Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, February 4, 2019

Monterrey Nuevo Leon: CDN leaves body parts and messages near prisons

Sol Prendido for Borderland Beat from Letra Roja

Mexico. This morning, coolers containing human remains were found next to a message signed by the Northwest Cartel (CDN), near the Apodaca and Topo Chico penitentiaries in Monterrey.

The coolers were tied with blue tape and next to them there were two white cards with narco messages:
Padrino Huesos (Godfather Bones)
This happened to me for continuing to roll to with my dad Farts. And having turncoat with the Matamoros Golfas (bitches). Don’t follow those in charge of the prisons people. Otherwise, this will happen to them when they leave. If this happened to this asshole who was their lieutenant just imagine what awaits you when you leave? I also take this opportunity to remind you all the ministerials and Civil forces to no longer surround yourselves with these assholes, those who collaborate with Pelón Pedorro (Bald Farter). Stop fucking around and align yourselves with us. Go and leave that agreement that was asked of you where you already knew what was discussed. And we will stop the slaughter. You decide if we continue. Or we can once again start over once you are ready to be frank. First and last time you will be given the opportunity to align yourselves with us. 
Sincerely , Operative CDN ( Northeastern Cartel)
Warning, Extremely graphic video images of dismemberment on following page no further text

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  1. The atrocity continues, looking at these images, no matter who it is, who it was, what they did I always stop and think “that was someone’s baby once”.
    That person there dismembered was in a woman’s belly, carried for nine or so months, loved or not, but that was a person. Someone turned them into pieces of meat.
    I thank God that person cannot feel pain anymore and hope that whoever did that to them is brought to justice.

    - Güera Loca

    1. Yet u call yourself guera loca. The irony

    2. In Mexico if they are brought to justice, they let them out in a few days, after the bribed the system. It's best to do vigilante on them, kill them before they kill more of your relatives.


    3. It’s the USA z fault bc they do drugs,
      Mexicans just need an excuse to do this

    4. @6:48
      What can I say, I’m a crazy blonde with a heart.

    5. Guera. With the exception of those unfortunate to be forced to work as slaves for the Cartels, Some of these “once babys” grew up to be Evil Incarnate.

      Who knows what the the innocent Tatooed angel (I’m being sarcastic) did.

      I heard a saying. “You will die as you have lived.” Maybe the Tatooed guy is in even more pain 🔥


  2. What's a guy to do?Probably nothing.If he switches sides that might be just for an easy capture before dismemberment and if he doesn't then he needs to get captured 1st.

  3. All chingones, they'll see where they're fucking up and why others are putting them in categories with terrorists. Once that happens these so called badasses will wonder wtf.

  4. If I were part of those groups I would always carry a cyanide pill and take it as soon as I got caught by a rival cartel. Better than having to live through the pain of dismemberment.

    1. They prolly still dismember u and put make up in your mouth among other things like your genitals. This is done to humiliate u after u are dead, to show your love ones one last image of you they wont forget. Fkn savage these people are NOT to be considered human and killed like rabid dogs o yeah and f@#k CNDH or derechos humanos

    2. Hitler's army did that, if captured they take the easy way out, with the pill.

    3. Even 40 said, if they catch you, you better kill your self before they do...

    4. Atleast I wouldn’t feel shit. I don’t care what they would do after as long as I’m dead and can’t feel anything.

  5. Cdn is taking over man they are gonna be number one cartel in mexico biggest threat to cjng without doubt and they have loyal followers no in fighting and the best plaza in Mexico Grupo bravo should never have split them they would have been unstoppable

  6. The ugly modern day altars of sacrifice. That’s what I’m looking at here. And it’s right there in plain sight for everyone to see. You have to know what’s there before you, those esoteric matters, in order to understand it. It’s not just simple murder we’re seeing here. It’s also a ritual, an actual ancient ritual that has existed for eons, as old as the sands of time. Remember I mentioned how everything just repeats itself? Well, Borderland Beat is a rostrum of video and picture history for you,stuck on repeat for the whole world to see. Use to be only a limited amount of people could see these things. But now those images are beamed around the world for anyone to watch, at any given time, in any given setting. In biblical terms there really isn’t anything new under the sun. There really isn’t. Whatever is happening today actually already happened thousands of years ago. And across the oceans of time everything is constantly just repeating itself. Take for instance how today is a copy of yesterday. Which in turn is just another copy of the day before. And so on and so on. I can’t remember where exactly I heard those words. But I did. Those words are just there lodged deep within the memory banks of my mind. And as weird as it may sound it seems like we’re pretty much locked in for all the stories we shall ever live or want to live. Mostly that applies for those of us who are living good lives, the fortunate ones. But for the unfortunate I feel for you, I really do. To me you’re nothing more than pregnant turtles 🐢🐢 going through life. Low and slow. Low and ever so fucking slow. Sometimes I’ll even go so far as to believe that you’re not just pregnant turtles. But that you’re also pregnant turtles flipped upside down. And that you’re actually waiting for someone to come along and flip you the fuck over. So that you can move forward with progress. But how can I help you if you don’t want to listen, or is that your destiny being fulfilled because of some horrible deranged curse that I just can’t seem to break? I’m starting to think that if you read all these horror stories long enough. You start to believe that all the narratives we’ll ever read about are all the same. If you’re really paying attention you’ll notice that it’s just the characters that change, the characters that change, the characters that change... - Sol Prendido

