Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sinaloa Cartel sends threat to Mencho

Chivis For Borderland Beat thank you DefLuis from RadioFormula

The Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) received a strong threat from the Sinaloa Cartel (CDS), with the brutal murder of one of the members of its rivals.

Guadalajara was the residence of the families of the CDS drug traffickers for several years, so the rates of violence remained low, however, it is now one of the most violent due to the fact that the territory is disputed with the CJNG, one of the most powerful criminal organizations in the country.

To end the empire of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, "El Mencho", the cartel led by Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada has launched a series of threats against its rivals.

Last Wednesday, a message was circulated in social networks in which the Sinaloa Cartel asks the leaders of the CJNG to appear in the confrontations and stop sending their gunmen.

In the letter, signed by the 5-7,  call  CJNG and also warn that soon they will go to kill them, because they have identified their lairs.

So that the cartel led by "El Mencho" does not doubt the threats, the CDS sent a photograph in which one of its capos appears with the head decapitated.

"This is how we want to clean, I have killed many men, I talk about the big treasons of the government,  I sent them to hell", they added in the photograph.

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  1. Thrashing of a dying animal, that's all. CDS is almost finished. Chapo in jail, Mayo is sick, his heirs either turned rat or dumb ingoramuses. They are losing important border crossings left and right and the CJNG kills them wherever the find them. Even the very government they used to pay off for so many years to destoy their rivals has now struck a better deal with Mencho & Co.

    1. Dont do drugs, deja de fumar tanto foco alucin

    2. El mencho y cjng no pueden con los viagras en Michoacán y el Cholo y plaza nueva en Jalisco tampoco y en Guanajuato con el marro menos les pagarán al Gobierno para que los ayudar contra el marro.y es que todos éstos grupos son chicos . los de cjng no pueden sólos y es la verdad en Michoacán los Autodefensas los apoyo en TJ los de El CAF. Y también los de CDJ Los Damasos y BLO contra el CDS y también los metros de el primo contra CDN.

    3. Bro what are you even talking about. I knew this comment was bullshit when you said mayo is sick. Like wtf are you his doctor? I hate all these speculative ass comments trying to make it seem like they actually know whats going on. The dea is actually saying cds is on the rise. Tell us all the border crossings they lost. None they still move dope through it all. Its a well structured org brother with the governments backing they are to big to fail.

    4. Desperation at it’s finest nothing but drug addicts left in CDS

    5. Tweekers gonna tweek.

    6. Agree with 5:24 cjng are just all hype with thei lgtb parades while listening to techno music. Heard they got their float ready for the west Hollywood pride parade ready.

    7. Tweakers might tweak but you guys are stupid asf fuck if you think the Cds is going to fail they were the biggest and still are. Just because have tweakers doent maan the route dont work the tweakers gotta get paid to tweak so they move drugs just like have been for years

  2. Did Cjng really team up with Ncdj?

    1. Most likely cause cjng cant get the job done themselves

  3. El Senor de la 5-7 was Chino Antrax....

    1. Chino and Vicente were both being housed in protective custody in mcc San Diego because they would get whacked running main line for being rats.. credible source. This was a few years ago not sure if they left Vicente in New York after he testified on chapo

    2. Does this mean chino anthrax is out of jail

    3. Who is EGL? It says 5.7 firme aki y en China. Signed EGL

    4. Vicente was in Chicago than Michigan
      He was never in SD

    5. Vicente was never in SD what are you talking about 559

    6. I wish we could use nukes on the cartel strong holds . That would make a youngster wanna grow up and be a trafficker . Cant help it if I hate you fucks . That's just who I am .

    7. Lol when was vincente "in mcc san diego??"

  4. Is 5-7 a code for CDS? Or for an enforcer group, or operator?

    1. 5-7 is an operator. These codes are much like phone numbers. Eventually they all get recycled. Someone likes your code and claims it as well. Much in the same way others pretend to be someone else here. - Sol Prendido

    2. Yup like a false valor thing. Right? Sol

    3. It’s stolen valor you dweeb

    4. 5.7 was the radio call for Chino Antrax, as well as his weapon of choice. Fn 5.7 are referred to as "Mata policias " or cop killers for the rounds ability to penetrate body armor.

    5. --Z1 Arturo Guzman Decena, Mexican army lieutenant who retired to become a federal police agent and went to make his own gang of zetas with Osiel Cardenas Guillen.
      --Z1#2 Fidel Herrera Beltran, honorary zeta governor of Veracruz still free living in impunity, EPN, made him ambassador to Catalugna in SPAIN, becos he a good boy.
      -Sol Prendido... who loves you beibi.
      Now as a reporter you have to watch your step even more.
      congratulations for the promotion.

