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Monday, April 8, 2019

Veracruz: Grupo Sombra Leaves Dismembered Body and Message

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from ESNoticiasVeracruzz

Naranjos, Veracruz.- An anonymous call to the emergency number made during the morning of this Thursday alerted the police corporations that in a neighborhood road of the community of Cervantes, municipal of Naranjos, Veracruz was the lifeless body of a man

When attending this emergency request, the police corporations, around 9:50 on Thursday, went to verify the information they had been given, finding a macabre scene when they found two black plastic bags.

The police personnel reviewed the contents of the bags finding that in one of them, the torso of a male person, while in the second, the extremities and head, as well as a cardboard with a message was left.

For this reason the area was cordoned off by the elements, until Expert Services of the municipality of Ozuluama arrived, who carried out the removal of the human remains and transferred them to the amphitheater and began with the corresponding procedures, remaining in that place as an unknown.

Graphic image on following page
Manta reads as follows: 
We are not children to be playing games. If we as men had already divided the land. This is one of the first calls. If you get involved in the towns that correspond to us. Don’t be surprised when we do the same. Are we men or are we children? F.E.G.S. (Fuerzas Especiales Grupo Sombra) will be respected. Do not kick the lion in his nuts.  
 Grupo Sombra Comandante Platino (Commander Platinum)


  1. Here we go againanother group using the Fuerzas Especiales name.
    There is only one Special Forces group its called Gente Nueva Special Forces in association with Antrax Black Ops we have other groups operating and all have the training ,the techniques and the specialized equipment to be called true Special Operation forces .They were trained by SAS operators and CAG Delta Force operators . CIA SAD Ground Branch. KGB Alpha Group ,Mossad and MI6.
    First they steal our codes now our unit name then the want to have corridos written about them.

    Cartel De Sinaloa is the best !!!

    1. I am waiting for the British Troops you promised.

    2. They've been around since 2013 if I can recall really active in 2016 17 and 19

    3. 7:09 they are there already, undercover,
      to not to scare the Mexican people.
      There is a lot of money involved, like Venezuela's Gold held by England for ransom, or CITGO forbidden by the US to deal with their owner (the people of Venezuela) and the economic sanctions and bloockades... Mexico is much richer than Venezuela...

    4. The Mexican people are cured against being scared.

  2. Who is this group associated with???

  3. Off topic

    Sol/Chivis/BB staff

    Are narcomantas y cartulines unique to Mexican cartels? I've been all over the world and don't recall other gangs or cartels doing this.

    Thank you for the work that you put into this site.

    1. if you mean the placement of a piece of paper or cardboard next to a body then yeah, if you mean a criminal actually making a point to write their messages and threats down then it's at least as old as Ned Kelly

    2. Nah Colombians used cartulinas in the 80s. I am not sure if they used narco-mantas though. Here’s source. Google: en defensa del pueblo colombiano los pepes

  4. Y las oxxo coolers papa?

    1. They're sold out. Imma buy some in in bulk in the USA and sell them on the streets in Mexico on demand.

    2. 6:53 don not forget that cinnamon scented tape. Thats very important.

    3. 2:46 cinnamon tape is called that
      because the color
      not because of the odor,
      Pinchi Jediondo.


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