Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, February 15, 2019

Veracruz: Kidnapped woman decapitated and left with message

Throw Away for Borderland Beat translated and republished from Proceso

XALAPA, Veracruz- The body of Susana Beatriz Carrera, who had been kidnapped over the weekend, was found decapitated and with a message, after her family members rebuked the mayor of Coatzacoalcos, Víctor Carranza.

On Sunday, the relatives of Susana Carrera questioned the mayor of Coatzacoalcos about his tasks to provide security in cases of kidnapping, the video circulated quickly on social networks.

For the woman, her kidnappers asked for a large ransom, which the family was unable to gather. During the early hours of the morning, Carrera's body appeared decapitated, wrapped in a black bag.

The message:

"This happened because my husband thought he was bad-ass and refused to pay my ransom"

In just 14 days in February six women have died at the hands of crime. According to statistics from the State Attorney General's Office, there have been 60 losses of life, a figure higher than during previous administrations.

On social media, her husband, the businessman Luis Manríquez, confirmed his death and thanked the people who prayed for her to come back alive.

Also on social media, citizens of the port of Coatzacoalcos have expressed outrage to the mayor belonging to Morena, Victor Carranza, who is guarded by half a dozen people, while hundreds of citizens live in fear of being targeted by violence.

In Veracruz, more than 300 homicides have occurred in the last two months; most of them, perpetrated by organized crime.

Meanwhile, actions to reduce these crimes have been hurt by political division between the state agent, Cuitláhuac García and the Attorney General, Jorge Winckler, where businessmen and deputies have regretted these political and ideological differences.

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  1. Ya se creen muy astutos los pinche asesinos de esta mujer nada mas porke se salieron con la suya???
    Cualquier pendejo puede matar. Para eso no se necesita estudio!
    Ya les llegara el tiempo en esta o la proxima vida aunque no crean que van a llorar como maricas que son por cometer crimenes. Esto de quitar una vida no tiene perdon de Dios.
    Bola de rajados perdedores todos los asesinos.

  2. "On social media, her husband, the businessman Luis Manríquez, confirmed his death".

    People will post anything these days. Even after they're dead.

    1. He knows that he is next
      Sabe que el es proximo

  3. Big thank you to the anon follower who sent in a better cartulina translation. 👏

    1. Por jugarle al verga. Lol now thats really hard to translate if u know what i mean 😜

  4. This will not change anytime soon. Such a shame that people can't be protected.
    No point of criticizing the police or government for their past mistakes of allowing this viciousness to have been allowed.
    Death penalty for all those responsible.
    No if or butts. Quick trials and sentencing in public squares will definitely have an impact on those who think of participating in such crimes.


  5. I’m sure they still would’ve killed her if he paid

  6. Whats in the background far back u see something bloody looking..

  7. And now the new president is saying (in ever body's face) he aint doing squat, I have now surrender to any hope towards mexico.

  8. Only a matter of time before the people of Mexico rise up.

  9. Video translation is as follows:
    The murder of businesswoman Susana Carrera shocked the citizens of Coatzacoalcos, and the southern region of the state. Mrs. Carrera was kidnapped at the end of January when she went to an address in the neighborhood of Playa Sol to look for one of her children. And as shown in the video that was released, in just a few minutes a man descended quickly from a car, and took her by force. The body was found inside a bag in the Benito Juarez neighborhood just north of Coatzacoalcos. She was beheaded and abandoned on Wednesday night. The marauders left a message in which they allegedly decided to kill her because the family could not collect the amount that was requested as ransom. Representatives of the business chambers, educational institutions and civil associations have even called several demonstrations and meetings with the authorities to find a solution for the climate of insecurity that prevails in the city.
    Image of the Gulf.
    - Sol Prendido

  10. Sure wish people owned guns in Mexico like in the USA. Sure there would be more deaths, for a while, till enough of the bad crowd were killed off. You already have a war going.. but it's one sided. Might as well make it two sided.


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