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Sunday, April 7, 2019

Guerrero: In broad daylight, a US tourist is killed in the coastal area of ​​Acapulco

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat material from SinEmbargo

During a shootout between two men

A Mexican tourist was shot dead on Saturday on the Costera Miguel Aleman, in Acapulco, Guerrero, according to local reports.

The report of a murdered man and a wounded woman in the La Pinzona neighborhood was alerted to the authorities at 11:30 am.

The Ministry of Public Security reported that the events were recorded at 11:30 in the morning in a building, next to Las Tarascas restaurant, which caused tourists and locals to run for cover.

These facts are given on the eve of the start of the Tianguis Touristico of Acapulco, which seeks to boost the tourism industry, however, so far this weekend there have been at least 10 homicides in that coastal city

A tourist who was based in California, United States, was shot dead a few blocks from the Zócalo of the city of Acapulco.

According to local media, a woman was also wounded by a firearm in the vicinity of the CROM building, one block from the Zócalo of that city in the state of Guerrero.

The authorities' report indicates that they received an alert for an attack with firearms, and when they reached the place they found the two tourists, the dead man and a woman was wounded.

From Reforma:

This Saturday, a Mexican tourist who was from the United States, died of a gunshot wound during a firefight that was carried out by two individuals who were chasing each other on Avenida de la Costera Miguel Aleman, four blocks from the base of this port.

The tourist Esteban Moreno, who was with his wife in the building of the CROM, was shot and died instantly. [Reforma does not report the wife being shot]


  1. Cjng killing innocents and destroying businesses who count on it. Cjng are the plague of mexico. They are basically ISIS of mexico.

  2. They might as well try to hold Tianguis in Yemen, from now on. This just about finishes Acapulco, tied with Apatzingon Michoacan for 250th place.

  3. I mean... don't wanna victim blame or anything, but what was he even doing there for tourism in the first place? This ain't the 90s, Guerrero has travel warning similar to Syria for reason.

  4. Who cares about a US tourist being killed in mexico when theres dozens of mexican nationals being killed,kidnapped,tortured,robbed,etc in a daily basis....

    1. @5:17 P.M.: huumm? "mexican nationals" There is something here that I can't quite put my dedo on.

    2. Hola chivis soy monclova,me agradaría que venga ejercito de usa acá a terminar.con todos acá en mexico está peor que antes...god bless you

    3. I 2nd it, I to care, 517 you don't have a heart, wait until they kill one of your lived ones.
      Luna Apagtha

    4. 7:47AM you said it perfectly like I have been saying for years. They stand by and stare at the shootings. They don't report anything or force out the criminals and then when it's them or their family getting kidnapped or killed they blame the government and walk in marches demanding answers. I don't care how outgunned and and corrupt the government is. If they don't take action then they shouldn't complain. They are complicit as long they stay silent.

    5. Of course we care, about BOTH; right on , Chivis
      That is why we are here.

      Here is the Red Noticias page

    7. 5:17 GET A GRP ! If it was common for people to be slaughtered wholesale here in the USA . Every time a foreign national was foolish enough to show up and be killed , it would also be high lighted . . Make something out of real racism and not your paranoid mind .

    8. 5:17 "Who caress ?" We do care being a human. Maybe you are concerned only with Mexican nationals, that's not the case for others. To us, Mexican nationals & US nationals are one and same. To your 2nd point, yes its sad that Mexicans are facing wrath on daily basis, whose fault is that ? It's obviously the people, when you can't stop in beginning it's tough to stop on matured time. There is a saying in our locality "what can't be bend at the age of 5, cannot be bent at the age of 50". Remember "Rome is not built in 1 day", Government is just a reflection of people. If people were strong enough to oppose, nothing is impossible, with current media reach don't blame just the government & US for all the troubles that's happening in Mexico right now. The thing is there is no unity among the good peoples in Mexico to organize wide protest with wider reach. This is a protest that took place in 2012 & 2017 for a gang rape. Imagine how many rapes & murders happening in Mexico, why there is no wide range protest to such extent whole international media coverage. I attached this particular protest because of it's intensity and spark for social awareness that's spanning further. Nothing comes easier my friend.


    9. 4:41 the politics of division has divided the Mexicans for a loooong time, some have good reasons, and some do not, but it all works perfect for the forces of evil who conquer the wining side of "DIVIDE AND CONQUER"

  5. Word has it they are killing the low level crimalals, the one that are kidnapping, and extorting the local business. Rumor has it AMLO made a deal with the Jalisco cartel; let the drugs pass to the border in return they will off the small criminal cells.
    I spoke with some locals from Colosi, and Zapata, in thier opinion it has gotten safer. Also some of these "Americans" have brought their gangster culture with them to Acapulco.

    You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette.

    1. Oh boy I guess there’s going to be a wall. Damn.

    2. No offense but your friends are most likely low class nobodies that voted for amlo like blind sheep. There’s no real deal and the murder has spiked in Acapulco this year so far so no it’s not safer. The local businesses are still under extortion from multiple groups. Are your friends politicians or local lawyers and business folk? No they are not. They don’t have a clue what’s going on. Besides lack of leadership the entire Acapulco is ridden with low life kids a generation lost. No morals. This will continue until the government takes it seriously which since 2007 has not. They’ve allowed Acapulco to crumble.

