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Saturday, April 6, 2019

Tijuana: She witnesses her father killed, six year old girl is wounded by gunshot

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from RadioFormula

A six-year-old girl was shot and her father was killed on De las Rosas street in the Villa del Álamo neighborhood.

The events were reported around 8:00 pm when shots were heard.

Upon their arrival, Municipal Police and first respondents,  pronounced the man dead.

The minor child was transferred to the hospital.

In the area an operation was mounted searching for  the attackers who had fled on foot minutes before.


  1. Tweekers killing people infront of an innocent 6 year old. Mexico is something else i tell you.

    1. That's what happens when citizen are not allowed to carry fire arms legally. They become easy pray for the coward meth addict bums that do. Shame on you Mexico you ask for this.

    2. 7:53 why Don't you run to the rescue hopalon cassidy?
      That would be a job for courageous you,
      apply with AMLO, he might arm you with some pelotas.

    3. There changimg that in mexico,i think u can have guns at home now or its headed that way

  2. Why was the dad killed? Is there more to the story? Does the police respond quick or take thier time?

    1. It happened in Mexico not the USA

    2. 11:04 remember that most drive bys and a lot of murders do not get solved or cleared on the US too often, and the police have been heavily militarized and armed with impunity and billions of dollars in resources.
      Worse, the Mexican police are the corrupted puppets of the US-Mexican narco-gangsters running criminal cartels in mexico, while Mexican criminals rarely influence law enforcement on the US, they are owned help working for peanuts and table scraps.

  3. More cartel animals than people

  4. Now what could have he done to deserve this?

  5. I wonder why this man was targeted, maybe he was no good.

  6. mexico needs more than a politician is capable of.

    1. 10;06 Mexico needs a commision de la verdad,
      but no pardons for anybody,
      It is still the belief spread all over the world that it is not politically correct to accuse the world tormentors for their crimes of mass murdering and genocide driven by the most gigantic greed of the already rich trying to get much richer, the high and mighty still. Can t deliver Henry kissinger to the court in East Timor that found him guilty of crimes against humanity, or for Bangladesh where he and Nixxon let their parnas do their murdering in peace along with an encyclopedia worth of crimes around the world, or the Chilean and Argentinian tragedies from operacion Condor...
      Truth commissions can only be formed after the guilty have been assured that they will be decently respected and not blamed for their dirty deeds.
      Alvaro Uribe Velez is one of the worst offenders, and the world of international genocide and drug trafficking still defends his ass.

  7. Mexico officially trash 🗑

    1. You guys are on a narco blog... this is only 2% of what Mexico is all about, compared to Honduras and other Central American country’s this is nothing. The reason why it gets so much press is because it’s USA’s neighbor . Relax people.

    2. 10:33 your mama.
      That trash, for having a daughter like you.

    3. Wow comparing mexico to central america. "We are not that bad" see thats the problem. 5:10 seems it hurted ha? My poor rosa de guadalupe watcher. You want to make mama jokes? What are u 5 year old lil girl?

    4. 7:03 your mama and her mama,
      and the mother of the mama of her motherfacking mama.
      Are you a Nazi condemning a whole country for the sins of the few?
      Next we'll see you as a prison guard in the "All New Concentration camps"

  8. Damn ranas are desperate

    1. Lol everybody and your moma knoes is how tweekers operate

  9. Cjng killed him for not paying their extortion fees the guy owned two stores

  10. He’s lucky they left his daughter alive, When you enter that business it’s made very, very, CLEAR that if you mess up in any way, you and your whole family will be targeted.. luckily the girl was left unharmed. She will definitely be messed up tho

    1. Unharmed ? She was shot for Christ sake .

    2. No honor up in this bish. These lames should all be shot once caught so they learn basic morals.

  11. It doesn't matter what this man was or wasn't involved in. Nobody should be put to death in front of their children. The drug war is out of control, and everyone seems to be so rigid in furthering their own agendas, they have forsaken their ability to think objectively and abandon their emotionally reactive feelings regarding this mess.
    When will people stop pointing fingers? Walls won't work. Drugs will be used. The drugs will be sold and trafficked. As long as people on both sides of the border insist on letting their most base egocentric feelings control their actions, votes, allegiances, the carnage will continue.

    1. 1:19 never stop pointing fingers, somebody will get it right
      Pinchis criminales always expect you to get tired and go to hell, that is when they win and their shit becomes the norm.


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