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Saturday, April 6, 2019

Captured After 12 Years on the Run: Ballardo Uriel of Zetas-Golfos

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Milenio
                         Ballardo Uriel "N" was wanted by federal authorities since May 2007
                                Former police officer linked to the Gulf Cartel and Zetas falls

According to the Attorney General of the Republic,  Ballardo Uriel Toledo Díaz provided information and protection to the Gulf Cartel and the Zetas.

By: Ignacio Alagaza
After 12 years of being a fugitive, the former commander of the State Preventive Police of Chiapas, Ballardo Uriel "N" , was arrested for his alleged links with the Gulf Cartel.

The Attorney General's Office (FGR) announced the arrest of the former public servant as likely responsible for crimes against health and organized crime.

According to the case file, Ballardo Uriel used his position as commander in Frontera Comalapa to provide information and protection to the Gulf Cartel , as well as Los Zetas , the armed wing of that criminal organization. He is also accused of granting protection to drug dealers in that area of ​​the country, so the first District Judge in Chiapas ordered his capture, which was completed in the municipality of Ixtacomitán .

Uriel "N" was admitted to the State Center for Social Reintegration of Sentences number 3 in Tapachula and was wanted by federal authorities since May 2007.


  1. Reminds me of “el yanky”, now in the feds.

  2. I wonder how it went down as people were made to choose between working for the zetas or cdg. I imagine like el wacho who had to jump to work for botas blancas even tho he worked for el chapo. Then he was killed by the people he used to call freinds.

  3. Things for mexico getting better says amlo. 21 murders in Tijuana in 48 hours. Mr Amlo things r better ja ja

    1. 8:08 Kiko Vega is closer and has been closer for about 6 years...
      --but you never had a thing to say about his chingaderas and thousands of murders under his watch, while he hanged from EPN's balls, and now you just can't help being stupid.

  4. And the cdg is only in tamaulipas huh


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