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Monday, April 8, 2019

Kidnappings, extortion and recruitment for cartels to organ trafficking, migrants suffer in transit through Mexico

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from VXT

MEXICO CITY.- Not only kidnappings and extortion, but much of the migration in transit through Mexico is exposed to the recruitment for drug trafficking and to be part of the armed groups that the different cartels face. There is also a presence of trafficking phenomena of children and adults organs and human trafficking, says the Honduran ambassador in Mexico, Alden Rivera Montes.

"They are phenomena associated with the victimization to which a large part of the migration is subjected in transit through Mexico: kidnappings, extortion, recruitment for drug trafficking, recruitment to be part of the armed groups that face the different drug cartels".

But we also have a presence, not in the intense magnitude of the kidnappings, of organ trafficking; but it does exist. We have proven cases of children and adults who have been kidnapped to extract organs and then be marketed internationally. It is a problem that exists. Do not close your eyes to something that is a reality, "says the Honduran diplomat.

He says that "in the case of trafficking in persons, obviously it affects very strongly especially underage women.

We are not talking about children but about men and women between the ages of 15 and 17 who are still minors. They are affected dramatically by human trafficking. "


  1. Why is it that the governments call out what is happening to their citizens in other countries but seem to ignore the things they are fleeing in their own countries in the first place. If you want things to get better you have to look from within first. Governments who depend on the money their people send back to their families are basically pimping their own people out cause they are not doing anything to make things better at home so they dont flee. Thats the real humanitarian crisis.

    1. Subsidizing their banana republics to keep people in their country's hell is not working enymor, after letting loose their SOA graduates, their drug traffickers, their greedy politicians and businessmen, and their terrorism of state in their midst, it is only natural to run to hide behind the most powerful petticoats

  2. Thanks Sol, Just heartbreaking what these people go through. They are victimized from every direction.

    1. Thank you Yaqui. Me alegra siempre ver te aquí mi hija. - Sol Prendido

    2. Very true and the main ones victimizing them is their own countries so not sure why people insist on telling other countries how to deal with them. We should be pressuring them to take care of their own citizens so they dont feel the need to leave.

    3. 12:06 what this proves people just want to live in peace, but exploitive extreme right regimes imposed and supported by extreme right capitalistas have never worked.
      And don't start calling these people leftistas for wanting an education, health care, to live a decent life, like capitalistas.

    4. One thing is for sure,
      nobody leaves their country voluntarily, not even the poor.

    5. 11.11am i left my Country by choice. And i love this new Country will never return disrespect 11.11 im happy to see ppl posting.

    6. Not blaming the poor, my family was in that group I just think too much focus is on the country they are fleeing too as opposed to the country they are fleeing from. Headlines are not lets pressure the corrupt governments who control these countries but lets scream and yell at the one they are fleeing too to do the right thing. I am sure we would all love to be able to live in our home countries comfortably.

    7. 6:11 how can you live happily and in peace in your own country when the US has corrupted the government, the military the police and the rich "businessmen"?
      Hell, the crooks have even corrupted the US Government.

    8. Thats where you are wrong, the US or other countries may provide a bribe but the politician, our own countryman is taking it, which makes him the corrupted one. He can say No but takes it for his own benefit and decides to screw his fellow countrymen. Unfortunately its has become a culture and everyone takes the bribe now.

  3. Organ traficking omg.bWe are doomed. They found ways to make money dismembering people.

    1. 10:48 beleeme, it will be easier to make carnitas.
      Unless they take the whole animal alive to the organ recipient, then matching blood types and DNA is another tricky shit.
      Some people are in their 5th heart and they don't care if it comes from a pig like Dick Cheney.

  4. All migrants were warned of the dangers of the journey, whether you proceed, you know what you are getting yourself into

  5. That's why they should stay in their countries.

    1. It is like bees, they stay in their hives and colonies until some asshole disturbs the whole shebang.
      Remember El Mozote Massacre? There were hundreds more like that courtesy of the US henchmen...
      Well, after about 50 years of BS, the cows are coming home....

