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Thursday, April 4, 2019

Cártel Santa Rosa de Lima (CSRL) Logo and Symbols Identification

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  from Small Wars Journal

Mexican Cartel Tactical Note #41: Cártel Santa Rosa de Lima (CSRL) Logo and Symbols Identification

By Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan

The Cártel de Santa Rosa de Lima (CSRL), also known as the Cártel de Guanajuato, Cártel de Santa Rosa, or el Cártel del Marro, is a criminal cartel operating in the Mexican state of Guanajuato (Gto.). Its principle enterprise is huichicol or fuel theft.[1] The competition for the illicit petroleum trade has led to violent conflict with their rival—the Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG). This tactical note reviews the symbology (logos and symbols) used by the CSRL.

Key Information: “Qué es el cartel de Santa Rosa de Lima que amenaza a AMLO con ‘matar gente inocente’ en México.” La Opinión. 2 February 2019

Narcomanta threatening Marina, Sedena, and fuerzas federales signed by Puro Cartel de Santa Rosa de Lima.

Image: CSRL Narcomanta. Symbols: M in Triangle, Crossed Warhammers.

Key Information: “Cartel de Santa Rosa de lima e ‘El Marro’ decapita a miembro del CJNG.” México Código Rojo. 7 December 2018

Narcomanta threatening rivals from Jalisco (i.e., CJNG)

Image: CSRL Narcomanta. Symbols: S.R.L., Triangle Flanked by Warhammers.

Key Information:  “SALGANLE AL TOPON: Cártel Santa Rosa de Lima Le Manda Mensaje a el CJNG.” México Código Rojo. 14 February 2019,

S.R.L. logo used on various social media sites

Image: CSRL Logo on Social Media. Symbols: Guanajuato Outline, Skull, Crossed Warhammers, and S.R.L. in Triangle 

Key Information: “Guanajuato bajo fuego: Atacan atiros la sede de la FGR en Irapuato.” Hilo Directo. 6 March 2019

Yellow “payroll” envelope found during enforcement operation “Golpe de Timónconducted by Semar and state police found with symbol associated with  CSRL directing relatives to demonstrate for the cartel. [below]

Image: CSRL ink stamp on a payment envelope given to residents to protest and block military on command. Symbols: Warhammer on Triangle, Guanajuato Outline on Hammer Head.

Key Information:  Gerardo Cano, “Ejecutan a seis en Guanajuato y dejan narcomensaje a nombre de El Marro.” LNN (lanetanoticias). 23 January 2019, ejecutan-a-seis-en-guanajuato-y-dejan-narcomensaje-a-nombre-de-el-marro:

Narcomanta threatening “turncoats or traitors” signed “Sr. Marro.”

Image: CSRL Narcomanta. Symbols: M in Triangle, Puro GTO.

Key Information:  @alec_diaz_, “@l4nd3t4, @vigilantehuaste, @jbustamanteriv,

@c4jimenez, Actualizando fotos de Salamanca Guanajuato.” Twitter. 25 May 2018

Profane CSRL Narcomanta threatening members of rival CJNG cell La Verga Mera.

Image: CSRL Narcomanta. Symbols: M in a Triangle, Warhammers on the Sides, SRL.

Key Information: Dennys Roldán, “Cártel Santa Rosa de Lima: el conflicto contra el CJNG que azota a Guanajuato.” LNN, la netanoticias. 10 December 2018

CSRL Narcomanta threatening La MV and placard on alleged blindfolded member of rival CJNG cell la MV accused of theft.

Image: CSRL Narcomantas with Green Manta displayed on member of rival La MV Symbols: Crossed warhammers, M in Triangle (on Green Manta), MV in Triangle on chest of alleged MV member.


Narcomanta accompanies decapitated rival, threatening others from Jalisco (i.e., La MV) that this cleaning [i.e., social cleansing] is the fate of those that don’t align with el patron“el Marro. Signed S.R.L [Santa Rosa de Lima].”

Image: CSRL Narcomanta. Symbols: Triangle, Warhammers.

Key Information: “Abandonan camioneta con artefacto explosivo en Celaya, Guanajuato.” Televisa News. 20 March 2019

Box containing explosives (artefactos explosivo) handmarked “Peligro” (Danger), S.R.L. “Explosivos” (Explosives) found in abandoned pickup truck in Celaya, Gto.

Image: Box containing explosives marked with S.R.L. symbols found in abandoned pick up truck. Symbols: Triangles with Hammers, S.R.L.


The Cártel de Santa Rosa de Lima (CSRL) emerged from a 2017 split from the CJNG which is led by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, aka “El Mencho.” As a result, this new cartel—the CSRL, led by José Antonio Yépez Ortiz, aka “El Marro”— now dominates the illicit fuel trade in Guanajuato. A number of symbols have become associated with the CSRL. These are summarized as follows:

Logo and Symbols

Guanajuato Outline: The outline of the state of Guanajuato symbolizing the cartel’s turf and reach.

Hammers: Warhammers, sledgehammers, or mallets symbolizing the cartel leader known as “El Marro” or “the Sledgehammer.”

