Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Zacatecas/Fresnillo: Four Young Men Found Executed at Roadside

 Oaxaqueño For Borderland Beat

Early on Tuesday morning at around 03:30 hrs, emergency services were informed about the presence of several corpses at the side of the road connecting the municipalities of Fresnillo and Bañón. Arriving security forces then found the corpses of four young men at the height of the community of Santiaguillo, located some 22 kilometers east of Fresnillo, along with a narcomensaje. Although the narcomensaje was signed by a criminal group reportedly active in the area, it has not been revealed by which one. The victims showed signs of torture and a bullet wound to the head (coup de grâce).

Oaxaqueño Analysis:

This incident comes just four days after the corpse of another man showing bullet wounds was found at the side of the road at the height of Santiaguillo last Friday. However, a possible connection to the latest multiple executions has not been established so far. Taking the general very high number of violent incidents in and around Fresnillo into consideration, this can also just be “coincidence”. According to an official report, Fresnillo ranked at position 17 when it comes to municipalities across Mexico with most homicides in 2017. In addition to that, a recent survey conducted by the National Survey of Urban Public Safety in September 2018 found out that a staggering 90.8% of Fresnillo’s population consider living in the city as unsafe (5th rank across Mexico; average is 74.9%).

Although the perpetrators behind the latest killings have not been determined so far, the incident can be attributed to the ongoing struggle of criminal cells active in the region. These include cells of CDG and the Zetas, namely CDN and Los Talibanes. In a report from May 2018 about the groups which are competing for the control of a prison (CERESO de Cieneguillas) located outside of Zacatecas, it was explicitly mentioned that besides CDG, CDN and Los Talibanes, there are also inmates affiliated to Los Zetas (indicating they are neither affiliated to CDN nor Los Talibanes. This highlights the apparent high number of different cells operating in the region what explains to some extent the level of violence. Against this background, further such executions can be expected to appear in and around Fresnillo in the near future.

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  1. Thats my familys hometown

    1. Tell your family to move, they are in danger, the cartel is taking over.

  2. Puro huejuquilla el alto mommas desde nevada

  3. Fresnillo and its surronding areas has alot of silver in its lands its the leading producer in all of mexico and i think the world too as they say down therw. All this violence is done on purpose by the government. The town is not that big for armed criminals to be getting away with all this violence same with zacatecas and trancoso.

    1. 1:18 well it was a mess when the dirt bags of monreal brothers were in power bunch of thiefs n murderers n now got worst with the new municipal president that if im not mistaking is a monreal with the morena party

    2. My anstors worked those mines in ZAC. During the mexican revolutions alot of those mines got hit by Villas people. So yeah history repeats its self.

      Now as far as i know these mining corp. donate huge amounts of cash to politcans in the surrding areas in ZAC.

    3. 9:26 exactly n is because of those big donations to corrupt politicians those companies are still there

    4. Mexico has three of the largest silver deposits in the world more than any other country, in terms of reserves: Fresnillo, Pitarilla, and Penasquito, with latter being the largest, I think it’s surprising that we don’t hear more crime associated with these mines...They would seem to make the perfect target for the cartels

  4. Los Escorpiones del SR Tony Tormenta will start a cleaning of Zetas very shortly.

    1. Exactly just like there doing with metros.
      Honestly Z are dying out, most are joining CDN and ZVE is nearly extint.

    2. Wrong Veracruz is mostly Zve 35z

  5. Is F1 el panchito still around?

    1. Captured by federal police and SEDENA in Nayarit in December 2017, but who knows, could have been released on a technicality by now. F1 was arrested on organized crime and kidnapping charges (kidnapping charges tend to result in the longest sentences in Mexico, with defendants sometimes getting 80 years)

    2. 5:47 I believe he got arrested not too long ago.

    3. He was captured in nayarit 2 years ago but I read hes free

    4. He’s from my hometown, Jalpa. His family act like they own the town

  6. I remember years ago carillos people use to roam in ZAC and supposdly he had a hide out in that state.

    1. True..MZ took over his territory.Right up until 07/08,it was still his.

    2. Theres a corrido to Amado Carillo Fuentes by Los Zifaros del Norte which states that he was born in Zacatecas. Can anyone confirm or deny?

    3. Thank you for covering Zacatecas BB we hardly ever get any coverage of it

  7. My family is from the area and I just passed through there two days ago going from Zacatecas to a ranch in the northern part of the state. Felt very safe in Zacatecas, was partying all over the historic center all night and had a blast at club eden. Even in the remote ranch (less then 300 habitants) where my family lives close to Nieves and the border of Durango felt very safe, despite there being zero police presence. My aunt who lives in Rio Grande said only those involved are getting killed. No te metes y estás bien.

  8. Carrillo was born to Walter Vicente Carrillo Vega and Aurora Fuentes in Guamuchilito, Navolato, Sinaloa, Mexico. He had eleven siblings. Carillo was the nephew of Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, also known as "Don Neto", the Guadalajara Cartel leader. Amado got his start in the drug business under the tutelage of his uncle Ernesto and later brought in his brothers, and eventually his son Vicente José Carrillo Leyva.

    Carrillo's father died in April 1986. Carillo's brother, Cipriano Carrillo Fuentes, died in 1989 under mysterious circumstances.

  9. What’s going on in fresnillo is cdg and cdn ... the cdg have the more control over the cdn hands down ..cdn are very sloppy and do not respect anything , Its very personal what’s going on between cdg and cdn

  10. Its simple , cdg vs cdn period .. zetas and talibanes are not pushing anything against cdg or cdn ... it’s a war that’s out of control ,cdn are sloppy and cdg want to control everything with out using money and forcing ppl to work for them , cdg are from Zacatecas and cdn aré entering from other states ...

    1. In some areas of zacatecas one small towns thugs are talibanes and another towns group of thugs are cdg. Bunch of punks who both are extorting their own civilians to feed their addiction most of them are coke head, meth heads. Viciosos que ya no tienen llenadera. But both claim they are the good guys.

  11. Zacatecas was always a very peaceful state. These outsiders ruined everything.


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