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Sunday, April 7, 2019

Guanajuato: Gunmen Attempt Storming Former President Fox's Home

El Armadillo For Borderland Beat From KSBY
Mexico City — Former Mexican President Vicente Fox says armed men tried to storm into his house, just months after President Andrés Manuel López Obrador cut off security for the country’s ex-presidents.
He reported Saturday’s incident on Twitter without giving details. He has a large ranch in the central state of Guanajuato.
Fox also tweeted: “I hold President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador directly responsible for the security of myself, my family and my belongings.”

López Obrador responded via Twitter that he has instructed Defense Minister Luis Cresencio Sandoval to create a security detail to protect Fox and his family “but without the excesses” of prior administrations.
López Obrador dismantled the Mexican equivalent of the U.S. Secret Service after being sworn in as president Dec. 1.

Fox was president in 2000-2006.


  1. What gives Obrador the right to delete security for past presidents, when that country, rates the highest in homicides of the world. AMLO is worrying about noon inportant issues lately.

    1. 7:48 Obrador does not use that kind of security for himself, why would the country spend one dirty penny keeping these traitors' arses safe?
      They can always escape to harverd, Yale, stanfor' China, Spain or Russia, after all they gave their all to "help them".

    2. obrador is a idiot, hes the worst thing that can happen to mexico.

    3. Fack La Chachalaca Fox.

    4. Ni que no tuviera dinero el hijo de put

    5. They stole enough money while in office, to move to a safe beach in Caribbean, and hire blackwater mercenaries to protect them. Wanting Mexico to pay for it, is just more graft for these crooks.

    6. @6:31 AM i agree with you 100%. They have enough money to formulate death squads but are whining about this when the president himself doesn’t use his money to protect himself. This just reveals the type of crooks they are.

    7. 10:48 como dijo el presidente Alvaro Uribe
      "le daba por la boca, Marica"

  2. With all that money he made from his tenure in office, surely he can afford to pay for his security arrangements.

    1. Hates having to divert money from his hoes to security when the folks of Mexico have carried his water his the whole time.

    2. 8:11 former presidente Mr Fox, alias "La Chachalaca", is loyal to his one and only love, Martitha Sahagun.
      she is a ho, but that her problem, he uncle Francisco Sahagun Baca was fired from the Mexican Policia Judicial Federal for torturing and murdering, but that not her problem, her problem and Fox's are her children, spawn of the devil, the Bribiescas brothers.

  3. The irony is that Fox also was the problem for what's transpiring in Mexico. His corruption practices along with criminal collusion did not help his country.
    So now the whiny ex president is crying.

  4. The Mexican citizens just want what he stole from them.

  5. Gee, he can use the money he stole as president, for security. Former presidents are responsible for the narco state of Mx

  6. Maybe he shouldn’t live in Mexico where a life is worth a box of donuts

    1. Box of donuts? You gotta be kidding. Maybe a Chiclet, or a stale pan dulce, I'll give you that.

    2. Yeah, life in the US is worth more, the price of an AR15 and a 3d printed bumpstock.

  7. this guy is lying through his teeth...he has cameras and personal guards yet nobody saw a thing? Vicente Fox needs to just be quite.

  8. After criticizing AMLO policies now he is asking for assistance.
    America should revoke Fox's Visa stay for highly criticizing the US border security efforts.

    Like to see him whimpering in his own country from those constituents he once served who welcome him otherwise.

    1. 9:19 presidente Fox is a great comedian, see all his videos. I'll have to give him that, pinchi Chachalaca Fox should keep it up with his you tube videos.

    2. Agreed. Also nothing was taken including him. Sounds like an attempt to make amlo look stupid nothing more. Amlo will do that on his own

    3. 4:09 - Yeah it was all probably just a false flag operation from put together by previous presidents.

  9. With the hundreds of millions he stole from the Mexican people let him pay for his own security!

  10. Wonder how long before a cartel scoops up a Carlos Slim family member?

    1. I’m sure it has already happened

    2. 12:52 you just Don't know Carlos Slim Helu, he is and old dog when it comes to security, his brother worked kidnappings, tortures, assassinations and political disappearances as a comandante with the DFS with his brotha Miguel Nazar Haro once imprisoned on the US but released on orders of the CIA...
      Facundo Rosas, genaro garcia luna, and Manelich Castilla Craviotto are some of his front line guys, bet you he has more parked with AMLO and had more with EPN, like Castilla who replaced "La Quica" galindo after he fucked up Tanhuato
      Carlos Slim is a high level criminal and he keeps himself safe.

    3. You hombres got to check out his house. It’s built on stilts.

    4. Slim is the true El Padrino and controls govt and has for long time

    5. Carlos Slim is a criminal as well, he’s a top of the line one. You don’t mess with those

  11. My heart bleeds for him,wonder if they could detail protection for every decent person in Mexico who havent lived the life this bitch has and continues to do so

    1. How about security for my family President Fox???? I don't have security not even a pistol. Come live in Tamps. U created the Narco state.

