Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, March 7, 2019

El Java, Nephew of Chencho Beltran killed in Tlaquepaque

Throw Away Borderland Beat from VXT

Unofficial: killed is El Java, ally to Edwin of the CAF. Java was a nephew of Chencho Beltrán.

A man was killed this morning at the junction of Periférico Sur and road to Chapala in the La Duraznera neighborhood of Tlaquepaque.

The deceased, about 35 years old, was driving aboard a black Ford Pick Up luxury van when he was intercepted by a group of people who fired at least 15 shots, he was killed instantly.

During the assaults, the bullets reached another car in which two women were traveling, who were unharmed after dodging the impacts. Both women were treated by paramedics of the Green Cross because they had a nervous breakdown.

Police from the municipality of Tlaquepaque cordoned off the area and personnel of the Attorney General's Office conducted the corresponding investigations.

The body of the man was transferred to the facilities of the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences. Motive hasn't been determined.

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  1. What happened to pimped out bullet proof cars!

    1. So do they intentionally leave dude with his ass crack out or is the ass crack exposed due to how he was dropped on the ground? Just curious is all

    2. I've read on here before that it's a sign of disrespect. Bc killing them wasn't enough.

  2. El Cholo going after CTNG. Now they just have to get Chencho Beltran’s other nephew Liko.

    1. He was friends with edwin also known as el flaco de Tijuana lately caf has been wanting beef vs cjng

    2. They were looking to ally with chapitos I read in some article

    3. My respects to El Cholo, but FUCK his clique.... FUCK EL CHAPO...... I bet he wished he would have died like a man, with honor......

  3. This murder means only 1 or 2 things: either cjng allied with caf in tj have no pull at all in tlaquepaque or that mencho had him killed n pretty sure caf in tj are not gonna like it,alliance in the trash...

    1. Something has to be up if there’s been multiple murders and arrest made while they visit Jalisco

    2. Cjng and caf have had beef Edwin or el flaco from caf backed up el lobo who was leaving mantas in tj against ctng

    3. CAF fuck up by taking el lobo into caf and now this dude dead and lobo arrested

  4. The CAF have been soo gone for soo long, I don't see the need for wasting this beautiful troque in one more attack against their people, and them some dunbos say grifa is not to be blamed for anything at all

    1. You're crazy... CAF was kind of split into cells and groups. Before El Inge got arrested, he was holding it together. I've heard that the sons and nephews of the old school Caferro's are running shit now

    2. Benjamin is almost out. His sentence in MX got anulled and dropped so he will breath fresh free air again. I wouldnt be surprised if he is sending encrypted messages from the feds to his blood links in Tijuana through his lawyers. The real Don of the narco trade will be res established.

    3. El flako caf is running shit

    4. 1:09 Benjamin still don't want to talk about the murder of Guadalajara archbishop cardinal Juan Jose Posadas Ocampo, something to do with Carlos Salinas de gortari and his federal police chief Rodolfo Leon Aragon alias "El Chino Leon", the real murderers, according to the new Guadalajara archbishop, and his investigators, but even the pope can't get involved, same as with Arnulfo Romero Barcelo, some balls are needed somewhere.

    5. 7:55 I thought chapo was arrested for that murder

  5. I'll stay on the look out for more important articles chivis😎

  6. Chencha vs mencha

  7. My tio benito also say Medellin cartel is restarting

    1. Benitomala! 😂

    2. Benito camela

    3. oficina never stopped but dont kid yourself ex farc rule colombia

    4. Medellin y todos se la pelan a Alvaro Uribe Velez, it happened before and it will happen again until he dies, he got made and is a billionaire himself IN DOLLARS, because posing as a POSER, is priceless.

  8. Is there a picture anywhere of El Chencho ? I looked and looked but can't find one

    1. lmao nice try DEA

    2. LMAO. That's coldblooded. I guess that might have sounded a little 5-0 ish. But for reals is this guy the real Keyser Soze where he is a phantom?

    3. His my uncle what do you what

  9. El Cholo flexing muscle and showing mencho to stay out of Guadalajara. He has little to no power outside of Guadalajara but he does enough damage to really piss off Mencho.

  10. Saw a video about this, not sure if true but this guy messed with Mayos family think he kidnapped some family of his, that or they also say cjng was on his tracks

  11. Killed instantly while driving and the picture shows him laying face down 50 yards away from the truck. Makes about as much sense as most things in Mexico.

    1. 9:48 there is the face of one more extra judiciary execution.

  12. Shows how many of you are clueless shouldn’t speak on things you don’t know caf is with CJNG caf will never side with people allied to CDS. This is cholo hitting ctng

    1. The remaining ppl belonging to CAF will be killed when they aren’t longer useful to mencho. Digging their own graves. Stupid. Punks.

  13. Sad thing is this marrano was driving this nice truck in shit hole mexico. That should be tittle to this. Man o man.

  14. Forget the Raptor. I would get 7-10 cheap ass cars with tints and cycle them as I move around. It’s like these dudes have soooo much money but can’t afford common sense.

    1. He was my uncle. His 2 cheap cars he had there had been damaged by car part thief’s so he had someone drive his raptor to Tlaquepaque and was hit sadly.

  15. 6:43 worse than sad is that you have never seen how many "troques like this" decent people drive in mexico.

  16. how much for the ford raptor as is. I will bondo and replace the glass

    1. Werd! Am pretty sure it will rot in a mexican junk yard any ways.


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