    6. That's true Sol but do you think this 5-7 is actually Chino? And if not then who

    7. Thanks Sol, I knew Chino used to go by 5-7, so I was wondering if someone had taken that clave from him. I guess I thought CDS was unlike CDG in that respect.

    8. No they dont get recycled u moron. 5.7 es el y siempre va a ser el chino es como el M1 siempre va a ser el ondiado manuel torres felix. U like spreading too much fakn fake news or u own points of view dont count as truth.

    9. @5:01 Chino is 5-7. But he’s also currently incarcerated. @6:32 There’s really nothing original. Everyone tends to mimic each other. Like I said before everything is just constantly repeating itself. - Sol Prendido

  5. Well interesting to see from here

  6. how is it signed by 5-7 if he's in prison, didn't he get 10 to life?

  7. Chino anthrax has nothing to do with this it says 100 percent Guzman we all know Ivan guzman hated chino anthrax for sleeping with his wife multiple times when chino was arrested he orderd yuriana Torres chinos wife to be kidnapped and raped by all his men then he killed her himself and dumped her body

    1. you're saying "we all know Ivan guzman hated chino anthrax for sleeping with his wife multiple times" but it's the 1st time i've heard that tbh. where can i find that info?

    2. U seriously think ivan did this

    3. Who is his wife?

    4. @ 5:31 maybe you can tell us what's up if you're in culiacan...

    5. @6:16 he’s right about Chino sleeping with Ivan’s wife. I don’t know about the other stuff though


    6. Lol a bunch of nonsense.
      El Chino never slept with Ivan’s wife.
      Ivan wasn’t even married when El Chino was out

    7. 4:05 is making bs up don’t believe his nonsense chino never slept with Ivan’s wife he would be dead he’s nothing but an enforcer and Ivan did not kill his wife that was chinos ántrax enemies from the Beltran Leyva

    8. Ivan did not have a wife when chino was out he recently got married and had a son Ivan always had the best things women super cars ranches etc chino would nuthug him and chapo in parties he would never dare do something to upset the bosses he’s just an enforcer

    9. 4:05 9:08 you guys are both wrong Chino never slept with Ivan’s wife and Chino was gay he killed some guy pájaro for saying that had an affair

    10. LOL @ Chino sleeping with Ivan's wife. It's obvious that some of you guys have no idea how things are working inside the mafia. An unwritten rule says that you should never sleep with someone else's wife. I'm 100% sure that Mayo, who's btw old school, would have pushed the trigger himself if that would have been the case. You're telling me that Chino, who was an enforcer in CDS had the balls to sleep with Ivan's wife (Ivan is a CDS boss) and leaved to tell the tale? Sorry guys, but you're full of shit. Ivan probably would have killed them both. Do you really think that a guy like Ivan would have gone over that humiliation just like that?

    11. It’s actually the other way around. Ivan was jealous of chino y una vez se le puso al brinco y el chino barrió con el.

    12. Where is the evidence, cause I don't believe this for one minute

    13. Ivan does not like Chino for the following incident: At one of
      Mayito Gordo's parties. Mayito told Ivan that he could have any girl at the party. Ivan asked for Mayitos girl which Mayito said no. Ivan's people got up with hands on their guns and Chino stepped in front of them and put them on check, him being MG's bodyguard.
      Word got to Chapo of how Chino "humiliated" his son Ivan so Chapo asked Mayo for permission to kill Chino. Mayo's response was that he could not allow that since Chino was only doing want Mayo had asked, which is to protect his Son MG. Chino knowing that he would soon get killed in CLN had a big XMAS party for family and friends and left to Holland to turn himself in.......... NOT FAKE NEWS

  8. Dose people kill where made along time ago in Sinaloa after the kill of pirata de Culiacán so the treats made to cjng are made by some dumb ass kid like sicario666

  9. 1:52.. you not smart. Hahah CDS is dieing left and right???? Did you not read the article? CDS is in Jalisco and taking it back, even though theyve always been there. CJNG putas is running to Michocan like scare animals. All of CJNGs alliances are going to start to fall apart over the next few months.. just watch and learn. As I've mentioned for 5 months's the 6 month plan. "No pasa nada". just watch it play out fellows . CJNG have no borders themselves, just alliances that are going to crumble and turn on them 💯 miguelito y Miguel muahh

    1. Actually you been stating rubbish for more than 5 months now. No one is scared of CDS, you’re just a cheerleader. CDS is asking any little fraction to team up against CJNG and thats how fragmented and desperate they are! CDS is still strong but not CJNG strong!