    1. Seems like Mexico has a lot of turtles that need flipped over.

    2. Turtle soup supposed to be nice,ohh the humanity,how we love one another,flip me up before you go go,the horror,the horror

  7. Trash taking out trash, sounds good to me.

  8. Señor Ismael,Mencho or someone else will try to win CDN plaza if CDN has big war.

    Like a BB person write - just saying.

    1. Mencho is already there fighting CDN, mayo would shit his pants going to tamaulipas, he's not even trying to help marro against cjng. Sinaloa is not hardcore like they claim in their corridos

  9. Gotta love the OXXO cooler 😂

    1. I thought I was the only one in awe of the cooler lol

    2. Exactly! When I’m in Mexico and enter an OXXO and see those foam coolers; decapitated heads come to mind!

      I wonder what the marketing VP at OXXO thinks every time OXXO coolers with body parts is shown...Hmmmm


  10. Chicago ain’t got nothing on Mexico. I think they should send these US gang bangers to Mexico and show them what a real war looks like.

    1. Like a “scared straight” episode? Lol

    2. They did n they started trafficking narcotics...look up Flores twins haha

  11. Look at Acapulco. Mexican destroy everything they touch!

    1. Thats racist,how dare you,even were it true.

    2. Correction corrupt people in charge heard the naive people in poverty to destroy themselves.

  12. What fuerza Coahuila have to do anything with that if there in Monterey

  13. FC is fuerza civil those are the one in nuevo León not fuerza Coahuila

    1. Yea you’re right. It’s Fuerzas Civiles. - Sol Prendido

    2. How were these Gov agencys created?
      It seems like the goveneros of COAH & TAMPS created these agencys to fight narcos?
      Some give me their input.

    3. So the only difference is the name along with who they are align with?

      Is this correct?

    4. Fuerza civil are mostly former marines.

  14. How do they live with themself surely they have a family and then they go out and do shit like this i can only imagine putting my mother through that i'm dismembering people

    1. That's because, in all likelihood, their mothers were flea bitten whores who could care less about their own children and kicked them off the tit before their balls even dropped.

    2. Bullshit,most of us dudes in certain circumstances can do some murderous shit,everyone all so shocked,we kill each other every day,war is massive profit,USA USA USA,ring a bell,to soldiers"thanks for defending our country"defending from who?

    3. Germans, communism, Japanese, Osama bin laden, isis, dictators that want all power, idiots like 1127...

    4. 5:33 lol got him

  15. Cdn taking over in a big way making a lot of noise golfos have not got the power to stop them they seem to be kicking matamoros ass these days you gotta love the zetas they do shit on there own and don’t get help from no one Cdn stick together

    1. 7:48 foo shut up every cartel needs corrupt officials to stay afloat in this case the monreal brothers are the corrupt helpers which at the same time are working really close with amlo..Btw cdn is not kicking cdg/matamoros faction,this group also called scorpiones has all resources to fight cdn n any other cartel now cdg/metro(el primito)faction which is splitted in 2 is the one warring with cdn n cdg/scorpiones/metros...el primitos group allied with cjng(rumor)...Zs downfall was bringing to much heat on themselves.

    2. The old school zetas were about to take over nuevo laredo el bravo was fighting in nuevo laredo until he was busted. Cdg is not as weak as ppl think theyre just fighting themselves. Until the matamoros faction vs metros faction resolves their shit cdn will be ok. I think its good for other factions of cdg to let cdn weaken the cdg faction in miguel aleman who tjey accuse of being aligned with mencho. Also ppl asking who runs cdn. The left over of the treviños with el tori as main muscle.

  16. Does Z-40 run CDN from prison?

    1. From outside!
      AMLO will be releasing him shortly after doing his penance (1000 Our Fathers, 700 Hail Mary's).

      U didn't know?

