Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Mexico says they and U.S.have been investigating the kidnapping and torture of U.S. photographer

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Kidnapped photographer John Sevigny

“Tu Fren” [my buddy] sent this in with respect to the post titled “ Veracruz A photographer kidnapped and Tortured in Mexico, part one”

“AG confirms they are investigating and have received a request from the US, through the FBI, to help in the investigation”

1.  In regards to information circulating in various media and social media networks, about the case of the American citizen John Sevigny, in which he states there is no investigation in relation to the events where he was a victim: Presumably the events occurred in the city of Cordoba Veracruz, o January 8th and 9th of this year.  Also claiming that there is no coordination between the U.S. and Mexico for investigating the facts and clarification.

The attorney general of Veracruz has in fact began an investigation.

2.  Oh January 28, 2019 the Embassy of the United States, sent an official communication to the Attorney General of the State in reaction to “The investigation of the kidnapping of John Matthew Sevigny”.  

Within the communication the U.S. authorities indicate that “Sevigny warned that he and Lupita “V” were kidnapped in the city of Cordoba, Veracruz on January 8th, attaching the official report of the case.

They requested the support of the Attorney General into the investigation.  The communication is signed by the Acting Legal Attaché of the Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI]

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  1. I'm reserving judgement on this episode. Seems to me, all considered they defied all odds by being released. Not suggesting anything but this story is pretty much sideways. More facts are needed and an investigation will shine more light.

    1. How and why were they released? I remember something about mistaken identity regarding a Carlos, said people were being executed/shot. Unless a ransom was paid as I'm sure they wanted something to free them

    2. I agree. Something doesn’t seem right about this story. I’m confused as to why after all that torture they’d let him go- mistaken identity or not.

    3. Would it have been easier to kill them rather than release them?

  2. Corrido singer Alejandro Villa gunned down earlier this week. Any news?

  3. Endless investigations over endless crimes. There will literally be hundreds more kidnappings by the time this incident is investigated and wrapped up. He's lucky he's still alive.

  4. He was never kidnapped he is just a very good story writer, he makes things up, he could probably write a movie if he wanted to , I know for a fact it's all made up , too much info and details,he would not be here today if all that happend , phoney! Ok thanks have a great night

  5. Who cares he was released and made it back home safe. What about all the deaths and innocent victims investigate that..... by the way I am an American and do go to Mexico tamaulipas every weekend..... my opinion

  6. He might be telling the truth. It just doesn't feel that way. As they say, honesty is the most important thing in life. Once you can fake that, you have a leg up.

  7. Where are the bruised and bloody pictures of the aftermath? I googled his name and not one shows up. With the current debate on border security, US news media would be headlining this story. A professional photographer would know those pictures would possibly make as much of an impact as the article itself. Especially since he specializes in capturing the struggles of the citizens of those countries. So why not show that? I dunno, something is fishy I think.

    1. This is fresh news, happened in January 2019, that's why it's not in Google yet, perhaps you are trying to say it's fake news, you need to see more in a cooler?

    2. @How would they headline the story if he didn't tell anybody, and only now, when he feels safe, he tells a specific source? I google my name and fuck all comes up. Must have fucking imagined it

  8. I can foresee, as it predictable...the local police, will gather a criminal group of buracohos, and pin it on them, of the kidnapping.

  9. Lies, lies,lies, yeah!

    1. He might be a spook (intelligence agency operative)

  10. @Everybody. Fuck the lot of you. Every comment is so dumb it makes me want to weep. Where is the live video? Where is the battered and bruised body? Where is the blanket, saying we just grabbed a gringo? Fuck the lot of you.


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