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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Playa del Carmen: "Foreigner" shot while playing basketball

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from Noticaribe

Around 8:35 pm, a subject entered the dome of the Bosque Real subdivision and fired several times against a foreigner who played basketball.

According to witnesses, the subject entered running and fired four times against the player, then left and fled. The injured had four impacts on both legs, so he had to be transferred to the General Hospital of Playa del Carmen by paramedics from a private company.

The event took place in the dome adjacent to the "De la madre" park, which is located on Monte Líbano street and Monte de las Cascadas with San Ka'an avenue.

Elements arrived of the General State Attorney, Municipal Police and Paramedics, so the place was cordoned off and protected. So far there are no detainees.


  1. I hope he gets well and returns to Mexico to finish his vacation!

  2. Can we assume that loosing to this individual playing ball got him killed?
    Too bad he couldn't run circles from bullets like he handled the basketball.

    Get well soon card is attached.

    1. Not killed just a few fragments in both legs.
      Such a pity

  3. Wonder what he got shot up for? Just kinda strange shooting him in the legs instead of showing him the usual "southern hospitality"😉(🔫😋) Mexico has been known for since 2005-2006.

    1. 12:27 blood out, blood in, gang recruiting don't ask for much anymore, sometimes you just have to punch somebody in the snout to earn respec and, start working.

    2. "Southern hospitality"! Good one! Lol.

  4. 2005-2006 so everything is fine down there now? Just one bad year

    1. 8:37 your husband means shit started 2005 or 2006, as fox was about to finish and his people started heating up the bed for THE FECALATO, He accepted billions of dollars to start his war ON drugs that has been going on for about 12 years, at about 100 000 casualties per year, more than one million Mexicans killed for about 36 billion dollars from the US taxpayers. There was murdering since 2005 to annihilate AMLO campaign PRD VOLUNTEERS that helped FECAL steal the election, EPN repeated the steal in 2012, Until AMLO WON for 2018 with newly formed MORENA PARTY.
      --Salinas had stolen the presidency in 1994, murdering and disappearing more than 1000 PRD campaign workers of Cuauhtemoc Cardenas helped him consummate the dirty deed.

  5. Obviously a sore loser

  6. He was hustling players for money that’s why he got shot

  7. foreigner does not always mean turist. lots of eastern european mobsters in pdc

  8. Got shot foe playn b ball roun ma neck of the woods soccer rules anythang else is considered gay and yo ass is promt to get shot as a warning the legs go first.

  9. He probably macked or took some dude's girl.


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