    2. And a “Vela” 🕯to San Judas 😂


  17. Thanks for finally writing about >"Monterrey Nuevo Leon: CDN leaves body parts and messages near prisons" <Loved it!

  18. HE WHO DOES NOTHING makes no mistakes 🙇

    1. He already made a mistake by not doing nothing lol

    2. He who does nothing is nothing.

    3. He who does nothing doesn't do nothing and is nothing because nothing is nothing.

    4. Did not expect such interest. My father hated people who were so critical of others and pointing out little mistakes...he said those people do nothing so make no mistakes--i posted it for a person who was critical of sol. when you put yourself out there you are subject to dumbasses who will pile on--the safer mode is to do nothing.

  19. From what I know cdn is ran by a few guys that bring their own coke in from the south and sell it in the us they even hang out in la paz tj mexicali sinaloa u can't even tell they run a cartel by looking at them also a few politics from the cdn territory are involved

    1. Cdn is nothing but a bunch kidnappers,thieves extortioners trigger happy dudes that doesnt have the connections to push much dope thats why they do what they do to survive n to afford their maruchan soup n crackers

    2. You need to understand that theese zeta cartels are founded by politicians and a couple big drug dealers the people actually doing the killings are the maruchan Cracker eaters they get paid with meth and maruchan money but the people behind them are rich empresarios and politicians who need the zetas to do extorsion kidnapping and all killing cops and officials that get in their way of stealing all the money from taxes on property's and business every year it's millions and millions that are stolen by politicians

  20. How many Zeta groups are there now? And do they all beef with each other?


    1. Cdn,Zs vieja escuela,35Z,sangre Z(its) cdn is at war with all of them,cdn n talibanes hate each other to death same goes for ZVS n cdn...

  21. I wonder if cartels get a hefty discount for bulk purchases of coolers. They seemed to run through a lot of them.

    1. James; each time I walk into a OXXO [like a 7-11 and they permeate Mexico] I see the foam coolers lined up and immediately think of decapitation/dismemberment

    2. U drinkin wiff the homies u kno what lets get a cooler. Get all drunk n hy u kno what there is no more chelas lets chopp some fool up.
      Mexican narcos

    3. OXXO coolers are the rage amongst fashionable head-loppers.

    4. Wonder what the oxxo workers think every time somebody buys one of them coolers. Like is $12.50 sir i will be like damm son these things are starting to cost an arm and a leg.

  22. Zetas ain't no match for the matazetas.. its gonna get ugly people

  23. El Señor Mencho has given the order to reactivate the Mata Zetas Special Operations and Assasination unit ! These operatives are real blood thirsty mercs.They carry only the most advance weaponary and have experience in warfare fighing in Chechnya and Syria. CDN will be decimated. The cleansing of these Zetas will beging as soon as El Patron Mencho gives the green light. Its going to get worse than the Walking Dead .

    Mata Zetas Alpha Regiment 6

    1. Tryin too hard troll 006 will school yo lame ass

  24. I’m sorry but what’s CDN? I’ve never heard of them till recently.

    1. Zetas. Originally they all started as Zetas. But because of betrayals within the organization they split off into 2 opposing forces that are warring with each for dominance. - Sol Prendido

    2. The 2 splitts are talibanes n cdn...cdn led by the dirty trevino brothers...original Zs = Zs vieja escuela,35z,talibanes,sangre z,cdn..

  25. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

  26. A lot of people hating on cdn and zetas on here all we are reading is about there victories and expansions when do the zetas lose turf wars Chapo and Barbie tried to muscle in and got their asses kicked cdn gonna be most powerful cartel within 1 year mark my words

    1. 7:15 i agree that they will expand because of the ties they have with amlo n monreal brothers but will NEVER b the most powerful cartel...

    2. Los zetas fighting la barbie was technically the cdg fighting barbie los zetas were cdg back then. And people hate on the zetas because their nothing more than animals. The treviños cdn are basically just extorsionists and kidnappers not really drug traffickers. The wont expand much. They will never have the power they had under that mingy piece of shit el 40.

  27. Just when things were getting calm they start again with the dumping of bodies. I keep thinking eventually the bad people will run out in these parts of mexico and the violence will stop or atleast stay calm. but no its like someone of higher power allows this and wants this to continue to happen in all of mexico.

  28. How’s running CDN? Huevo?

    1. Z40 from prison with the blessing of the monreal clan n amlo

    2. Thanks for the reply but what happen to Huevo, Takia and the rest of the upcoming guys in CDN? And Monreal?


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