M: The letter “M” in this case representing “El Marro.”

MV: La Mera Verga (La MV or La M.V.) is a CJNG cell and rival to the CSRL.

Puro GTO: Slogan meaning “pure,” “real,” or “only” Guanajuato.

Skull: The skull symbolizes death and mortality; specifically loyalty to death.

Triangle: A triangle (often red) representing the Triángulo Rojo of huachicol.

According to Chivis Martinez, a reporter at Borderland Beat, “The triangle represents ‘El Triángulo del Huachicol’ or the area of influence by Marro regarding the Pemex pipelines. Marro in Spanish is sledgehammer or mallet.”

The use of the triangle, therefore, is a reference to the ‘Triángulo Rojo’ (the red triangle) of huicichol. The term appears to have originated in Puebla, another Mexican state plagued by petroleum theft and illicit taps (tomas clandestinas). The term and associated symbology has become emblematic of huichicol (the illicit fuel trade) and thus a symbol for huichicoleros.  The huachicol region of Guanajuato is also known as the ‘Triángulo Rojo’ and contains the contested cities of Salamanca, Irapuato, and Celaya. The Triángulo Rojo of Guanajuato is also known as the ‘triángulo de las bermudas’ (Bermuda Triangle).

As seen in the various ‘key information’ entries, the symbols and logos used by the cartel often are posted on banners or placards (known as mantas or narcomantas) to communicate threats and intimidate rivals. Often, the CSRL symbols are accompanied by the symbols of the group they seek to intimidate as seen in the use of the triangle surrounding the letters “MV” in the threat communications involving their rival the CJNG cell known as “La Mera Verga.”

Source: “Triángulo Rojo,” El Sol de Bajío. 8 March 2019, PressReader - El Sol de Bajío: 2019-03-08 - TRIÁNGULO ROJO...

Guanajuato is contested turf for huachicoleros. The illicit fuel trade is lucrative and controlling turf brings profits, power, and the freedom of maneuver needed to collect street taxes (cobro de piso y derecho de piso) and exercise control of the plazas for the illcit fuel trade and other criminal enterprises such as narcomenudo (street level sales) and drug trafficking. As the CSRL continues to battle for control of turf and eradicate its rivals, it is likely to continue to brand itself as a means of projecting power and communicating threats. These symbols, therefore, are likely to remain a signature of the CSRL and an indicator of their activity and reach.

For detailed endnotes please refer to the original article at Small Wars Journal.


  1. Illiterate bastards where crayons and symbols are all they are good for.

  2. Chivis got a shoutout. :D

  3. These guys made a mistake by calling themselves a cartel. They should've branded as 'autodefensas' and tried to present as anti-narco/cartel vigilantes. The local people would be forever loyal and defend them like they did Mireles.

    1. Mireles was not stealing

    2. @12:41 good point.
      Sometimes I wonder what these idiots are thinking.
      They need to hire a consultant or at least think About their branding, message, image and PR.

    3. @Queso The Yakuza in Japan unironically do this.

    4. Chihuahuas' Cheese in action again. LOL

  4. Marro guy will fall soon, cjng/LMV are in a all out plan to take that plaza. Last I heard was that marro went to michoacan trying to hide with viagras but now viagras are getting smoked too.. maya didn't want to fund marro either.. marro is in danger zone

    1. 1:25 hey bud fans like u have been saying that marro will fall soon for about 2 years now n look mencha still tying to take over gto

    2. lmao you cjng cheerleaders have been saying that for years...Let me guess ur mommy grew up in Jalisco so you cheer on mencho now thinking he gives a rats ass about you? jajjaja

    3. Eve only been saying it for 3 months now that the military is after him and even got to his mansion !!

  5. Split from CJNG? Is that factual? Marro worked for mencho?

    1. Marro was associated with the Zs.

    2. Marro came from the remenents of LFM and the CT, Michaocan contorlled parts of Guanajuato up to the areas where Marro operates a little bit more up, parts of Mexico State, Michoacan, parts of Guerrero and Parts of Jalisco.

    3. No I doubt that. Marro was running Guanajuato for a while without a actual name for his group. He had control of his region and didn’t need a name for his group because he had it all under control. It wasn’t until CJNG arrived that he decided to put a name on his crew.

    4. there was a Marro that jumped from CJNG and created a dissident cell against Mencho but it wasn't this Marro. CHolo and the other Marro now dead left the same time and worked together.

      here is that story:

    5. No but Cholo did. I’m not sure if Cholo and Marro collaborate together however.

    6. The rumor that Marro of Lima had financial backing from Mayo---can anyone weigh in on that rumor?

    7. @2:40--I have also read in credible reports that they were originally a zeta cell for fuel theft. But I think your comments makes sense.

    8. 7:15

      Ya se le dijo, porque pregunta otra vez? Ya se save que used le ayuda al gobierno y que los federales de ambos países visitan este sito de web. Used y sus llamados “reporteros” le lamben los huevos al Mencho y a su gente!
      Reporten bien y sin manadas a la misma vez digan la verdad cómo está la situación con el mencho y el cartel del pacifico.

