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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Tamaulipas: 11 narco blockades in Reynosa

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat fro El Universal

Young people were in charge of throwing “ponchallantas” in the streets to prevent security from reaching the confrontations, allegedly on orders of CDG, blockades in 11 parts of the cities.

Blockades, burning of tires, streets carpeted with tire spikes, car thefts---is the result of confrontations and pursuits taking place in Reynosa.

It began with a clash in the south zone of the city, provoking alarm among residents.

State police arrived on the scene initiating a pursuit that extended through the colonias:: El Anhelo, Lazaro Cardenas, Bermudez and Cavazos.

Metal devices called Poncha llantas or tire spikes were strewn on the streets, causing damage to the vehicles of residents.

Many other residents were stripped of their vehicles which were used to create blockades.  Water delivery trucks were used in the maquila zone.

In the Puerta de Sol Fraccionamiento, the burning of tires was reported, which prevents visibility.

There were also “Situation of Risk” [SDR]  on Morelos Blvd and in the western area of the city.


  1. How very frightening for the good residents of Reynosa! What a feeling of helplessness they must have had to be trapped by these blockades. I fondly remember going to Reynosa frequently back in 1980. It was easy to cross the border; never a worry about safety. God bless the innocent citizens who simply want to live in peace.

    1. Those days are long gone. Probably won't come back in my lifetime.
      The serenity and tranquility of crossings between countries have diminished those shoppers from the US due to uncertainty.
      Mexico's border cities have become perilous for many.

    2. azy fue CONEJO EN 1980 era was verry safe nosotros trabajabamos enel roofing en pharr y nos ivamos cada weekend a reynosa y ala feria rio bravo , domingo en la noche cruzabamos las kompuertas y para el lunes ya andabamos en chinga, todo bien trankilo en ezoz tiempos. ahora ta cabron.

  2. This event reminds me of Chechen mujahideen raid on Nazran in June 2004 similiar event

    Witnesses to the attacks told Russian media that most of the attackers spoke the Ingush language and wore masks and camouflage uniforms similar to those worn by the Russian police. The rebels patrolled Nazran, setting roadblocks and stopping motorists, asking to see their documents. Any law enforcement officials they encountered were then shot and killed, with exception of traffic policemen who were spared.[7] The raid lasted nearly five hours, and the raiders withdrew almost unscathed and with two truckloads with 1,177 seized firearms.[8] The Interior Ministry building and Nazran train station were burned down. Ingush officials said the rebels took some 20 hostages, mostly traffic police officers.

    The attackers also tried but failed to free 50 prisoners from a temporary jail and dispersed at 3 a.m.,[4] before the column of federal army troops managed to reach Nazran just after dawn at 4 a.m.[5] One Russian military convoy was also ambushed en route from North Ossetia and suffered casualties.[6]

    The overnight attacks targeted 15 government buildings in the former Ingush capital and the largest city, Nazran, and three settlements located on the Baku-Rostov highway that crosses the republic from east to west (Karabulak, Sleptsovskaya and Yandare). The targets of simultaneous attacks included the Interior Ministry (MVD) headquarters with an arms depot, an FSB border guard unit, the municipal police headquarters, barracks of the OMON special police, police stations and checkpoints.

    1. Don’t call them rebels, they were just ordinary Muslims and following their religion.

  3. cdg vs defensas?

    1. Theres no defensas in reynosa. In other parts of tamaulipas the defensas are cdg. In reynosa is cdg vs cdg or cdg.

  4. Looks like cdn is moving into Reynosa hard now by end of the year Reynosa will belong to cdn

    1. Bullshit,this has nothing to do with CDN

    2. This is cdn coming into Reynosa in there armoured vehicles they already control parts of the city

    3. Cdn can barely go in miguel aleman but cant reach reynosa. Cdg vs cdg.

  5. Caltrops or tire spikes. At one time these were being sold on Amazon. I’m guessing someone must’ve brought it to Jeff Bezos attention and they were discontinued. They’re not hard to find on other websites though. If you have basic welding skills these can easily be mass produced. Down in Peru there’s a landowner who likes to fill discarded egg cartons with nails and have them strategically strewn throughout his property. The weight of the nails pretty much ensures that they stay in place. Crudely made. But very effective against unsuspecting trespassers.
    - Sol Prendido

  6. Golfo hitmen are always fighting either each other or military. Seems like the other cartels get corrido ideas from watching these guys lmao


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