Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Guanajuato: Luxury cars seized from criminals, are now patrol vehicles

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  La Jornada

Guanajuato, Gto. The Highway Police of the Public Security Forces of the State agency (FSPE) will monitor state roads with 10 sports and luxury cars that were confiscated from  criminal groups, now using them as patrol vehicles.

In the framework of the 186th anniversary of the FSPE, the governor Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, presented the new patrols, six Camaros, two Cadillacs, a Mustang and a Corvette.

The maintenance of the units, whose base value ranges from 535 thousand to two million 735 thousand pesos, will be paid with the jewels and the money seized from criminals.

"They are vehicles that were taken from the thugs, they cost us nothing, they will be used to do good", said the president, at the time of announcing that the units will be assigned in the Celaya highway, the Metropolitan Axis and the Guanajuato highway.

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  1. What about Mexican military generals who confiscate foreign vehicles from narcos, for personal use!
    Years ago a general took a Ferrari from z40.

    1. That was a gift.

    2. Man what do these narcos think? Once your name is big enough you cant even move around town. Like what the fuck was z40 gonna do with a ferrari?

    3. 11:44 In cities like Guadalajara or San Pedro Garza García it's normal to see a couple of card like this. CDMX too.

    4. Got a source on the Ferrari story? I’m very interested.

  2. I hope those Police are on constant alert. Someone might try to get even.

  3. Until criminals take them back.

  4. What about the gas mileage

    1. Thats where the huachicol comes in. Is chess not checkers. Taught u new homes!! Mexican with their dayly dose of fails lol.

  5. Who’s gonna say no to Hot Wheels. Lol. - Sol Prendido

    1. No now some can outrun the Maruchanos chasing them in Nissan Sentras, and Chevy Malibus. But now they're gonna get jacked for their cars..

  6. They took one of Sicario 006, pimped out, bullet proof Camaro, but they did not take his Lamborghini.

  7. How does this make sense? They are merely redistributing criminal profits from one group to another so how work against something by enabling it?

  8. CJNG filmed themselves fighting the Templarios in Michacoan that little rat that ran and asked uncle sam to give him a diaper placed a watermark on the video but you can still see the war is going strong.

    1. By the way Cjng is losing the war in Michoacán they just killed one of their main players el morisqueto. Everyone else just unified to create el cartel de Michoacán to fight off Cjng it’s over with the jaliskas

  9. From a cartel without badges to the cartel with badges.

    1. I dunno cartels love to blast their logos over everything. They both wear badges

    2. We don’t need no stinking badges.

    3. 8:18 no Mexican cartel has been fined 2 billion dollars for laundering drug trafficking money.
      And no Mexican has argued as a US Senator or Congressman, in congress, for keeping secret the sources of any money laundering narco or politician or criminal of any nationality, much less their income tax reports...
      --That is a "Biggest of all Cartels" job.

  10. Gente Nueva Special Forces has a fleet of Luxury and custom made vehicles for special missions and for transportation of CDS VIP's .We have Hummers ,Cadillac Escalades ,GMC Yukon,Bentleys,Ducati motorcycles.
    All our vehicles have a self destruction option designed by our Mossad technology expert. This guarantees the contras nor the government can use them.

    1. Also inspector gadget is a sicario in your special forces group

    2. Smells like Cheetos, put your shoe phone back on yer feets...

  11. This is what H3/Viagras/Fuerza Rural was doing in Michoacán in Spring 2014.

  12. Good for the polesias, but paying with the crooks' jewels?
    I hope they catch Chihuahuas' Cheese and advance the cause with his family's jewels.

    1. 10:33 Who is Chihuahuas' Cheese?
      Send photos

  13. Who's complaining. In the USA they do the same thing, but use the vehicles for undercover work. Asset seizure.

  14. Read Don Winslow (novel) "The Task Force" gives inside views of cop work in NYC. It reveals how it is almost a tradition for "dirty (and not so dirty cops) to purloin valuables from suspects and criminals.
    Of course, certain precautions are followed to avoid legal hassles. Cops worldwide, virtually consider lifting criminals' valuables job "perks."
    Winslow's book is fictional but very realistic and entertainingly educational about the world of Law Enforcement, DAs, politicians, criminals, deviants, drug addicts, snitches, etc.
    P.S. #1: Years ago, I knew a Mexican drug trafficker. I noticed he had a heavy gold bracelet and I commented on it. He smiled, and told me that it was too ostentatious for his personal tastes. Puzzled, I asked him, then "Why do you wear it?". Mainly, apart from giving off messages to others, the bracelet served as a "get out of jail" item with cops who might get too nosy. With smile and a wink, he made a motion of taking it off and slyly handing it over to a cop.
    But you readers know all this....Sheesh!

    1. Police corruption. (
      This week corrupt cop stories, by psmith

  15. This is a stupid and irresponsible thing to do from the state government, who do they think they are? First they proposed passports to visit the state, now they want cops on flashy cars. Guanajuato is not Dubai. If they want to use narco assets to upgrade the police, they should auction off those cars and use the money to buy actual police equipment, otherwise those cops are becoming possibly easier to become targets

    1. Very well said. The thugs will probably steal the cars back violently if necessary and those cars are stolen anyway. How about returning them to their owners? Amlo is shaping up to be a huge mistake for the country. Violence is sky rocketing and he is doing absolutely nothing about it.

    2. Auctions on forfeitures of drug traffickers and kin pins should fund law enforcement technologies and upgrades.

    3. I agree. You take from the takers. You start becoming like them and give the appearance your in some way connected with the takers

    4. 3:05 Leave your phone number,
      AMLO will drive your bicicleta back to you when he finds it
      all by himself, he found a way to tend to pendejadas,
      congress will have him work overtime at time and a half

  16. Those cars will be nice coffins ⚰ for them popos

  17. Try and catch them in their narco tank

  18. Or better 11:56, give the police a raise or bonus. The low pay is why many of them work with the criminal element.

    1. 4:23 no pay rises, maybe some professional training if they qualify, internal affairs and lie detectors should keep most straight.
      Police work should not be about politicized powerful union mafias struggling for more and more perks by any means necessary.

  19. “Confiscated from the criminals” haha.. those are gifts from the bosses to the police..

  20. Que se los lleve la verga,
    pero en un buen carro.

  21. How about selling those cars and buying only necessary equipment and giving the the rest of the money back to the community? Maintenance costs and bullet hole repairs are probably much higher on luxury vehicles. We had the same thing happen in our state with cops using seized sports cars because of our asset forfeiture laws. The citizens didn't like it. People complained for various reasons. Raised questions about police budgets, legitimacy of seizures,etc. A lot of was probably jealousy between departments. Who knows. What was normal ten years ago, gone today.

  22. Now everybody will have to start hiding their cars . The cops now they will be allowed to keep them , every one of them will be carrying throw down dope . LOL

  23. Now the cars, tomarra the jewels, houses, apartments, property and ranchos, chinguesummadre, our heroic melitary and polesias deserve it all and they will get it all

  24. from one criminal to another


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