Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Up to 20 bodies found burned in Tamaulipas after clash between CDN and CDG

Mica for Borderland Beat Sources below

Federal and state elements found 19 burned bodies on a ranch in the border area of Tamaulipas.

Elements of the SEDENA locate between 17 and 20 bodies, at least 17 of them burned, 5 vehicles, incinerated in the vicinity of Refugio Hinojosa community of Miguel Aleman municipality.

At around 4:45 pm on Wednesday, the authorities also found five trucks at the scene. According to the first reports, the 19 burned bodies belonged to members of organized crime.

The Mexican Army today located about 20 corpses executed and burned in the municipality of Miguel Alemàn, Tamaulipas, reported media and social networks of that state in the north of the country.

According to reports, the massacre was due to the war allegedly sustained by the CDN and CDG cartels on the Tamaulipas border with the United States.

According to reliable sources of social networks, the killing was the result of an armed confrontation that took place last night in the municipality of Miguel Alemàn, until today when elements of the SEDENA discovered the burned bodies after a journey through gaps in the municipality described.

This conclusion was reached because they found evidence of a confrontation between the two antagonistic criminal groups.

The ongoing war between CDN and CDG is reportedly the cause of this clash.

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  1. Wow. What a scene that must have been.

    1. Nice work.... perhaps US officials should visit more often....that them were eliminated by Hawks....obviously cleared out west of Mcallen. Nice to give SEDENA a heads up.

  2. All this nonstop killings with no end

  3. What’s the point lol

    1. Lopez obrador is sending 400 mexican special forces and marines to TAMP. Those scicaro teenagers got no chance agnist these guys.

    2. Just another example of AMLO doing the opposite of what he said and deploying the military.


    3. AMLO is one of those Zs guys in this case CDN meaning he is gonna favor them but no one wants to believe Zacatecas is well known that monreal brothers have favored Zs in the past n guess what? Ricardo monreal is working very closely with AMLO...

  4. One guy has not foot

  5. Gente Nueva was in the area and took out these fake sicarios

    1. Calm down you wannabe,keep hiding in your mom's basement and trolling on bb,glad they blocked your fairy tale ass off of here.

    2. Forgot your handle sicario006

    3. This cds cheerleaders be on the net 24/7

    4. Sicario 006 in action

    5. Gente nueva dont enter tamaulipas or will turn into gente muerta.

    6. I love it, keep going Sicario 006

    7. Gente nueva????
      No Mamés

    8. Tamaulipas people seem to have alot more balls always having huge shootouts. They actually kill take each other unlike sinaloenses that only act out in their corridos. Lol

    9. Old school corrdios from tamualipas have said la gente del tamulipas no conocen el miedo, and how they always shoot it out

  6. Crazy as it looks. These guys deserved to die due to their involvement.

    No sympathy here.

    1. I don’t condone this, but when you see your kids starving to eat. Sometimes this is the only option they have. Nothing different than the 17-18 yr old that joined the military because he had no options...except fighting for different reasons. I’m guessing you never missed a meal...

    2. So not true 9:50! I have seen first hand people saying no to criminality and are impoverished. An example I recal the most, was a time when I went with my mentor and his group for a walk about among the cardboard shanties. People had migrated from veracruz and other places south. they collected cans and recyclables, did day work and anything legal to survive, while trying to get employment at the maquillas or other places as southern states had no work.

      I recall a family living in an abandon school bus, no heat, electricity, running water and they considered themselves lucky. they made plaster of paris artifacts next to the bus and sold them at the U.S. POE. we gave out bags of food or "pantries' and something for the children living in the shanties. The bus people said to give theirs to others less fortunate.

      can you imagine? they felt so fortunate they were thinking of others less than. I will never forget that experience.

      saying there is no choice is bullshit.

    3. I respect your point, but this area is where my family is from. La rancherada de M.A. I have property right on Hwy 5 that takes you into Nuevo León. I remember growing up as a kid when my parents would take us, in the middle of the night a gang of small children would jump out in the middle of the road and ask for money. It was a real deserted and dark road, it’s paved now. It was almost a scary site. They were all from one little rancho outside of “el nogalito” I’m talking back in the late 80’s early 90’s. Long story short, last I heard about them, one of them became a big timer in the area. I think it all depends on your environment and the ppl you’re expose to. In the last decade there has been an influx of ppl from other parts of Mexico to move into that area. We call them “carboneros” they make coal out of mezquite. Well guess who employs these ppl? Drug traffickers. They build their fences, feed cattle, build houses, etc. It’s work but some tend to lean towards joining the drug trade because they want more. A means to an end...everyone has their personal point of view and we can go back and forth all day. At the end we don’t know what these ppl further south of the border are expose to or what they’re tired of. Too bad it comes with a price...

