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Saturday, April 6, 2019

Arrest Warrant Issued for “El Cochi” of Beltran Leyva

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Tribuna
        The State Investigation Agency placed an arrest warrant against Eleazar Palomo Castillo

San Pedro, Nuevo León:  The State Investigation Agency placed an arrest warrant against Eleazar Palomo Castillo , leader of the Beltrán Leyva, for the plagiarism and execution of a resident of the municipality of San Pedro, Nuevo León.

He is accused of aggravated kidnapping and belonging to a criminal group last Wed, April 3.

Castillo is accused of the kidnapping and crime of David Villarreal Fernández, former municipal official of Monterrey. He is also accused of depriving the liberty of a nephew of ex-governor Fernando Canales and another of then-ex-mayor Mauricio Fernández.

''El Cochi'' , was in the Penitentiary Center Number 14 of Gómez Palacio, Durango. The Navy detained him on February 4, 2017 for possession of a .38 caliber handgun, assault rifle, drugs and ammunition.
See Below for part of the 2017 story:
From 2017:
Eleazar Palomo Castillo, "El Cochi", leader of the Beltrán Leyva cartel arrested this weekend, also reportedly infiltrated state escorts and state security guards.

It is mainly the group known as "La Guber",  to whom unofficial sources close to the investigation link him with Palomo Castillo.     The sources involve a ministerial agent known as "La Coneja", as the alleged link of this group with "El Cochi".

The State Government Security Office is headed by Carlos Guevara, close to Governor Jaime Rodríguez, "El Bronco".

"La Guber" has been involved in cases of kidnapping and illegal drug seizures in the city.

He was also being investigated for influencing elements of the State Agency of Investigations, which formed the ring of protection in favor of this drug trafficker.

It was reported that the cartel kingpin Beltrán Leyva, arrested last weekend by elements of the Navy, had informants in the southern region, north, center, the municipality of Santiago and the municipality of Cadereyta. All infiltrated agents have family ties.

It is not the first time that "El Cochi" infiltrated a corporation. In December 2015, Report Indigo said that the capo had infiltrated police corporations, both municipal and state to strengthen their protection.


  1. Just one of many who use state and municipal officials to operate their illegal activities.
    Guess money has run dry to continue his operations.

  2. Too many pigs in Sinaloa..
    Cochiloco, cochise grande , cochi chico

    1. Your mother is a pig

    2. 6:23 a sow, unless he has two pig fathers.

  3. Cut him up in little pieces til he rats out everyone, then put him down .No trials for sub humans.

  4. Agencia Estatal de Investigaciones, started on every state to compliment the AFI, AGENCIA FEDERAL DE INVESTIGACIONES (AFI) the institution started by genarco garcia luna to infiltrate all the Mexican Police Departments and purge the undesirables out for not trusting that they would be loy to his ass, under Vicente Fox, later, Genarco would form SSP FEDERAL that continued the practice, on more higher levels, taking down the Beltran Leyvas and Los zetas that helped him so much... All the while employed By: CARLOS SLIM HELU WHO WANTS TO BOSS AROUND ALL OF MEXICO without getting his hands dirty...
    It worked so well in some places, the estatal en Nuevo Leon is still called Agencia Estatal de Investigaciones, and nobody remembers their origins... Further more, El Comandante Olvidado, Julian Slim Helu was partners with Mexican Lebanese Miguel Nazar Haro in torturing and creating guilty communistas and members of the league 23 de Septiembre, some of the most famous innocents tortured to death and dumped in Monterrey, the "kidnappers" of Don Eugenio Garza Sada, whose death left Emilio Azcarraga Milmo the sole owner of Estadio Azteca, where he was partner with Sada...can you see the CaCa rolling down hill?
    --Reporte Indigo explains the association of slim and genarco in more detail, people should have that info very present at all times.

  5. Non related but texas state trooper shot and killed in edinburg, tx.

    1. 11:05 Victor Alejandro Godinez "el vitor" has been arrested.

    2. 10:07 no, and he doesn't look that young, it took me a minute to check, just making sure he did not look black or Mexican...


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