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Thursday, April 11, 2019

El Niño Huachicolero, the saint who protects fuel thieves in Mexico

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from Michoacan 3.0

In Mexico there are several deities that presumably care for people who commit crimes in the country, including Malverde who protects drug traffickers and Santa Muerte worshiped by criminals, but also by the most marginalized. But now faith and devotion has reached the huachicoleros.

This is the 'Santo Niño Huachicolero', a distortion of the Santo Niño de Atocha (a representation of the childhood of Jesus), which has become popular among those engaged in theft of fuel, crime for which the federal government recently implemented an operation to fight it.

The veneration of the image has become more visible since the Day of Candlemas, in which the faithful dress in different clothes to the Child God. Those belonging to the 'huachicoleros' add a few hoses and jerry cans.

There are also circulations of Santo Niño de Atocha holding a hose and surrounded by containers to deposit fuel. The adoration has spread among the residents of the so-called 'red triangle', which covers several municipalities of Puebla, one of the entities with the most theft of fuels.

Recently the Archdiocese of Puebla called on the Catholic faithful not to promote the adoration of this image.


  1. Same idiots who thought it was safe to try and get gas in buckets from a spewing pipeline are putting their faith in the " gas thief saint "????
    Darwin award for sure.

    1. And those same idiots who worship Malverde for safe passage.
      Next in line is a Saint of Crystal Meth. Will probably come with a pioe.

      Simply UNBELIEVABLE.

    2. Lets not forget the Nipsey Hustle saint.....

  2. Okay now that’s stupid who the hell would believe on that.

  3. We have come a long way since the Good God Quetzalcoatl who knew everything and the Maya knew as KuKulKan and Hutzilopochtli the Aztec God of War.
    Don't blame the modern Mexicans for the only God helping them now, it is hard losing your 20 feet Hose or to develop a leak in your 5 gallon gas container when you have ran out of duck tape because you had to get rid of a dozen enemy gum as the day before.
    As a former huachicolero I salute los compass carrying on with the sacred duties today. But not the motherfackers who steal by the shipload and pipe tanker or train tankers to pile up the millions of dollars in foreign accounts, those deserve a fiery death by fire like Rafael Moreno Valle y su pinche vieja la "governadora" y el EPN.

    1. Huachicoleros shld be shot next to their bullshit plastic gas containers. If you sell stolen gas that means your to stupid to do anything else. Fucking brain dead religous nuts are making up bullshit idols now too? Sacred duties? Lol.

  4. Santo Niño Huachicolero must have taken the day off back on January 19 2019 when the pipeline in Hidalgo exploded.

  5. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  6. A total distortion of “faith”. The God of the Bible teaches us not to steal, and to put no other gods before Him. A gas theiving image of the young Jesus is being used as a means to justify this lawless lifestyle.

    1. Totally agree.
      No excuse for this conversion of faith to reward or protect thieves.

  7. Hahaha yeah right, The saint didnt protect them from that big explosion hahaha

  8. It's a commentary on the decline and destruction of Mexico by it's own people. Sad. When you stand by and watch things happen to you this is the result. Mexico will have to go through another revolution.

  9. LMAO otra mamada de estas y me mato

  10. ya se pasaron de verga con esto

  11. 6:44 your Commentary is more destructive than one Hundred ninos huachicoleros who accompany their followers and don't mess with anyone else, unlike you, blaming this image for Mexico's destruction by its own people, your kind of every day propaganda is what destroys, some white supremacistas may be loading his "mochine gans" to go on a Kill Mexican murdering spree because of your comments.

  12. 6:44 Mexico is undergoing a "Low Intensity Conflict" revolution,
    just because there is No Wall yet.
    --nobody wants one hundred million Mexican refugees invading the US because of a full blown mexican war for profit pursued by greedy US chicken hawks, they will be busy for a while pursuing the Venezuelan war for profit of the Lima Group, expert whoring drug trafficking kingpins and convicted war criminals like John Bolton and Elliot Abrams are back in the saddle, pulling the wool over America's eyes.

  13. Que clase de brujeria es esta?

  14. EdApril 11, 2019 at 7:26 PM,,

    this man knows it....^^^

    rest of yal don't believe it? cool cuz it did doesn't require your belief to joke tis real

    the beings or whatever u choose to call 'them', aura de dark energy.. pray upon the psyche & the spirit of the men and women that inhabit this world...

    this isn't a religious nutter spouting bull...its not about religion or 'new age spirituality' none of that crap, those are but tiny cracks in the tapestry... it is a battle though make no mistake about that...internal 1st and manifests external 2nd...

    do not play into or be tricked into playing with wickedness and darkness, it comes to those esp the downtrodden, the hurt the sad, the angry, the powerless and those desiring to feel powerful- may we all find the strength to not be led down these false doorways of wickedness for the blasphemous idols are just a external manifestation of it...the beasts of dark sorcery rearing its repulsive head into the humans plain....

    please...tread lightly on your path my friends..tread lightly


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