      Att: MXL

    9. Chiming in with the rest here; Marro’s old boss, David Rogel Figueroa (El Guero) was a Zetas member from Tapachula Chiapas. Under that logic, Marro was likely a Zetas member. Marro was arrested in 2007/2008 for robbery and organized crime, and allegedly went to work for El Guero somewhere between 2012-2014, before eventually taking control of the group and rebranding it CSRL in 2017.

    10. Familia michoacana controlled guanajuato before the Lima cartel even started. Zetas were there too but la familia had that plaza

    11. thank you 9:08--you filled in details supporting what I have always heard

    12. 9:08 PM 2011 was the year El Chango Mendez and the whole half of his FM cells were betrayed and given to Calderon as a gift this included his people in the US. El Chango before his capture was traveling to a reunion with the Zetas to get support to take back Michaocan. I needed to be more specific before 2011 La FM controlled those parts of Guanajuato El Changos people were the one's that fought and took those areas from the Zetas after the FM/Zetas split just after Zeta/Golfo Split.

      After 2012 El Chango's cells either left, joined the CT or other organizations.

    13. 6:06AM: I have been searching all day and haven’t been able to find any articles stating that Marro started as FM. However, when you consider the timeline, a FM/Z origin for Marro makes sense; with Marro being arrested in Gto in 2008 for robbery and organized crime, he would have almost certainly been connected to the FM/Z alliance that existed at the time. Fast-forward to 2012, and Gto was split between Zetas and CT, which is the time Marro allegedly started working for El Guero (Z from Chiapas). So it seems that Marro probably started as a low-level member of the FM/Z alliance, then moved to the Zetas after the split in 2010, then took control and created his own group in 2017.
      As with everything in Mexico, Marro’s history appears to be far more complicated than it appears at first glance.

    14. I heard that the reason LFM split was becuase El Chango wanted to make deal with los zetas and Chayo wasn't having it.

  6. La mera verga is phrase started in Michoacan with la fm/ ct its a saying “the best of the best” LMV doesn’t not affiliated Cjng it’s just saying that any cartel uses now to affirm their The best

  7. AGARRARON a 280 paizanoz en una redada en DALLAS TX, y ahora kien ira azer ezoz trabajos pos los gringos les guzta mucho drogarze maz no trabajar.

    1. 2:16 just tightening the screws on democratic bastion Dallas, political persecutions are one of the resources of the politically incompetemt good for nothings. There will be others doing the jobs, from the same branch of the same tree.

  8. Marro will go down because AMLO needs a win. There will always be drugs because of the US/Europe appetite but not huachicol. 12:41 is right.

    El Chocoflan 3

    1. 2:27 u totally correct that muppet looking aamco amlo needs a scape goat for his circus 🎪.

      El Bionico fresas con crema.

    2. 7:37 pinchis carteles vs pinchis carteles,
      AMLO just took his oil out of the palenque,
      roben aigre y traguen aigre culeros, o rafaguiense por nada.
      Even better go back to your Chicken.

    3. 7:37 next time tell "AMLO" to put it in writing,
      It may give you some credibility.

  9. Marro is going to be broke before the summer is over and he’ll get his head popped off before Christmas. AMLO is offering temporary protection to those who take care of his fuel theft problems since his soldiers are limited by human rights bull shit rules.

    1. EXACTLY. Same old shit.

    2. Mencho is very strong but he has shown time and time again he cannot take Guanajuato. Its such a pointless battle he makes enough money. Now its personal and blood will flow.

    3. 10:53 I have family in the limit of michoacan and also in guanajuato, they tell me cjng is very active in those parts unlike 2 or 3 years back.. marro has been taking lots of hits tonto

  10. That plaza is one two line freeway with some houses carved on the side of the cerros, El Marro lost his house over there and almost lost his overthere too and the area is flooded with melitary and Federales and Estatales, pinchis marros are living their last days hiding and without much maruchan.
    Last but not least... Marrooo, no mamenaces guey, ni el trompo, ni tu ni mi aguelita, a gueboo...

    1. U heard a convoy of trucks full of maruchans got spotted in guanajoto. Who knows these lames got food for months

    2. 7:40 Don't mess with the maruchan, Salvador Cienpedos stole it from the tropas for his golden retirement, convoy is running to store it somewhere safe.

  11. The bad news is that Narco-Feudalism does not have the upper hand here, that is why they are hiding like cockroaches and little lizzards, but they will have to come out to eat, and not many will want to die with el marro up the ass.. Much less now that he is homeless... LOL.

  12. Marro will be begging Snr Mencho for his life soon

  13. The whole logo and embroidered vest thing the cartels are doing is stupid. What's next? ID cards and W2's

    1. 10:17 PM Cartel de Sinaloa already pays their dead sicarios funerals and a life insurance policy.

    2. Como van andar pagando a los muertos si ni al sicario mas famoso del El Cholo le pagaban, ai un audio donde el Cholo le pide dinero directamente al Chapo.

  14. My daughter can draw, an do the alphabet better than that.

  15. Dice el marro que ya no le digan marro y que empezando hoy le llamen Thor.

  16. "Puro" refers to: only/just.


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