Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, March 22, 2019

Video: After non-payment of piso, extortionists detonate a grenade in an Edomex combi

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from Excelsior

"Everyone gets off. Let’s go little boy. May you all go with God. God bless you all. Please get off..." extortionist 

Tecámac, State of Mexico.  With smoke grenades and gun in hand, the extortionists in the State of Mexico charge drivers of public transportation employees piso/tax for permission to work.   The drivers say that in less than a week, two Combi units have been burned.

It was 5:15 in the morning the driver of the public passenger transport unit of the Zitlantepec line , covered his route on the Mexico-Pachuca highway , and sent a voice message on his cell phone, when two people boarded the unit.

In the images captured by the transport security camera it is observed  subjects indicate to the passengers that they have a grenade and that it is not against them nor is it an assault, they only question the driver because they have not paid.

After they force the passengers off the unit and blesses them while wishing them a “nice day”.

 They throw a " grenade"  that explodes in the back of the Sprinter-type Mercedes Benz truck.

“During our route, they assault us and right now they are burning the units or they are throwing grenades inside, "said one of the drivers.

“The piso/tax is two thousand pesos, each time they come they do not have a date they just arrive unexpectedly, they demand money in exchange for letting us work ".

According to the drivers, the modus operandi of the criminals is always the same.

As soon as they get on, they hit us or take out the pistols, they throw the grenades inside the van, which tells them that they just want “the rent."

Public transport drivers are asking for constant operations to end extortion.

Video translation is as follows:

Driver: so that’s how it is (unintelligible). But, but it’s nothing new.

Extortionist #1: This is a grenade, you know, so please don’t mess around.

Driver: Take care brother. (Hangs up on caller)

Extortionist #2: What the fuck, why haven’t you paid kid, why haven’t you paid? Give me your phone, give me your phone right away. Hurry up fucker, right away bro!

Here everyone gets off, everyone gets off, everyone gets off. Let’s go little boy. May you all go with God. God bless you all. Please get off.

Don’t worry my love the problem isn’t with you (talking to a female passenger).

Be careful when you get off, hurry,hurry,hurry,hurry,hurry,hurry,hurry. Everyone off, everyone off,everyone off. Hurry,hurry,hurry.

 Get on bro. Get in, get in, get in, get in. (Talking to extortionist #1)
(Now talking to driver) Move forward papito (daddy). Move forward and don’t fuck around, don’t fuck around. Stop here, stop here, stop here

Extortionist #2: Get off fucker I’m about to throw a grenade in here.
Extortionist #1: Get off dumbass!
Extortionist #2: Throw it (grenade).
Extortionist #1 Fire in the hole.
By Sol

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  1. Serious question do these type of cameras when recording make the human eyes glow like that? I look at the drivers eyes and they don't glow.

    1. That's the infrared light, to better record at night.

    2. that's the night vision

    3. They are possessed by the devil and that fish scale.

  2. Wow this criminal cell did not bother to hide thier faces. In El Salvador the gangs, control bus extortion, now comes to Mexico.

    1. El Salvador.. another great vacation destination.

    2. 12:45... And Honduras nearby, both countries corrupted to use as staging base for weapons, contra mercenaries, cocaine and war on Latin America, murdering 8 priests and 4 nuns... Priceless for the "fights against communism" on the western hemisphere that did not have enough... The shameless ride again on Latin-America...

  3. That was nice of them not to harm (decapitate) the passengers!

  4. Well at least they didn't harm anyone and even told the driver to get off because he's throwing a grenade but they're still scumbags. It's only a matter of time until this tactic gets more popular with these criminals and it takes only 1 asshole to just throw one in with the occupants inside, this would be clearly a terrorism case, well terrorism has been happening in Mexico all along but just because it's not based on ideology or rekigion and not being carried out in a traditional terrorist way like bombs, it doesn't get treated as such but it is, just a different form of terrorism. Hopefully they are classified as such and get treated as terrorist.

    1. The message they seek to deliver is this will happen if you do not pay with pasajeros. Pero maybe the man who owns the autobus waits until the next time there are pasajeros so the people get mad and the militar comes for the criminales.

  5. Being extortioned by criminals like these would a pleasure haha they didnt hurt anybody,were polite,respectful for human life including the most places they would killed everyone,decapitaded the driver n leave a narco message blaming a rival gang...