    2. Guy is using too much of menchos products.

    3. 8:18 you sound like a straight nut hugger

    4. CDS has been in Jalisco and to be more exact in Guadalajara Metro Area since Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo and Don Rafael's time.
      Cual frontera es del Mencho? Que el diga que el es el bueno de esa frontera? De TJ a ciudad Juárez los aseguró que el no es el bueno de ningúna frontera. El paga y hizo alianza con la gente de tj para poder trabajar aya. Y ya miran el desmadre qué hay en tj porque no trabajo y trabajan como se les dijo la misma gente que los apoyo en tj los quieren sacar por lacras a los de cjng.

      El Guadalajara los de Sinaloa compraron la plaza ase muchos años al gobierno del estado y de dicha ciudad para trabajar agusto. cuando ese gobernó que trató con el cartel Sinaloense se salió el nuevo gobierno vendió otra vez la plaza de Guadalajara al cjng y por eso está el desmadre aya. Unos del mismo gobierno andan con la mafia Sinaloense y los otros con el cjng

    5. This cheerleader is in denial that he actually believes his own bull shit. Cds is the want that always looks for alliances because they’re to scared to fight. Stop smoking that 💡 while you listen to corridos. Wake up!

    6. Michelle Miller is the biggest cds groupie lol poor guy is waiting for a miracle to happen, like CAF groupies saying that cartel is still standing strong smh

    7. 8:18 what part of England you from, oh wait....I already know ....muahh 💯

    8. @12:30 CAF are back as CTNG and have taken back Tijuana so you are wrong

    9. 7:38 you prove my point lol
      CTNG/CJNG is made up of chapulines from Cds , chapulines from CAF and cjng.. CAF is done tonto get over it.. CAF had their time but it's longggg gone

  10. El senor caro quintero al 100 ready for war

    1. Dude Caro is like 80 years old, jk he’s in his 60 but looks much older, tired. I’m sure he’s just relaxing in some hacienda somewhere. He don’t want no smoke, neither does MZ. Why do you think they want to open dialogue and “alinear.” Other grps ain’t having it tho. Too many fallen colleagues/family, muerto el perro no muere la rabia. CDS has been getting into wars since the mids 90’s. These older Capos must be tired and I don’t blame them. All the b/s wars started by chapo. Los. Chapitos have pending wars with Chapo Isidro in Sonora and Sinaloa not to mention their own uncle Guano.

  11. If you read the picture it clearly states "pura fuerza especiales CDS "
    You know what that means Gente Nueva Special Forces and Antrax Black Ops are coming to Guadalajara. Every operator carries 5.7 .Bazookas and silenced HK MP5 .C4 explosives and hand grenades . The best body armor developed by Mossad and CIA Ground Branch. Latest night vision . Even without the the firepower our operators are trained in Kung Fu,Capoeria ,Gdeek wrestling,Judo ,and Krav Maga .Layest knives and machetes with titanium coating .

    1. Trained by King Leonidas of the spartans.

    2. alright it was funny at first but now you're just trying to hard.

    3. Best body armors are RUSSIAN level 6 and you can buy them on the freaking internet

    4. Lmao good one Otis 😂

    5. U forgot the spicy bean burritos.

  12. 5-7 doesn’t just mean chino. It also means “ready” or “active”

    For the meaning of “EGL” = “El General Loera”

    And no it’s not bullshit it’s real.

  13. Old fart Mayo getting desperate, I'm sure mencho is scared of this LOL CDS are finished

  14. So so happens they wait until Jalisco start taking all the plazas to issue this pathetic threat

    1. CJNG probably had someone powerful to back them. Now, as I can see it, something changed...From how it looks, AMLO supports CDS...I assume that Mencho had EPN supporting him.

    2. We all know Govt knows whereabouts of Mencho. They obviously protect him. So if AMLO is backing CDS, why havent they told CDS Sicario 006 wherr to go kill him?

    3. What plazas??? Everyone says CJNG taking plazas. Where? CDS, CDG, CDN, Zetas, even Juarez all still operating. The way most talk on here, CJNG has ALL the plazas...They're still #2. They would've been #1, but they couldn't finish off CDS after Chapo went down. I think CJNG controls allot of synthetic manufacturing, and local drug sales. But, as far as multi ton shipments to the US, I think CDS, and CDG move more international weight....JMO

