I have never watched The Godfather (even tho its my parents’ fave movie!). He has more brothers besides the young one who was in jail here in the US?

  4. Very interesting! I read the entire article. It would be exciting to be attending that trial. $50,000 per month! and generals! 100 tons of cocaine in a Pemex tanker so crazy

    1. 50k a month to crooked law men is minor league. Arellano Felix clan was paying 1 million a week to bribe military and all branches of government back in their heyday.

    2. And that was way more money back then.

  5. His handsome? Thats some hoe shit right there lol. If my daughter brought a handsome mexican drug lords kid as her date to my house ill beat the shit out her on the spot.

    1. Well we should hand you the father of the year award right now lol

    2. 8:55 And shell run away saying how cruel and miserable you are. And in 5-10 years show up at your doorstep with 4 kids and no money and say, dad you were right please let me in. And then you will spend 30% of youre income to support the loser.

    3. if you could, would you beat the drug lord's kid?

  6. Que guapo dejenlo libre y encierren al feo de el mencho fuchi.
    -todas las BB

    1. Everyone saying how handsome he is are guys from sinaloa

    2. Las jaliscas son conocidas por esas mañas mi valedor.

    3. Hay que putas somos los culichis.

    4. nope reporters from the U.S. said he was

    5. esta hermoso y el mencho tambien con ese bigote chocomilero me encanta.

  7. Has 50 cent nostrils

    1. Michael Jackson’s piglet nose

    2. Don't be such a hater vato.

    3. Haha lol that’s funny. It’s from all that dope he was snorting.

  8. VZN is going to be out soon, right?

    1. Will he be posting to his IG?

    2. 1:10 😂😂😂

    3. He will be sentenced minimum jail time, (10 yrs...) will be time served........ will receive witness protection...... will get to keep sum cash, not to mention what the DEA, paid him.... like the Flores brothers..... played his cards right...........

    4. exactly my thoughts ...but could be 15

  9. This is a movie it looks like al this was planed years ago everything they are talking about EVERYONE KNOWS

  10. I doubt he will throw chapo under the bus since his dad el mayo is also in the game n could bring a lot of heat on him...most likely he will do what chapo is doing just bring up officials names n corrupted politicians

    1. It’s no wonder the United States government has Sinaloa on lock, the hillbillies can’t think for them selves. When VZ is released he will turn in his dad as part of his plea deal.

    2. within 2 hrs he sated he heard chapo setting up a killing....

      HIS sentence depends on the stuff he says about chapo. read the last image i posted here

    3. We are yet to see Gringo politicians get arrested

    4. If thats what you expect,you will be waiting until the cows come home

  11. I heard a story about that pemex deal
    Aparently they fuck zambada up and now they fucking up pemex via the huachiculeros

  12. His testimony in the end will help El Chapo! Chapo knew one day he would get captured and knew there would be testimonies. Vincintillo is taking the question of who is the supreme leader by saying its El Mayo. Chapo will be feee in 15 yrs.

    1. 15 years? In your dreams.
      Chapo is done. All those years on the American radar will give him life.
      Bad blood between the US government and this fool. We all know you can't win against the government. If anything has lucky he's not in Guantanamo bay.
      As for all those testimonies and sweet deals given to by US authorities is still baffling. Rather, a disgust to allow the same parasitic species to get away with a slap on the wrist.

      But hey that's government workings for you. They cry justice for drug pushers while exonerating some.
      What hypocrites!

    2. he already said his sentence in feb depends what his testimony is, so I am thinking 10 years with good time is about 8.6 years with time served ---even if they don't count mexico---HE IS OUT. plus he already paid over a billion dollars as part of the deal.

      however they may want to give him a little more time like the 15 years. that would mean a little more than 4 years. he is very young and i don't think he is a narco monster. this deal doesn't make me crazy like the others.

  13. Pollo Guzmán rescue plan sounds dope asf

    1. An american escaped a Mexican prison in the 60's via an oldschool Bell bubble top helicopter. BB published a story on it. Dope

    2. Chente has charisma no doubt about it. Chino Antrax tried to copy his swag but failed. Vicente had the ability to relate to everyone in the cartel. Be it the millionaire capos to the farmers to the hitmen. People don't really know but he was known to want to be with the action. Side by side with his gunmen this fool would roll not like other dudes in his position who are more careful.

  14. So is Humberto Eduardo Antimo Miranda in jail or wanted?

  15. All this snitching is embarrassing I use to be a hardcore Sinaloa groupie listening to their corridos. I don't know what I'm gonna do with all their music,it's all lies. At least I can still look up to Los chapitos aka Los menores their my heroes.
    CDS fanboy.

    1. Michoacanos are known haters. They can never give a compliment or a nod even if they know its deserving. Por eso Michoacan esta como esta. No solidarity, pura envidia en ese estado. Don't believe me, then explain how the viagras, the templarios, CJNG, la Familia and the autodefensas all feud and fight... Again, you just hate because it's what Michoacanos do. Your parents brought you up that way, just like their parents brought them up that way, just like you're going to teach your kids. Pura envidia...

    2. I'm from Sinaloa and I think nothing like you. Smh.

    3. Never be a fanboy of anything. Everything you ever thought was true is a plot to get to your pockets. Get to work playboy, plow your own lane.

    4. @2:28 gracias what this board def needs most is lots more CDS fanboys. Don't you have anything nasty to say about CJNG, michoacano's, etc? Prove your loyalty

    5. Suggest you analyze what a hero really is. Your philosophy of life is screwed up. Heroes are those who contribute and place oneself second to others. Moreover, not contributing to societies diseases.

    6. Lol calm down do not your chonnies in a bunch. You sound like them cumbia bumping michochango chilango

  16. This is all apart of the plan chapo knows he is never coming home he cut a deal with the Mexican government to let his sons take over thats y he hasnt implicated any high level officials or bankers who launders his money as for vzn he is doing what he was told to do he will b bak n Mexico taking over for his father n less than 5 years maybe even after the trial is over this is chapo n mayo retirement plan

  17. Was Emma in court on Thursday and today?

  18. A million dollars a month for Mayo's guys? Amado was paying out $800 mil a year in protection...

    1. Both Amado and Benjamin Arellano were paying sand bags of cash every month for protection. Im talking about millions of dollars. I have a feeling that Cartel de Juarez and Cartel de Tijuana at thier height netted more cash than Sinaloa has ever dreamed of.

    2. Los Carrillos and Arellano's continue being from Sinaloa.

  19. Hmmm maybe they could ask him the address in Culiacan where the meeting took place. Ya never know who is living there now. alfredo
    El OJ

  20. Chivis en que prision está Vicente Zambada ? O cuales son su #inmate number

    1. he is in "witness protection" no information is provided.


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