    4. @9:50 How can you feed your family if you get locked up or dug in a grave?

    5. Well said chivis this is one of the reasons i love you. We were poor but honest, had many "opprtunities" to change that but stay eating beans and fideos de la conasupo.

    6. Get'em Chivis. Everybody has a choice.

    7. Cartels grab teens and young adult males off the street and force them to become sicarios. Particularly the Zetas.

      Many many who do work for the cartel are innocents. They have no choice, the cartels will simply kill their families if they don't comply. There are no winners ever in cartel land. Everyone ends up dead or in prison, with very few exceptions. Maybe Azul died free and Perhaps Mayo will, but perhaps not.

    8. Well said Chivis.

    9. I should clarify. I wrote this on the fly. There are circumstances where a person doesn't have a choice to collude in criminality, that is the old Silver or Lead proposal., BUT those people almost always have something cartels want, and not the average impoverished citizen. it is those people I speak of. There are choices, I have seen first hand up close and personal. I have spoken to them, documented their stories and worked to help them access food and medical. I wish I could post a foto a a little girl from the shanties. Her face of happiness says it all. A mindset, undefeated, hopeful.

      Those are my thoughts. and to the person who said i never lived in those conditions, that is very true, but my grandparents, my fathers parents did, and they busted their asses to give hope to their children and grandchildren. Eventually coming to America and working 12 hr days in the farm fields of california's central valley---and always considered themselves fortunate to do so.

    10. All those comments does raise an ethical question?

      Question? Why does one engage in criminal activity?

    11. I disagree about cartels not needing the impoverished they could always use gunmen. Doesnt matter who you are or your situation they can always use bodys to throw at their enemies

  7. Your victories are pretty much all your own. Just as well as all your ugly losses. No one will ever experience those crazy surreal moments like you did. You who risked it all.
    - Sol Prendido

    1. Right on sol,i dig,crazy surreal moments of life,then ?

  8. The level of violence In the texas border is out of there. From juarez all the way down to Brownsville Texas is total trash

  9. Something isn’t right here. Hard to believe that 19 extremely well equipped team got destroyed like this. Where the crew that won had time to go burn everything. And why did they go burn everything? I don’t see why the winning clash members would burn their own bodies. More like take them and give to there family. So almost saying all 19 burnt bodies belonged to the same defeated crew. I would think this has military written all over it. I don’t know but something isn’t clear here.

    1. 10:13. Sometimes these topones involve more than 60 men. And a cordinator with some battle experience. Be it military deserter or just a cat that has been in the game for a while. These violent groups in that area see action on a daily baises. More so than some soldiers around the world. It is FUBAR in Tamaulipas.

    2. Look a little more closely at the photos my friend you’re on to something

    3. I was thinking the same. No way both groups went and burned the dead of the other. Due to prior stories i wouldn't doubt the military either.

    4. Just because they are well equipped doesn't mean they are well trained..

    5. Yes
      The mimitary in tamaulipas did this
      The ones who are in the payroll
      And they burned the bodies
      But if they examine that shit
      All the bodies will have shots i the back of the skull

    6. It was the military They are the ones that burn the evidence

    7. I be read from incidents were their own crew cut and burned their own dead sicarios.
      And it’s not that difficult to ambush those kids.

    8. You do make a point.

    9. Grenades and rocket launchers inflict this type of damage. It's very comon to see this in small towns. It happened in Hidalgo, Tamaulipas to the police and some sicarios. Tjey were left there for days. Kids walking to school would take pictures of the bodies and dogs would feed on them. Also once you shoot many times at a vehicle it can catch on fire.

    10. Me 10:13 again.
      Only reason I can think of burning everything is to attempt to hid or destroy evidence that the shots came from above. In a high caliber. Or make sure the bodies don’t start smelling the whole valley up or having animals eat rotting human flesh. I have a feeling these were American bullets.
      Mexican military would most likely have to pick up the bodies. Not just burn them.

    11. I think it was just a well coordinated ambush coming from one side. Everybody here acting like mexican cartels don’t have granade launchers bazookas and 50 cal weapons. I don’t know the specific area this happened but it seems like they were cornered and killed quick. Enemies had time to burn the trucks and bodies

  10. All those found dead are cdg

    1. That's what I was told too.

    2. They’re all primitos people

    3. I was about to ask what team they were on. Looks like it wasn't a very good day for them.

    4. Nope I follow, a cdg guy on IG these all belonged to cdn they got ambushed

    5. 2:00 ofcourse a golfita is going to defend his little fried up homeboys but everybody who really knows knows who they were, their little gf are on facebook crying that their bfs got killed

    6. @2:00am & 1:53pm

      It said on Twitter that it was Gente Nueva burning up CDS sicarios

    7. 1:53 pinche maruchero from cdn defending his trash friends

    8. @1:53 They where Norestas and Gulf too

    9. Pinche Cuazito Joto @ 1:53 defending His Nenitas Zorras Friend This was a Blattle For Turf and Both Side Gulf Cartel and Zetas Were Killed.