  12. Maybe if Fox had done his job and not concentrate on being a criminal he wouldnt have enemies who wanted to storm his house and kill him and his rotten family. Its his fault, after all, that Mexico is in this mess. He released El Chaputo and all hell broke loose. I know what he is saying is bullshit but it would have been poetic justice if they really did get him and kill his family and chop his head off.

  13. Fox has enough money he looted as president to pay for his own security detail many times over. What a cheap *****.

  14. His property like his nalgas belong to his beloved people, the Mexicans, denle cran al guey.

  15. Now he feels what any other Mexican citizen feels every day . you got the money why not provide your own security . don't hold another person responsible if u have the resources to do so your self .

  16. Como hay gente, ora todos se quieren coger a "La Chachalaca Fox" y a la Martitha nadie la pela, nomas porque ya ta vieja la guey.

  17. Fox is an old player... his chickens are coming home to roost.

    1. 11:41 the Fox has run out of chicken, because, you know, hmm, mexicans like chicken, and animal husbandry, but they should leave the chicken for the pollos, even if their name is "Fox"

  18. AMLO is a stupid old senile man. Mark my words the Mexican people will be very angry with him in the upcoming months. - el giant feo

    1. 1:22 Don't worry about old man AMLO,
      EPN was real young,
      but did you see the metida de verga que te dio...?

    2. Security in mexico is worse since he became President. 21 dead in Tijuana in 48 hours He's joke

  19. lets see what TRUMP said about you seńor 🦊.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Fox probably made this up to make AMLO look bad.

    AMLO is a Dunce, but Fox is part of long list of
    past Presidents that have been complicit in Mexico’s current issues.

  22. People of the town including the priest reported to REFORMA that his did not happen.The inhabitants also do not believe the version that a command tried to enter the ranch of Fox.

    and "There is surveillance in the properties of Fox, it is difficult to enter, nor we who live here can go on to their properties,"


  23. REFORMA published Sunday that, although Vicente Fox accused that the commando tried to enter his home, private security personnel that protect the propertie said that in fact it was a couple of escorts that approached the private access by mistake

  24. Well there goes about eighty percent of my respect for Vicente Fox. Mr. Fox you did NOTHING about ending the FUERO even when nightmare government corruption in Tamaulipas, and Guerrero was illuminated. Now when I come across your ranting, the page or the channel will be changed. You have lost all credibility. The kidnap case of your father should be re-opened.

  25. Thanks Chivis.

    How convenient that one of the most outspoken critics (corrupt man who has a lot of skeletons) is claiming a “commando” attempted to storm his compound.

    If professionals were really contracted to kill this wannabe machista and fool (Fox), it would not have been via an assault on his compound.

    *Vicente Fox. Sooner or later, your skeletons and misdeeds against Mexico will be exposed.

    1. He is repulsive---corrupt, his wife also---liars and cheats
      and has lived in Texas since his post presidency.

  26. Truth, AMLO got what his ego demanded, a victory.
    He doesn't care about Mexico or the people. He won, he won't win again and I'd take odds he quits before too long.
    Mexico needs generals, not useless egotists.

    1. His number one priority is to lower the record breaking homicides. But he is out digging, that Spain needs to kneel, taking away security detail away should be the last of his worries. Trying to save money so it goes into currupted officials. Give me a break.

    2. 7:09 what ego? You don't see AMLO promoting himself yet, or putting others down that don't deserve it.
      He has been trying to make a better Mexico for everybody and leaving law enforcement to law enforcement,
      He is also leaving the gossip and chismes to the tortillera club.

    3. Spain can go to hell,
      pinchis narco-falangistas muertos de hambre.
      Even their own businessmen and pimps chose to export all the money they make by stealing it from their pendejos or extorting it from autocrats that want their secrets kept secret.

  27. Hey, Fox, feeling a little scared for self and family, are you? Maybe you should eat a little humble tortilla and ask President Trump to give you sanctuary in the USA .... And, you can pay for it with the millions you stole from Mexico.
    During your tenure, the narco-cartels grew stronger and many Mexicans died....blood on your hands, ese.

    Fox, so you are scared,eh? It seems your own people don't give two frijoles for your corrupt nalgas.

  28. These filthy rats stealing from the people and then they want tax infused security paid by the people. String this gopher up by his cajones

  29. Why doesn't he just move in with Nieto in that massive establishment in DF. The rats sleep in the same hole

  30. IMO, Vicente Fox gave AMLO a veiled threat when he tweeted: “I hold President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador directly responsible for the security of myself, my family and my belongings.”

    Fox has his protection system in place. He is a gangster who knows the risks of swimming with snakes. Who can he trust? I don't know... maybe a Maya shaman deep in some remote mountain village?

  31. Amlo has done more in these few months than stupid fox did in 6 years. Fuck that puto!!

    1. Like what idiot? Tell me what he's done?

  32. Fox is a showboat. He goes around criticizing trump and the wall every chance he gets. He profits from it as well. Maybe he should ask trump to build a bigger wall around his home. He rants how good the Mexican people are and yes many are but many are not. He needs a bigger wall.

  33. Fox is a liar and was one of the most corrupt president’s Mexico has had and that’s saying a lot! If OC is after him they will get him—even in Texas just like Guillermo Calderoni


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