    3. 554- u mean the rumor u just tried to start?

    4. 22 Policias Federales asesinados en Sanchez Taboada, Veracruz...

    5. 10:13 is a he only wall for now was made by Clinton and Obama.
      People knew how to extort better, before.
      These days people can barely extort a repair here and there.

    6. 4:00 you are a low class troll without any better ideas.
      AMLO held the fire when FECAL stole the presidency...
      AMLO held the fire when EPN stole the presidency...
      --The Mexican people took it like a man when salinas and zedillo stole the presidency, AMLO among them...
      And you can't hold on to your bloomers for 6 YEARS without sprouting your BS?
      I am in the dark about what other offerings were there, Meade and Anaya didn't have what it takes, what were the other sheep choices you had to offer, margara zavala "la senora de calderon", El asesino osorio chon, Los chuchos, La Mula Rodriguez, pendejo?

    7. I am not going to get into Presidential politics, but the chances of AMLO striking a deal with CJNG in this is highly improbable.

      Yes, CJNG have posted banners saying they are going to end the extortion and petty shit, but that is pretty much the standard BS that they all say when they enter territory.
      I just can't believe that any group nowadays has any sort of moral compass to say what kinds of crimes are acceptable or not. These guys are in the money business, by whatever means possible, and CJNG is no exception.
      So yeah, they could be killing low level members of other groups, and trying to get control of the city. But the extortions will continue. The only thing Acapulquenos can hope for is if CJNG can control it and run it like PV, or how Zetas in their heyday did with Cancun/PDC - put a lid on the obvious violence in the city, to get/keep the USD flowing in. That way more drugs to sell, more businesses to extort.
      All that being said, sucks that an innocent person was caught in the crossfire.

  6. "The tourist Esteban Moreno, who was with his wife in the building of the CROM, was shot and died instantly. [Reforma does not report the wife being shot"

    I would like to add that this is a sad story, and this guy was probably inoccent.

    Stay away from the Zocalo.

    1. he was caught in the crossfire. as for those saying he should not be there, we do not know the circumstances. my friend has gone to aca twice in 5 months to visit his dying mother. whatever the reason, he did not deserve this

    2. 9:08 nobody that has not been sentenced after a just trial deserves to be asessinated, but this guy is lucky it went fast, sometimes the polesias and melitary take their time to consummate the dirty deed, like THE CIA contractors in Iraq or Admiral Emilio Eduardo Massera in Argentina and the junta in Argentina, Uruguay, Panama, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Chile. Some times after torturing their victims all day they would take some females out for dinner before raping them.
      The part about what this guy was doing there, it is almost criminal supporting the tourism industry when there is no police around in spite of all the local crime, see your mom, but boicott everything else,
      Eso si, the government refuses permission for the people to form autodefensas because "that's their job", Comandanta Pastora is too busy now that she is a senadora federal, and El Chapo is gone.

    3. My son was innocent we weren't familiar with Mexican Activity. And he went there because his wife and family were going to visit there family members. My son unfortunately was in the wrong place and time. So for those who are saying that you don't care go fuck yourselfers because we do care and we don't wish this pain on nobody. If we would of known of the danger ahead of time he would not traveled there. And yes some of us Do Not watch spanish tv or news

  7. Nobody is watching anywhere to facilitate the shooters escapes.
    Policing made to order.
    Say goodbye to tourism, except for chilangos that carry their own home made tortas and sleep on the beach. Pinchis batos gandallas.

  8. Frankly surprised anyone still takes a holiday trip to Acapulco.

    1. I’m more than surprised. It’s got to be very hard on locals there. No one deserves this.

    2. Time to blow Cacapulco back to smithereens,
      to the devil what is the devil's.
      It never was something for the people, just millionaires and hoes and pinchis chilangos muertos de hambre for Easter vacation.
      Then the people will live in peace.

    3. Headed down there soon. I actually enjoy it, though the potential danger sucks some of the relaxation out of it.

  9. Spend your money elsewhere.

    1. If I go to Russia,I may get killed by a drunken driver.
      If I go to China the elevator or esclatot will kill me.
      If I go to Turkey a wall will kill me.
      I will take my chances is Mexico, hoping I don't land in an ice chest.

    2. 6:52 I hear Hell is pretty cool,
      in spite of all that Christian propaganda.

  10. I hate to say but I don't feel sorry for them. Everybody knows how dangerous even the Tourist areas of Mexico are, and they go anyway oblivious.
    I wouldn't go to Mexico if we had no other options and had to flee there.

    1. Thats because you are a coward. And just so you know. Here in the US innocent people die too. We have lots of crazy people here.

    2. 9:06 Chivis, I love you saying my name, repeatedly,
      almost as much as I love you💕💋Mua!

    3. @10:11 PM

      Sure pal. Someone who doesn’t to go to a place as dangerous as Syria is a “coward”.