  6. It's tough to make a decent living in Mexico. Cowards don't know what its like to work hard just to eat.

  7. Parasites of society these extortionists.Need pesticide extermination!

  8. Son Los Imigrantes de la transformation de 4ta...esos Centro Americanos vienen a Mexico a cagarla. Odio el PRI y PAN pero estos Izquierdistas van a empeorar a México.


    1. 10:57 you are an agitator, how much are you getting paid?
      The izquierdistas we had robbing Mexico of its present and its future for one hundred years left nothing but misery and problems, if you want to blame AMLO after 3 months in power, you are CaCa.

  9. Cowards!. Usa should send in troops and tanks to clean it up

    1. 1:10 STFU stupid keep ur usa troops in the usa,they have a bigger war here

    2. This reffernce of troops and tanks pertains to the government of Mexico.
      Its their doings that allow this and much more to transpire in Mexico.
      Most criminals are stupid. While those others are given the greenlight and are supported by government / state officials.

    3. Carteles y Muertos is the product of about 3 billion dollars a year paid by the US to support the so called, "Mexican War ON drugs", started under THE FECAL PRESIDENCY... this is called results by the wise asses that collect most of that money stolen from the US Taxpayers... In 12 years, 36 billion dollars...

  10. Just because the driver and passenger let loose a stinker,
    the grenade was to desinfest the car.
    Nobody has a right to make such a mess for any reason.

  11. lol gotta love the bus drivers apathy. "why haven't you paid bud" "i don't know" while not giving any emotion other than boredom. The boss.

    1. jajaja i know!! At first I thought he was one of them...

    2. Yeah. I see that sense of calm in execution videos too. Very strange. I don't know if it's an acceptance of their fate, deeply held religious beliefs or just anger and annoyance. Desensitization to the experience due to the frequency of the encounters? Most likely all of the above.

  12. It's cool that they didn't hurt anyone

    1. at 8:39 because thats how "CEROTES" salvatruchas aka salvadorians operate, extorting from bus drivers,fruit cart vendors,for pennys and pocket change back in the shit hole called el savador.

    2. CEROTES is what CentralAmericans call horse shit,
      and they apply it to a lot of people.
      In Mexico we just call them cacas.

  13. Salvadoreños now in Mexico and USA

    1. Maybe I missed someyhing in the vid or article, why do people talk about Salvadoreños these are clearly a pair of chilangos.

    2. Theyre full blown chilangos you Can hear their horrible accent haha

    3. Claro Chilangos pero hay mucho extorsionadors en Salvador y Honduras

    4. 8;39 stupid is as stupid does,
      be glad they did not blame it on you, BB commenter.

  14. Replies
    1. Chilangos gonna chilanguear

    2. Chilangos are "Ratas de la Ciudad"

  15. Cjng extorting innocent hard working mexicans. Cjng need to be eliminated

  16. you're "grenade" is trash fam

  17. Modest people trying to make a living in the “shit hole country” called Mexico, and parasites wanting the “piso” just because they pack and know they can get away with it?!

    The only ones with the heavy fire power are the corrupt Police, Narcos, Sicarios and other psychopaths.

    Perhaps if gun stores existed in Mexico like they do in the United States, more law abiding people would respond by blasting the “putos.”


    1. Yes and your Chicago, Baltimore, capital de USA, Philadelphia, Oakland, St Luis...are such non "shit holes". You stupid cheese head....and for your gun laws - how many shootings in the schools have USA had in past 20 years? Mexico zero at the students.

    2. Americans love their guns like their drugs.

      Nice @ 11:31.

    3. Once again....Mexicans getting their bragas in a wad when you mention something negative about their country. These are the same ones that cheer for the cartels and offer nothing in solutions to the problems of their home country.

  18. The Mara Salvatrucha is now in Mexico city

    1. what part of cdmx did you see them ?

    2. Their criminal business is now to become a cartel, let's call them Los Truches.

    3. 5:20 pongansen truchas,
      Camaron que se duerme se lo lleva lo corriente...

  19. Have them all not pay. Set up some undercover police men and women in the bus, and once they pull guns and start talking about a payment just shoot them. I am sure after a 100 are blasted away they stop it in it's tracks. Would need an elite team that was not associated with the local police that you can bet are getting a cut.

  20. One Sprinter for sale. Slightly used.


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