Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, January 7, 2019

Shootouts in Reynosa-Rio Bravo, took down CDG plaza boss "El Wiskys"

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from VXT and Loba Indomable

More than 12 hours of shootings and clashes in reynosa with reports in the Colonies Puerta del Sol, South Jarachina, Puerta Grande, South Gate, Hacienda del Sol, Viaduct, Juarez 5, Arecas, Smart Citadina, Almaguer, Lopez Portillo, Loma Blanca and Lampacitos

Police authorities reported a series of shooting and persecution between armed civilians in the limits of Reynosa and Rio Bravo, unofficially leaving five criminals killed, including a Chief of the Gulf Cartel Square.

The situations of risk extended in the colonies Vamos Tamaulipas, Zenith, Fraccionamiento Campanario and Riveras of the Airport.  A truck was burned.

During the clashes it is said that Carlos González Escobar was killed alias "El Wiskys" of "Los Escorpiones" Chief of the Plaza del Cartel del Golfo in Nuevo Progreso.

"El Whiskys" allegedly ordered the execution of the two members of the "Los Norteños de Río Bravo" group.

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  1. Damn Carlitos Whiskies has been plaza boss in Nuevo Progreso for years now. Figured he was a Choco or Guero Cleofas type, just staying out of the Reynosa-Matamoros drama and stacking his cash. I guess even the old school guys are getting sucked into the non-stop leadership changes and infighting.

    1. He flipped, he was one of the first original metros. Could’ve probably been Reynosa boss but he didn’t wanna be in the spotlight.
      But this dude was no different than previous plaza bosses; extorting & kidnapping.

    2. Yeah, unfortunately these days “old school” only means that you’ve been in the game forever, not that you actually leave innocents alone.

    3. He was part of the Panteras decisded to leave to Matamoros after Pantera 11 fell and Metros started cleaning house by killing El Paramédico and Comandante Flaco.

  2. He died a horrible death!Good!

  3. This dude was in charge of supplying liqior to reynosa and its surroundings. Also kidnapping out of towners or any indivuals spending large amounts of cash in their clubs.

    Ya viejo y anda de caliente....

    Shout out Starr County

  4. Excellent another group of criminals dead.

  5. Los Escorpiones equipo suicida del Señor Tony Tormenta !

  6. And here in the United states of America gang violence kills many rivals everyday. All for turf like Mexico. Whether for business reasons or simply because of affiliation.

    Keep killing each other for all I care. I'm sure many here feel the same.

    1. A couple of gangbangers aint shit compared to 5 or 10 or 30 trucks full of armed men shooting it out on the streets. Across the border is like irak.

    2. Yeah the US and Mexico are the same when it come to cartels gangs kidnapping and safety... the us should just open the border fully for whoever wants to come across and leagalize drugs too so drogas can just be carried over thru tejas and given out like candy at all school parking lots...
      Drugs should be legal but praying is against the rules especially for the youths... let’s take away the right to bear arms as well so the criminals can kill more re easily and without fear of retaliation...since Mexico and the us are so much alike and all...

    3. 5:33 like Irak? lol no. Honestly, Oakland is a lot scarier than some "bad" areas in mexico and i, unlike you, travel there regularly.

    4. 9:57 - when I was in rehab there was this army special forces soldier who went on multiple combat deployments to the Middle East. He said he went on a ride along with his buddy(who's a cop). He said riding around in that cop car in Oakland with no firarm was scarier then any time he was in the Middle East... so yeah, Oakland is hood haha.


  7. Vieja escuela cdg

  8. No bodies were discovered in the cars, and even Loba is saying the reports of Carlitos Wiskys death were unconfirmed.

    1. Its deff not confirmed BB-chvis

  9. Escorpiones & Ciclones vs Metros

    1. Escorpiones & ciclones & metros VS metros...

  10. Help wanted: if u wany to die quick. Join these idiots and u will have 10 virgins waiting for u in hell

    1. hahha hilarious
      te falto 10 male virgins!
      lil cartel kids dying virgins

    2. Do not forget an afterlife suply if maruchanes. Maruchans are really important to these plague.

    3. That's ISIS. Wrong beliefs

    4. That was a bit racist. Surprised bb allowed this comment.
      Your implications of 10 virgins reflects the Muslim community. A factor why wars are still ongoing today. Reffernce to ideology.

    5. Nobody mentioned that the 10 virgins aren't women. Theyve been blowing themselves up and the only virgins they get are other morons that blew themselves up

    6. Racist @1207? Really?? Since when in the hell are muslims a race??? You sound like a typical liberal snowflake always trying to make everything about race, hatred, bigotry, homophobia, etc!!!! Being a liberal must be sooo exhausting always having to be offended about one thing or another!!!!

  11. Mexico Codigo Rojo says Carlitos Wiskys was killed by GAFES, but aren’t GAFES just called CFE or Army special forces corps these days? How much of Mexico Codigo Rojo’s stuff is reliable?


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