      Just for information, to be courageous you have to at least have a way to fight the danger you are facing, otherwise if you cannot fight the danger and you don’t avoid it anyway you are not courageous, you are an idiot. A man who goes to war with his comrades may or may not survive since he is armed and he is fighting alongside other people with the same firepower.

      A simple tourist with no connections is literally dead if anyone, for any reasons whatsoever, wants him dead in Acapulco, and there is nothing he can do about it even if he has Mossad training since you cannot carry in Mexico expecially if you are a tourist.

      So no, he is not a coward. He is just not an idiot.

      The one your mother warned you about

    4. DavidDavid @8:20
      Unfortunately, EVERYONE doesn't know. They believe whatever they want.
      I have friends that keep going to Acapulco; they don't believe me either.
      They say I am "Being NEGATIVE".

    5. Also, I just spent months in Mexico, albeit NOT in Aca.
      It depends on ALOT of things, security first at all times, no discussion 100%
      common sense just like you would practice ANYWHERE questionable.
      If you are too naive to know what is questionable then you should not leave your living room.

    6. There certainly are a bunch of heartless people on this site. You see the phrase an "American in Mexico" and with absolutely zero background information on the person or why they were there you make a snap judgment to deem their murder justified based only on the geographical knowledge of where they lived verses where they were murdered? Do you think sounding callous makes you sound tough? Because being callous and being tough have nothing to do with one another. And there's nothing cool about being an uncaring dick. It just makes you that... An uncaring dick. And the world is already a log-jam of uncaring dicks. I'm firmly with Chivis, Luna, Yaqui and the other people who commented that yes, in fact all these murders of innocents matter. Regardless of their nationality they are human beings with hopes and dreams and loved ones whose lives have been destroyed simply for having the misfortune of getting caught up in a situation they had nothing to do with. It could happen to any one of us, anywhere, at any time. You and your loved ones aren't immune. Show some respect. Imagine it happened to you, or your sister, or your mother. Would you want someone saying they deserved it because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time?

      ATTE: Solothurn la Arma

    7. @Solothurn la Arma: God bless you. There is hope. Good post friend.

  11. Obviously these are lowlevel drug dealers fighting over crumbs without regard of human life. A real mafioso wouldn't do something to draw attention . I believe it's the tourists fault sometimes because if it wasn't for the popular demand of drugs these lowlifes would be elsewhere selling drugs.

    1. A real mafioso? Like what? John Gotti whacking Castellano in front of Sparks? Sammy The Bull writing books? They were "real mafiosi", no?

      Could have been drugs, could have been extortion, could have been over a woman. When 95% of the murders don't get solved, life is cheap.

      One other thing I don't understand about what you said - So if this is the result of the "tourists seeking drugs", how do you explain how Puerto Vallarta had a total of 5 murders or less last year.

      The story here is that an innocent man in the tourist zone got caught in the crossfire and died for it.

  12. There was a story once in a Mad magazine. Where an individual wanted to take a trip. But was afraid of airplanes because of his fears of them falling out of the sky. A train was recommended. But even then he’d hesitate for that trip because of his fear of it derailing. So in the end he settled for a ride in an automobile for his trip. But on the day of that trip it just so happened that an airplane fell out of the sky. Which in turn hit a train. That caused the train to derail. Only to have that derailed train hit his car. And unfortunately end his life. So, no matter how much we try to avoid DEATH. Eventually we all have to face our demise. - Sol Prendido

    1. Otra de esas y me bajo el cierre.

    2. 4:02 No vayas tan lejos. Échale plática al micrófono. - Sol Prendido

    3. 4:02 esa pistolita ni cosquillas me hase. -Sol Prendido

    4. 2 posts sol? Lol

  13. David are you an American?I only hear Americans talk that way,especially Californians.I guess it's because you have warm places to go in winter and want to keep the tourists there like Florida and Nevada and Arizona.I never hear anyone talk that way here even Europeans.

    1. Canadiana, DavidDavid is the pizzapizza! pendejo, =Lil' Cesar
      5:12 is no pendejo, that is Chivis greatest love.

  14. Man! There are some coldhearted people on this site! What's this world coming to when we stop caring about a person's loss of life!? White,brown,black or purple. They're people. They have families. They are loved. And to think, one of these commenting might be my neighbor! Scary thought!

  15. Few Americans visit Acapulco these days.

  16. Have ya ever thaught that both narcotrafico and isis violence is kind of similiar. One uses religion and the other uses drugs in order to opress.

    1. 6:06 Mexican cartels members driving white troques and cars are managed by the same ISIS owners.

    2. Drugs are a religion too

  17. Who in their right mind goes to guerrero to vacation. They arent tourists unless u got family and are visiting u are a sucker. My in-laws are from their and send me pictures of the beutiful beaches but nah am cool i keep my ass in ensenada or might go to rivera maya.

  18. Only shows that punks with guns are ignorant peasants. No tourists means no one to extort from.

  19. 2 tourists were taken and robbed and shot yesterday as well.

  20. There is a cruise ship in Port tomorrow. It is carrying 4000+ passengers...I bet nothing will happen to them.....

    @4:49 Not a rumor I started just, just gossip from locals.

    There is a new political faction in Acapulco, hence the blood shed.


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