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Thursday, April 4, 2019

Charlotte NC: CJNG Bust Worth $3.5 Million USD ; 18 People Arrested

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: CharlotteObserver AND

Cartel drugs worth $3.5 million US recovered by CMPD, other law enforcement, police say.

Charlotte Mecklenburg Police released photos of items seized in a drug trafficking operation.

Millions of dollars in drugs were seized in a federal bust in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area, police announced Thursday.

Eighteen people were arrested, mostly in Charlotte with several arrests in California, several of which are said by authorities to be members of CJNG.

Anyone recognize this label ??

Police say they seized 40 pounds of heroin, 20 pounds of meth, more than 15 pounds of cocaine, a gun, and $8,000 in cash following the year-long DEA Task Force investigation.

The task force includes several neighboring police departments along with CMPD, and they discovered the drugs during an investigation of a cartel called Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion, police said.


  1. Never ending cycle of drugs flowing into the US. Do the critics still want to dispute that Americans don't have a drug problem?
    What the US should do is impose a trade ban on Chinese goods for not banning the synthetic drug fentanyl. China is selling percursers to Mexico's cartels at an alarming level. Which in turn are shipped to the US.

    Has anyone ever consider that certain countries are engaging in a war without military intervention? Rather, from within one's self destruction?
    Must admit what better way to destabilize ones country than by eroding moral values and the furthering of educational purposes.

    Food for thought

    1. poeple been doing drugs since they were cavemen. moral values are empty abstractions that change with time. better just stop the war on drugs and end the black market.

    2. BOOM reality check 11:46

    3. Fuck the drugs where is the cash

    4. 9:05...that's some logical thinking but in todays society the mighty dollar supersedes morality and logic. ..el lp

    5. 9:05 many Americans have borne witness that some Americans using American institutions of government turned into rogue agents selling the US down the drain under many excuses, to enrich themselves, their buddies, their partners, and not much else.
      --They also turned the Mexican capos and criminals into their partners in crime.
      --they will never be sorry or apologize for their part unless they lose hope about US presidential pardons...

    6. Humanity has a drug problem. Let’s not forget alcohol IS a drug!

  2. Let the snitching begin....

    1. I doubt it wasnt a cds bust UNLESS the guys are sinaloense then maybe yea their is going to be snitching jalisco n mich cats are known to be solid when it comes to that thats why they roll together.

    2. They previously arrested 6 members of a CJNG cell in Charlotte back in February and now they get these guys? Yea they snitched. BTW not all jal and mich roll together. My family lives in Jal and from what I heard and seen a lot of people in Jal don't like mencho. Lets not forget Mencho betrayed cds cuando mataron a Nacho Coronel so he isn't that straight either.

    3. Mencho snitched on Lobo Valencia pa quedarse con Jalisco cuando mataron a Nacho Coronel so not only Sinaloenses are snitches.....No piensen que el Mencho got were his at por su inteligencia acuerdense que trai escuela de Sinaloenses por que con ellos trabajaba antes de ser quien es hoy...

    4. Manuel Fernandez El Animal o La Puerca also snitched and his not Sinaloense es un gallo Michoacano.
      Flores Twin Brothers there family was from Jalisco and they turned out to be the biggest snitches
      At the end of the day everyone in there shoes is going to snitch no matter where they come from.

    5. Manuel Fernandez El Animal o La Puerca snitched and he wasn't Sinaloense es un gallo de Michoacán. Flores Brothers turned out to be the biggest snitches and there family was from Jalisco. At the end of the day anyone in there shoes is going to snitch no matter where you come from.

    6. 7:19 sounds like an under cover chinolilla ariba jocotepec jalisco

    7. Y los k tanto disen k no kieren al mencho en jalisco es jente de Sinaloa k se va vivir or has parientez in sinola dont believe all the hype the wannabe sinaloa jalisco pochos be sayin

    8. Sinaloas have no say of who snitches or who doesn't lol
      everyone saw the chapo trial, that said it all
      Mencho taking over jalisco was BBC a power move not a snitchaloa move 7:30

  3. Great catch, drugs and 18 suspects arrested, CJNG is establishing locations in US. We don't want them here. Glad I carry arms, for self defense. Last year for a few weeks, the Marina made few drug busts in Mexico, but not a single soul arrested. Love our American law enforcement goes all the way.

    1. When they want to span in the USA, it won't be that easy like in Mexico. You murder or kidnap on with drug sales...they investigate 100 percent, while is Mexico 5 percent.

    2. The establishment of this cartel in the US has been visible for quite some time. While arrests are being displayed throughout America. These cells are everywhere now.
      Can't stop American consumption. Added with the fortunes to be made for those high elite players. While the average Joe pusher gets little monetary gain with hefty prison time.