  6. To have a better life these people have to go through this??? Sad, truly sad

  7. It started with the operations against communism and the Sandinistas, the graduates of SOA left behind an heritage of drug addicted milicos criminales and Gangbangers, but the worst of the worst are in the Banana Republic governments making people run out of their countries.

    1. 2:31 where it started is dubious, killing Vicente Guerrero the first black presidente de Mexico was one big crime, as was killing Francisco I Madero, Jorge Eliecer Gaytan, Jaime Roldos, torrijos, Salvador Allende, kicking out of power guatemalan presidente Juan Jacob arbenz Guzman, giving all that power to United Fruit Co. that then formed the CIA to make the American people pay for their protection, under false pretenses of fighting communism... The start has got lost, but by the smell you know where the crap is.

    2. Vicente was the Obama of the 1800s- half african

      he abolished slavery and Mexico worked diligently for the common folk. and was executed in a stunning event of luring-abduction for payment and a firing squad. the wealthy Spaniards rejected his African blood as being inferior thereby not presidential material.

      IMO his story is the most fascinating of all the mexican presidents.

    3. 1119
      Good history lessons,the false pretence of freedom for the US still gets played today and people lap it up

    4. 1:37 His Spanish father loved "mongrel" Vicente Guerrero,
      He begged on his knees for his son to stop fighting the war for Mexican Independence, when he was the last leader fighting with scarce resources but Vicente refused, saying: "Mi Patria es Primero" ("My Country is First")... many politicians of our times could learn a thing or two from some "black politicians" of today and yesterday

  8. THE honduran ambassador could substantiate WHO GOT KIDNAPPED AND HOW DID HE FIND OUT, and how come nobody in the caravan defended them.

  9. BB Followers: Cartels are not into organ thief. They would be if they could. The harvesting and transport etc of organs is a time sensitive and complicated process.

    A recipient would have to be waiting---in a medical/hospital setting, with the recipients organ removed when the donation arrives. A massive amount of testing to assure quality and match is also done prior to delivery.

    Organs have been removed and absconded with in rare occasions but those are for cult religion practices or ceremonies. not for transplantation.

    1. I agree with chivis. Drug traffican organazations are as strong as they are because they work with the devil. We have to remember that every mexican has ties to ansestors such as mayans and aztecs. Meaning itnisnin there blood to sacraficenand give to there gods, which usually are la santa muerte or jesus mal verde. Its crazy, demons amongst them and thats why some are stronger than others. It sucks because the devil is a liar and these soulsnare lost. I am sure this is some where in the bible.

    2. 12:05 while the Aztecs sacrificed enemies to their Gods, they did not torture people to confess they were infidel devil lovers dedicated to Witchery in order to steal their property or their drug stash ot their bank deposits in Switzerland the Netherlands, Specially NOT after being partners in their criminal activities like the Holy Inquisition straight not from Hell or the Devil,
      but straight from the Christian Church and its bibles

  10. I heard a recorded speech of a "Pueblos Sin Fronteras" Rally taken in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Is telling people that basic income in the USA is fifteen dollars per hour "ethical"? Is telling people swarming the frontera via an overwhelming mass of people seeking asylum "ethical"? Is omitting crime statistics of prior caravanistas "Ethical"? In Tijuana, Mexicanos are carrying a chip on their shoulder because caravanistas will work for virtually nothing. A laborer can be hired for 50 pesos for a 10 hour day. To say that caravanistas are not approached and offered a US $20 bill to carry 5 Kg of Fentanyl across the border is asinine. The young men are hooked up with coyotes and polleros who know whom of the pollos opted for free guidance to cross in wilderness. If the CBP swoops in, the pollo drops the cargo and runs. What happens to him next? There is a vast area out there that swallows people never to be seen again. Sadly there are too many gringos who believe only what they want to believe.

  11. Intelligent people know what this is about,and its not humanitarian.The migrants en masse,then they turn up on borders demanding to treated with respect and help,if not,look out.Weight of numbers helps their legitimacy.Everyone here talks a great talk,idealistic idiocy.


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