  11. 11:21 not true, Gente nueve came in and hit the armored cars with should propelled grenades. They proceeded to burn all the bodies with the assistance of the military so reporters could not distinguish between the two groups.. this area will be occupied by Cartel Unidos soon! Please don't believe me but Tams will be under senor sombrero (M)(Menores) soon. 💯 How about that one James bond 0006..

    1. Wow. You live in a fantasy world. Ut was the cops covering it up. To me it was justified.

  12. If they keep killong like this, in 20 yrs, Mexico will run out of people.

  13. I hear the zebra stripped camo pants make you more GAFE lmao.


  14. It appears that the burned up victims are all Metros and maybe the ones in the bushes were part of the ambush crew but CDN definitely won that fight and also seen that gernade launchers were used which will explain the cause of flames

  15. No que no hay gasolina.... quien los entiende?

  16. how did the bodies of both sides get burnt? only one side won the battle id assume, and they wouldn't burn the bodies of their own guys..

  17. Word in the Miguel Aleman is that a predator drone took these fellas out. Money can buy anything. Ever watch the movie lord of war with Nicholas Cage? El triple G

    1. Finally, someone makes sense considering the type of injuries.

  18. If the cartels kill each other off then would the people of Mexico stay in their own country?

    1. 5:10.
      Nope. Us the Mexican people love to travel like any other human. We are free sprints that like to site see and hate being indoors. So no. We will go where ever the fuck we please.

  19. Thats what and rpg does to an "armored" vehicle. The miguel aleman faction is loosing against the cdn from nuevo laredo and from matamoros on the other side. But this is cdn and their new ranking member el tory whom was the one that ordered the dismemberment of el rex's body. He's on the war path to gain cdn territory.

  20. how we know they are cdg?

  21. Who won cdn or cdg?

  22. Looks like their careers didn't last very long.

  23. Curious for sure. Pick the Victor's or the victims, what the heck?

  24. Dude in the Camos looks like his legs got run over his shit don't look right..

  25. 24 dead, 7 vehicles about time the US took care of this shit. The message is simple: get away from the border.

  26. Alot of sicarios are leaving this area. My guess is that the 200 sicarios that just arrived to reinforce Hidalgo, Tamaulipas a CDG stonrghold. They are there in support of El Comandante or "El Ingeniero" ELOY FLORES working in conjunction with the family of Octavio Leal Moncada and now DR. MIRELES and the "Autodefensa" group called "COLUMNA ARMADA PEDRO JOSE MENDEZ" Who early on in its inception reffered to themselves as an armed wing of the CDG. And just as I warned a while back the events taking place in this area are having it's effects in the state of Nuevo Leon were they have sent people to execute former members. Those kicked out have been sending weapons, ammunition and information to an opposing group headed by "El Jaivo" who lives in an ejido (a sort of shire) that is constantly being attacked by the CDG. Members of the group includes the town mayor,congresswoman and everyone on the town's payroll. They are taking peoples properties away and completing the paperwork with the help of a local attorney working out of CD. VICTORIA named Juan Contreras. As I predicted last time there will be more people hunted down in Nuevo Leon, and even Texas as the hunt for exmembers, members, and their families of these "Columna Armada Pedro Jose Mendez" family members are becoming targets. As well as buses traveling through the strech of road headed to Monterrey. These are a target as the only way to get the news out to the Mexican peoples is to engage the buses with assault rifles from the side of the road so they can come out on the news and the army will come to help them. So keep an eye out for that. It!s a strategy that Eloy Flores employed in the past when they where fighting the Zetas and they used the army to fight against their enemies.
    I hope there are no inoccent casualties. But as long as they grow marijuana in that region and the road links to Allende Nuevo Leon a transportation hub of sort used by them. There is much going on in this town and the ripples will continue to be felt as long as the government doesn't step in. The Leader of the Reynosa Faction of the CDG has homes and hundreds if not thousands of hectares in this town. Without counting the properties they were stolen including his own sister's land. This town should peak the interest of anyone trying to fight organized crime or report on it. I would like it if Borderland Beat could do their own investigation and release their findings. Perhaps this can help shed light on the severity of the situation. -El Tomaseño

    1. This was in the Ribereña área Willy stop saying non sense Noresta.


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