  15. People still respect chino and are waiting for his return.

    1. You really think he'll be allowed back to mex and continue on as normal lol, conditions will be put on him

    2. Chino is a dead man if he steps in Culiacán, remember who’s the jefe now.

    3. Chino violated the code in culiacan he was given the option to stop everything he was doing under mz before his arrest. He caused too many problems with his meth and Xanax out fuck boys like cocheras javi and roke some are dead some are alive. Mz got complaints from his compadres that chino was abusing his power and had no respect for the federation he felt like he was on top of the ladder when he was a simple peasant that got lucky when vicente got arrested. He felt that he had power because he was in charge to work co-op with the ministerial under mz. They say that one of his mistakes was when he started talking about the murder of arellano brother and made the corrido about himself dressing up as a clown and doing the murder he even went as far as having a Halloween party he dressed up all his boys in suits and mask and he dressed up as a party clown on the clown shirt it said "the clown who killed arellano" in the mafia in Mexico you don't kill a big dog and just go around making fun of it like that not even mz liked that he did a lot of stupid things story's are endless

    4. What conditions or restrictions?
      With AMLO in power and Mayo workings with government approval.
      He is all good and gravy.

    5. 3:36 you must be deluded, you really think the us will allow that, remember he's got 10 to life so we don't even know when he's getting out, he'll fuck off somewhere quietly if he has any sense.

    6. 10:49 where did you read that story ? It was Cheyo anthrax not chino who did the hit.

    7. 512 you're very wrong it was not cheyo who did the hit in cabo. It was one if chinos gunmen

    8. 2:43 cheyo was under chinos wing

    9. 155 not cheyo bro r13 dud the deed

  16. Chino still has his people out there working

    1. Not many active members these days.

  17. Cjng dropping like flies

  18. Cjng been getting kicked out of Guadalajara for a minute now by plaza nueva/cds menso and his band of tweekers from michoacan are done in GDL. Next jalisco all together

    1. Mencho cant even control his home town that means hes not respected or like in the place he was born. Hes done his cartel will break up in smaller less powerful cartels

    2. Chema is gonna get diabetes after reading this coment

    3. si sabes que ya no hay plaza nueva en guanatos, Eda! 9:33

    4. @ all the CDS lovers
      “Knowing how to lose is almost as important as winning” arriba Michoacán vale. Entrale al topon.bola de DEDOS Y PRESUMIDOS

    5. 9:33 liar. cjng is killing off cholo/mayo people left and right. This story proves it too.
      It reads "stop sending your assassins, confront us heads up" sicarios go in cholos tirf kill who they have to and take off..cds cheerleaders are a joke

    6. @6:01 clueless, there is no need for mencho to control his hometown as there is no advantage to it other than it's his home town, he could take it but it's pointless as it holds no stratigical meaning

  19. What the heck lil those little kids do against mencho,mencho will chew them and spit them out!!

  20. 😂 B.B. commentators are so clueless 5-7 is a Belgium 🇧🇪 gun and it’s a sayin in Culiacán meaning they’re locked in this has nothing to do with chino antrax he’s out of the picture and was and will be just a bodyguard and for the ones that said about Ivan and chino Ivan didn’t like chino because he was a phony he had his men kick him out of a club once and no chino never date sleep with his wife Ivan always had better women than chino and anybody in the cartel He was dating Belinda at the time

  21. They found seven bodies dumped on the side of a road in the municipality of San Diego alejandria jalisco.

  22. CJNG is going down big time.

  23. Cds mantas are a joke, NEVER have they taken any plazas against ANY cartel. I doubt they are a threat mencho

  24. From all the news ive seen it seems Menchos people have been executing innocent people/bystanders way to often. Im sure all these jackasses occasionally accidentally kill innocents. But menchos cartel seems to do it with intent.That's a sure way to have evryone turn on you, the people and allies included. There power wont last! Not a sinaloa cheerleader but they seem to do things with more respect. Cjng runs things by causing fear. Looks like the mexican government is siding with the lesser of two evils!

  25. Notice how cjng pays them no mind, I can't wait to see what mencho is going to do next.
    It's been a war that started when chapo got extradited and cjng been taking a lot of territory and plazas ALL over Mexico.. everyone knows the winner so far is cjng with pena nieto. This president said he was not after any capos in his presidency but, he's sending soldiers to capture marro? Wonder wich side AMLO is on, if any. Cjng or cds? We should soon find out though

  26. CJNG are a bunch of cock s-ckers

  27. Gerra entre los fuertes Carteles Mexicanos...

  28. CDS Nunca muerte es la neta. Zambada,Guzmán,Torres,y Quintero son más poderosas Los Jefes puro máximo grado gracias a la muerte y saludos ak

  29. M1 y M2 Torres imperial Sí soy Gente Nueve y Los Ántrax sicario compita por actividad y sí matar por King Guzmán por nada. Mí ppaga

  30. Sinaloa hay la mejor: Guzmán y Culiacán


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