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Thursday, February 7, 2019

Guaymas Sonora:Francisco Javier Fourcade, narcocorridos singer executed

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat thank you BB follower

The Mexican Francisco Javier Fourcade Romo was found dead in a Guaymas (Sonora) Mexico canal.

Fourcade Romo, 24, was popular as a singer and songwriter of narcocorridos.

According to Mexican media such as Vanguardia and El Universal, the events occurred after a vehicle-to-vehicle attack was reported on the night of February 4.

In the car Diego "N" also traveled,  who was driving the blue vehicle and who was also a fatal victim. Fourcade Romo was a passenger, but he did not die during the initial attack.

Hours later his body was located in a canal.

Below is a video of 2 years ago with the singer and the late Pirata from Fourcade's IG


  1. Rumor has it that he worked for the Viagra's laundering their money and receiving their drug shipments before they went north. They probably stopped paying piso to move the product north and ended up getting whacked.

  2. He sang for cds, big mistake. All corrido singers are getting killed or threatened. That's like the fourth one from Sonora that got smoked and they all sang for cds. Tito torbelino, this guy, elizalde and I forgot the other. STICK TO SINGING ROMANTIC SONGS DUMMIES!!!

    1. All? Hahaha
      3 or r
      In 2 decades

    2. Sergio Vega the other Sonorense sang for the Beltran Leyva.

    3. Yup it’s better to sing to a bunch of borrachos than narcos. Especially at 24. Why get himself into the narco world ✋🏻😪

    4. Yes ALL corrido singers got threatened by rival cartels. All corridos do is boast of how brave,tough, smart and powerful they are (mainly cds) later they get caught and sing like canaries in trial lmfaoo

      Gerardo ortiz got kidnapped in michoacan
      Larry Hernandez got threatened to stop his nonsense about cds and now he's scared to go to Mexico
      Los curates de Sinaloa got shot up at Sinaloa when they went ty o preform there. They sing for cds too
      There is a big list I could keep going

    5. 700 it was Colima

    6. 7:00 roberto tapia got fake kidnapped in tweekerchoacan not gerardo ortiz dumbass

    7. Larry never got threatened, check your sources, he got threatened for a corrido he wrote long ago, left to sing for the Arellanos in tj (mas vale cholo song) , Manuel Torres fixed his problems, then he went back and blew up, now he is just semi retired and doesn't have the same following, his music got out dated

    8. Your right it was Robert tapia, same shit. Roberto tapia, larry Hernandez and Gerardo ortiz are like the same people. They ala sing about the same CDs people except roberto tapia sings to michoacanos too. You know when he went to michoacan they told him to NOT sing cds corridos else he was going to get smoked. He listened unlike elizalde on a zeta plaza who played the forbidden corrido and got shot up.. 2:02 everyone knows larry got threatened, it was all over the news and that's why he's all quiet and respectful now lol before that he thought he was untouchable and bad ass until he got checked lol cds hate the FACTS

  3. He just confirmed it wasnt him on his Instagram, click on his profile above to see the post

    1. Eso lo puso el 7 de enero. Lo acribillaron hace unos dias en su ciudad natal de guaymas, sonora.

    2. @10:06 look at the date January 7, that was because there was a story saying he was kidnapped. Now we’re talking a month later, he’s dead

    3. you are conflating two separate incidents

  4. Damn, these narcocorridos singers get taken out left and right. I wouldn't even want to sing about the narcos if that was my profession

  5. Idk what's with these feminine dudes.

  6. Si vieron canta el corridazo del compa 06

  7. He sings like shit...I rather listen to Elmo sing a lullaby.

  8. Never heard of him...popular maybe in sonora.

    1. No Elmo is famous in USA, he does not sing Narco Trance music

  9. Please take this story off ,this guy is still alive

  10. He'll die now due to the publicity

  11. These guys get a little bit of fame and money and then think they are straight bad ass. Then the fortune teller shows up

  12. Chivis tambien hace unos dias en culiacan mataron al cantante del grupo , Los de la B .Jorge Abraham Gutierrez Cazares .8 tiros

  13. Pura gente del compa 6. Sonora tiene dueńo


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