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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Hitman intercepts and executes the wife of a drug leader in Tepito.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from  Excelsior 

Mexico City.- A video shows how a low hit man in a white truck with a sunroof goes to the car in front and shoots the occupants a dozen times. The attack lasted only 14 seconds, seriously wounded one of the clan leaders of Los Villafán de Tepito, and left his wife dead.

The cameras of the City of Mexico recorded the attack that occurred on March 24 in the Interior Circuit, perimeter of Azcapotzalco.

On that occasion, Carlos Raúl Villafán Ríos, leader of one of the old gangs of drug dealers in the neighborhood of Tepito, was traveling with his wife.

The vehicle in which Carlos Villafan was traveling with his wife received multiple bullet impacts from the passenger side.
The attacker wore a black sweatshirt, had his hat on, took advantage of the red light of the traffic light to perpetrate the attack. There were several cars around, even a van with goods, that did not stop the subject from carrying out his crime.

Lucina the wife of the leader of the Villafan clan died in the attack

The sicario shot them repeatedly with the determination of executing Carlos Raúl Villafán, however, only left him wounded. The aggressor fled.

They were more than 10 shots were fired, once finished runs in the opposite direction and flees.

The subject who was driving the van in which the alleged hitman was running escaped in reverse.

The video shows that one of the doors of Carlos Raul Villafán's car opens. The attack left him injured but his wife died in the attack.

In the video it is observed that a patrol arrives from the Secretariat of Public Safety; however, the police unit was parked in front of the bullet riddled car and did not pursue after the murderers.

Until now the investigations establish that the attack was in revenge for the aggression that was suffered by three members of a criminal group that operates in Tepito, which were shot at the day before.

Apparently they are part of the criminal group that was headed El Betito, they were drug dealers.

Reports state that two individuals identified as El Chila and El Agustín participated in the attack on Villafán, apparently because of a recent conflict over the control of different narcotics points located in Jesús Carranza, and Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas.


  1. This has Jalisco written all over it

  2. Le matan a su esposa,
    le balacean todas las pinchis nalgas al guey, pero eso si,
    ahi andan nomas de calientes.

  3. Pinchi chilango pickpocket, gandalla, carterista dos de bastos, ora si lo mandaron a la Escuela pa que se eduque, but when the wife is the one killed, most of the time that was the idea, remember Tupac, he got killed, his pimp made a killing fo' Suge, Why Nat!

  4. That's guy was probably like his shadow looking for the perfect time to strike.. his bodyguard was probably in the front in different car

  5. La otra ya quere casorio, or the wifa was cheating.
    mophakka got his wife murdered.

  6. Yeah, fuck Mexico and FUCK all the cartels. If there was a button to purge all of these scumbags from the planet, I would smash that shit over and over.


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