Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Drugs, arms,cell phones, and a marijuana plant seized at Monterrey’s Topo Chico Prison

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from facebook

Drug, cell phones, metal shanks, bottles with distilled alcohol, are just some of the items confiscated during the inspection of inmates and cells at the  Topochico prison.

Through a statement it was reported that, in the cells of the Center for Prevention and Social Reintegration, were located a total of 28 pieces of metal weapons  of different sizes, eight mobile phones of different brands and seven bottles of alcohol distillate of 600 milliliters each a. That the prison and Civil Force personnel also seized three doses of cocaine in its rock form, marijuana, as well as a marijuana plant.

This bulletin also confirms that the fight recorded during the midday at the problematic prison.

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  1. Yet another Zeta-run prison.

  2. Tan bonita esa macetita, no dejen que la Chivis se le arrime porque se la roba pa las riumas.
    --The prison should be shaken down every hour at least.

  3. Zacatito verde para los conejitos. Armas blancas para los contras. Y puros Samsung’s para los selfies. Que más quieren chavos? Ósea, lo digo para los que no quieren trabajar en este mundo como todos los de más. - Sol Prendido

    1. Jajajajaja you had me rolling 🤣

    2. “Green grass for all the little rabbits. Cold steel for the enemies. And nothing but Samsung’s for all those selfies. What more could you youngsters want? I mean, for all those who don’t want to work for a living in this world like the rest of us”.

      @ 9:03 I’m glad you caught the humor in that. Not too many people notice or understand why certain words are being said.
      And it’s weird how that sequence of pics played out. Like it was meant to be. Lol.
      - Sol Prendido

    3. Jajajajaja
      You made my day Sol. Thx

  4. This is not surprising. Every prison in the world has weapons, drugs, and contraband. Now the plant is something you wouldn't expect. It's medicinal right?

  5. That marijuana plant looks like an indica with its fat leaves. Too bad. Mexico once had superior Sativa varieties. Now it looks like they (even the prisoners) have joined the trendy crowd and have abandoned their heirloom sativas. The weed that actually made Mexico famous(among potheads) has been ruined and the youth will never know the sublime states those old varieties could induce.

    1. Lol sativas SUCK. HYBRIDS are the future.

    2. Virtually everything is a hubrid now The problem is theyre making most strains indica dominant because of higher yields and shorter cycles.

  6. I’d have to say this was a result of a very small area of the prison having been searching. This prison holds nearly 4000 prisoners, the search was most like politically approved rather than the results of good policing...

    1. Good policing in Mexico's prison?
      Still in disbelief that this actually occurred?
      Prisoners run the penal system. Extortion call rackets by inmates are being ran & displayed in documentaries.
      Engaging in criminal activities from kiddnappings,ransoms, extortion to murder from within many Mexican prisons.

    2. In El Topo Chico, today you get disarmed,
      Tomorrow they will burn your nalgas in the Commissary.

  7. Normal for any prison all over the world. Yes, even America....

  8. This prison is run by cdn

  9. If they don't do inspection's, they will shank the guards.

  10. Why would it be surprising to find such contraband in a Mexican prison? Where it is evident that people were being incinerated in Mexico's prison system by a sophisticated criminal network led by cartels. Added with the collusion of its correctional officials and officers.

    Mexico's prison system is a gladiator school compared to US prisons. No money nor influential people will certainly mean life or death.

    1. 8:20 el nuevo secretario de la defensa, army General Luis Crescencio Sandoval was the military zone commander in charge of the Piedras Negras prison when the zetas were doing their tortures and murders and disappearances and cooking and clandestine burials, same as all over his military zone... How is this motherfacker the new secretary of national defense?

    2. @ 7.07
      Good question that should be asked to higher officials.
      However, dont expect to get an answer from Mexican officials.

  11. People also get extorted in Mexican prisons and rapist get man handled too!

  12. 7:31 Mexicans also extort in US Prisons, and don't ask how come,
    You know wardens come first.
    --But blacks are evil, Getting 10 prison guards pregnant per prisoner is one example...

  13. It's difficult but try your best to imagine auditing prisoners ans cells inside Florence Super Max and finding even one of the items in the photograph.
    Instead of spending billions of dollars on a ladder support, excuse me, WALL, build prisons with Mexico assisting with monetary support more Super Max facilities. Get caught as a jefe or sicario, go to a Super Max. Active border protection like drones or thousands more migras would halt border hopping. When sicarios understand super max penalties, that may have an effect on their macho enthusiasm.


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