Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Veracruz: 3 alleged kidnappers tortured and killed by CJNG

El Armadillo For Borderland Beat From VXT

Four civilians were killed last night in a building under construction in the town of Venta Parada, in the mountainous area of Amatlán de los Reyes, in Veracruz.

The victims showed signs of torture, their feet and hands were tied and mouth gagged, none of them had any form of ID on them. Their torturers only left a cardboard in which they alluded that the killed men were kidnappers. 

The message reads:

"This is for all the kidnappers and extortionists, you're next, wachos" [officers or soldiers]

According to a report from the State Attorney General's Office (FGE), the four civilians were killed by the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG). In addition to the beatings and torture, each of the four people killed had a gunshot to the head.

On one of the bodies was found a message written on cardboard, in which they warned that there would be more executions in this region.

The bodies were transferred to the Forensic Medical Service (SMF) to work on their identification.

In the first four months of the local government of Cuitláhuac García Jiménez, more than 550 people have been killed.

The law enforcement and security of Veracruz has been bogged down, due to the political differences between the Governor, Cuitláhuac García and the Attorney General of the State, Jorge Winckler.

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  1. The moral decent upstanding citizens of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel fighting for justice once again just as they've always done!

    1. Lol tweekers cartel full of family values

    2. hope you being

      decent citizen of justice

  2. Tweekers killing innocents

  3. CJNg killing innocent vendors that dont pay their extortion fees then accusing them of being supposed kidnappers. Cjng are the ISIS if mexico. They need to all be exterminated.

    1. 1:52 like ISIS and Al Qaeda, CDS was formed by some in the CIA the agency disowns and calls "Rogue Agents" but still protects and covers up, for them, CDS depended from DFS (CIA PUPPETS) now called CISEN which still dedicates itself to drug trafficking and political disappearances on behalf of their puppet masters...
      OUR MAN IN MEXICO, WIN SCOTT took great care of infiltrating his Litempos in crime and government all over Mexico, he did an excellent job, still producing for his agency since the 40's after WWII, it took care of business all over Latin America, still creating war refugees that seek shelter in the US.

  4. If anyone wants to personally tell Jorge Winckler what a shitty job he's doing his Twitter is @AbogadoWinckler let him know he's not fooling anyone up here.

    1. Winckler is a PAN puppet heating up the plaza to topple the Morena governor Cuitlahuac Garcia in cahoots with last governor Miguel Angel Yunes Linares, a Crook with million dollar apartments on the US, made from 50 000.00 peisos a year he earns as a life long politico.

  5. CJNG cleaning house

  6. Cjng killing innocents again, you don’t see this stuff in Culiacan

    1. Culiacan, Sinaloa, the city that’s on the list of top dangerous locations to visit?? That place is full of envious tweekers doing stuff like this on the daily.

    2. Culo-acan is filled with barcode drugged out sicarios. Don't make me laugh lol

    3. Must be why it’s always making news 1103
      Culiacán is dangerous if you’re doing illegal shit

    4. Me dan miedo todos estos comentarios. Y me pasan un resto.

  7. Muchas gracias señores valientes por limpiar nuestra comunidad. Por favor sigan con los estados al sur y sigan asiendo el trabajo que los cobardes uniformados se niegan cumplir.
    El Beto

  8. AG del Estado Jorge Winkler is supported by the PAN party and he is a puppet of former governor Miguel Angel Yunes Linares, both have dark I terests in continuing crime, wave on the state, and they know their Criminals to heat it up for the Governor, Morena party Cuitlahuac Garcia, who would fire, Winckler if not because the PAN members in congress protect him, but Garcia as the executive is right on demanding a better performance from Winckler for every veracruzano, he is in charge of the police and public security, not of the excuses.

  9. It looks like the last word on the manta is “wachos”, like a misspelling of Guacho

    1. I was trying to figure it out, I thought maybe it was a misspelling of "Nacos". I saw the W too but it looks like there's something on there, I don't know.

      No one ever said the narcos were literate

  10. Winckler wants to be the governor and "doing his job" will not help kick Cuitlabuac Garcia out of office for the next 6 years, PGJ and SSP ev are criminals and in cahoots.

  11. And the killings continue in Mexico.

    What's new.

  12. The ones killed are labeled as kidnappers and extortionists by the ones who killed those kidnapped. Oh... the irony and contradiction. The problem with vigilante justice is the lack of proof and due process. More reasons that underscore Mexico as becoming a failed state.

    1. Lynching is the people's last resort,
      Don't risk their mighty furies and get cogido.
      Unfortunately, the people will have to rise up to the occasion, the government can't

  13. The cartel does worse things, they are jealous of the citzens kidnapping, but yet they have killed lots of innocent people.

  14. Apparently CJNG does not like competition with their kidnapping syndicate also.

    1. CJNG has been blamed for too many kidnappings, murders, tortures and executions, but it resulted that the chief director Secretary of Public Security of the State of Veracruz Alejandro Bermudez Zurita was using his polesias for kidnapping innocent people and throwing them dead, dismembered and naked on the streets, claiming to be CJNG and blaming his victims for being zetas,
      Bermudez Zurita also exacted millions of peisos from his victims and owns houses on the US, he had his "Fieles" death squad operating from the police school where he kept tigers and lions and crocodiles to take care of some food stuffs.
      Maybe the school he left behind is still acting out their murdering habit but nobody dares say so...
      --Bermudez appears to have been released from prison to fight his case from home and needs a Lotta money to pay for his defense, please support your favorite cop "El Jaguar" Bermudez Zurita.

  15. Cjng entering CDN territory now that they are going north in the state of Veracruz. Going to get very ugly this year.. millions of more Mexicans killed in this fake war on drugs.. yes I said millions!

    1. The Northern region of Veracruz goes to the Southern region of Tamaulipas (CDG) not CDN. The CDN are just strong in Nuevo Laredo talking about Tamaulipas.

  16. I detect some cynicism in the comments...

    1. You could point exactly where, but I guess it is all of them.

  17. Ok so i can become a serial killer in mexico and never get caught. All i have to do is put a dumb ass cartulina written with my numb left hand so it looks like one of these illiterate maruchan eater did it blaming the contras and saying "we" are the best and are cleaning the shit hole town of thieves. Mexico is really dumb.

    1. 7:47 you was doing really well until you arrived to "Mexico is really dumb"
      --The US still keeps paying the Mexican polesias 3 billion dollars a year for these productions...
      Don't be dumb honey, try to see more angles of this production, there is more than meets the eye all over the place.

  18. hate of other criminals tryin make it

    so they hate criminals
    who kidnap?
    whats the difference
    they want market by themselves

  19. It's actually FOUR KILLED not three..
    Also it was cjng killing of cjng for kidnapping.. I guess they don't like kidnappers


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