    3. It’s a good catch, but let’s not kid ourselves. CJNG is already established all over the US. This is one of many cells that operate under the CJNG umbrella. The war on drugs is a war that will never be won but the government knows this.

    4. One of the main cells for CJNG in the west Coast is in Redwood City and East Palo Alto, CA

    5. What are carrying firearms gonna do against the selling of drugs?? You going to defend yourself against who?? Drug dealers or are you going to hunt down the drug dealers?? This has nothing to do with owning firearms makes no sense

    6. 1025 self defense he said it, same with me, they mess with me, I will shoot back.

    7. It's EASY to expand in the US, all cartels have a nation wide presence.

  4. We just got back from 2 weeks around Mexico, I saw a bunch of vehicles with North Carolina plates, at different places throughout Mexico. Could be a coincidence but...

  5. Police is talking in pounds and the scale is in gram. That’s puro America

    1. What is you talking in?
      Not sense.
      There are 448 grams in a pound.
      Can you talk in division?

  6. That gun is the difference between 10-15 years and life. Even to the small fry in those 18 guys conspiracy and a gun. Game over.

  7. This must be the result of the arrest of the 6 members of a CJNG cell in Charlotte that happened back in February. I guess CJNG is going hard for the American market now that they have in-roads in Tijuana and (allegedly) have some type of working relationship with CDN factions in Tamps and NL—the supposed Los Katas that work under El Cepeda and El Tory’s CDN group in NL.
    Source for February arrest:

    1. I was thinking along the same lines. did you also read about the massive meth manufacturing site they busted in suburban atlanta. surprised there was never a article on it, also was confirmed cjng.

    2. CJNG is pretty entrenched in the American Market already. This is just one of many cells that operate in the US. It’s all a numbers game, the more cells you have spread across the US, the more money you make.

  8. That's not worth millions lol that's a weak bust with small timers. Cjng is deep everywhere now. Not surprise here

  9. 25 Kilos is 3.5 million dollars? How much does a gram of Black tar heroin go for?

    1. @ James Bond, wow, I always thought it was cheaper than that.

    2. James bonds prices are like schizcario006 stories, all wrong.

    3. Supply and demand determines it all. The further you get it out the more it goes up. Especially isolated cities

    4. Right on 924– I.e. double or triple the actual cost

    5. 9:24. Ok so I take it you live here in Wichita Kansas... That's the price whether you believe it or not. Thats for black tar too not powder kind they have out east. We don't get that kind here

    6. Grams of black go for 60-100 in Salt Lake City. Balls usually go for 180-200.

  10. They busted 20 CDS in atlanta a couple weeks ago with way more money and drugs than this.150,000$ in cash alone besides the drugs they had and it was ALOT! It was on the news here believe it or not!all these cockroaches need to go away and take the tweekers with em!

    1. They caught a cds house a while back in phx here with 1.5mil cash and 100 and something ak47s

    2. Lol does any one else smell somethig burning???ambustiando at its finest typical chicaloca

    3. That just means sinaloas are sloppy

  11. Damn, they should have let me hold some of that coca.

  12. By nobody u mean the Sinaloa?im no even mexican and i could see the hate and envy the cds n their car washer fans have for the cjng...cheers from the uk mate!

  13. Great God Almighty they caught them on American soil, see a future wall, will not keep them out, the cartel sleeper cells are here as we speak.

    1. American soil has become foreign soil to many for decades. The lack of immigration policies and laws have put American demographics into a new direction.
      Past election results of voters and political officials are clearly visible.

  14. Only the Internet sicarios dont like them

  15. Everyone in Mexico dont like them. My family is from Jalisco btw. Only the pochos in the US like them that dont know about whats really happening over there. Everyone in Jalisco wants the peace back when Mencho wasnt there.

  16. No offense but only jalisco pochos that never or berly go to mex are the ones pushhin sinaloa that sinaloa believe they support its called cartel jalisco for a reason. And btw mencho been callin shots there before the sinaloas burned him out in corridos and no one knew who he was,another fact for the kemados mencho put chinolilla on with meth thru don nacho coronel mis respetos pa dgo esa jente si es de trabajo y no andan de que son mejores y nose k mas...ariba jocotepec jal.

  17. 2:09 good observation

  18. CJNG is slowly becoming the new Zetas back when they were larger than Sinaloa.

    Their shoot first and bribe later, no respect whatsoever for authorities, and their approach to heat formerly known peaceful plazas with no regard to the general population or economies are pissing off many people

  19. they find this amount of drugs at the border every day
    DEA is a waste of time
    too many resources to find too little drugs.
    DEA requires college degrees
    Border Patrol requires GED's

  20. 12:47 Plata o Plomo (lead or silver) does not mean you take a bribe and let me work, for a while, it means you submit and pay ME or you get shot, exploitation from above is not the same as corruption from below.
    Got worse when FECAL sold out to the giniuses of war ON drugs.


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