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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Balacera at the 'Cervecería Chapultepec' of Playa del Carmen (video)

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from VXT and Damien Sanchez Facebook

Playa del Carmen, Q. Roo.- An armed attack in a nightclub in the Ejidal neighborhood left one person dead, in addition to 11 wounded, tonight.

The shootout arose in the place called Cervecería Chapultepec, located on Constituyentes Avenue, between Avenidas 90 and 95. According to the Attorney General's Office, two armed people fired from outside the premises with small arms.

The injured, men and women, were lying on the front bench and inside the place, several of them moaning in pain.

According to the General Directorate of Public Safety and Traffic, the attack would be motivated by the well-known "Piso-Right” [tax or “protection” payments].

"This corporation condemns these acts and is committed to work hand in hand with the ministerial authorities in the investigations to find the authors," says the municipal agency.

Blow are the full statements of both authorities:

Public Safety

The General Directorate of Public Safety and Traffic of Solidarity reports on the attack perpetrated by armed persons to the Cervecería Chapultepec bar restaurant, at the time a deceased person was confirmed and 11 wounded, who  received medical attention as soon as the Municipal Public Security elements arrived.

According to the first signs indicate that several subjects fired from the outside of the premises located on Constituyentes Avenue, supposedly for the collection of “Piso”  fee.

This corporation condemns these acts and undertakes to work hand in hand with the ministerial authorities in the investigations to find the authors.

State Attorney General's Office

The Attorney General of the State of Quintana Roo, informs that on Monday night, two unknown men walking outside a Cerveceria located at the intersection of Constituyentes Avenue and 100th Street in the Ejidal neighborhood of the municipal seat of Solidaridad, fired to the assistants with short weapons.

So far there is a record of 11 people injured and one more diseased.   State police, ministerial, elements of the Mexican Army, the Navy, and emergency services arrived  
The FGE has already initiated the corresponding investigation to find those responsible.

The Attorney General's Office has video evidence of who the killers were, how the events were carried out, and at least it is establishing in a preliminary way two possible lines of investigation: charging for the right to a flat and revenge. It should be noted that the bar is far from the tourist area.


  1. The only way to escape piso/plomo is to appear like you are the hijo de pobierty.

    Teniente to sicarios "Do not bother with this person he will beg for something to eat".

    Impossible to do with a business. it is impossible to do in Mexico. My son in law had to stop looking for oro on la playa south of la boca de rio balsas. A day after he had unloaded a sluice box, pumps and filters the sicarios showed up demanding 50%

    1. I would have taken everything and enslave your son in law for mining Mexican richess without a license, then I keep everything again for as long as he lives. Mexican Keep Out.

    2. 1153
      What a lovely response,salt of the earth my ass.A common thread is hateful comments against US,Mex-Amer,the hypocrisy is astonishing.

    3. 11.53 PM
      "Mexican Keep Out"
      Can the US say the same thing to Mexicans ?

    4. 1:12 well, if mining in Mexico belongs to foreign duly licensed mega corporations, Mexicans should know better than trespassing mining anywhere in Mexico, unless they are asalariados of big corporativos.

    5. "Gringos Go Home", sounds sooo much better...

  2. Can't even go to playa del Carmen, or you get shot up.

  3. Is this a tourist area ?

    1. @Chivis...So I take it that this area is not controlled by 1 cartel and is being disputed?

    2. It is not a tourist area, those have special protection, paid for with part of the feathers they pluck from dumbass tourists.
      This chapultepec cerveceria is for the plebes that come like flies to the caca around casinos and antros even on the US, surrounded by crack dealers and hoes that make hay from the second and third class of third rate "tourists".

    3. Whos the dumbass again ?
      Insulated narrow minded idiots are legion in Mexico

    4. 1:15 no, pos si, uste como que ha de ser la gran cosa,
      Entonces que chingados anda haciendo aqui con los plebes,
      Orale a chinga su madre ALV.

  4. Damn. Even if it wasn't the tourist area between the violence and the sargassum, Playa del Carmen will be looking like Acapulco if the Mexican government doesnt step in. Ive gone to clubs off the beaten path before in PDC but I guess no more. The state of Quintana Roo accounts for 50% of Mexican tourist dollars and is the only place outside of Tijuana where I have seen so many native workers with dollars. Its a shame.

    1. The scum bag president (amlo) said no action against narcos.

    2. Well, Kamil Nacif Borge, owner of Cancun hotels and restaurants is a cousin of former governor Roberto Borge and all the Lebanese running the shit over there were left orphaned with their arrests, the kids are fighting for their table scraps.
      Kamil Nacif borge made his fortune "but he started selling soda in plastic sandwich bags", and minor aged women on the side, after using them first himself. Then all his buddies, and quite a few members of the cofrady, Mexican politicians, televisos, televisas and million dollar drug traffickers.

    3. As long as there are turistas yanquis,
      the local or federal government will not try to control shit,
      too many linias aereas executibas flying to all over the US and Florida with exotic loads too worthy to lose.

  5. Not a common area for tourist to be in but alot do go up that direction. A very popular area with locals and expats

  6. It is a very good distance from the tourist area... I have a feeling it should not take long to reach the main tourist area more frequently... sad... such a beautiful place...

  7. Well if there are no dead babies its not cjng. CJNG kill women, children and babies

    1. babies I agree.... but whats the difference between killing women and men? Why do you list them separately?

    2. Because us dudes are the killers and sicarios.
      Women and children first,dont split hairs in this scenario?

    3. The Cerveceria knew they owed somebody quota, the attack was coming, and they still went like nothing happened did not even have security. Pinchis batos gandallas.

  8. Playa has had many Cartels operating for years..the Gulfo...Zetas..and Sinaloa...La Barbie operated her as well....pelonies have run extorsion and drugs and control much of 5th Ave...but when the Jalisco showed up everything changed and the truce between everyone disolved. It has rapidly deteriorated..
    Something like the 12 most dangerous city in Mexico...violent crime is everywhere now...businesses have closed and people are afraid

  9. No more vacations in the Mayan Riviera for me. Don’t want to get catch a bullet in a crossfire that was meant for some scumbag cartel cockroach.

  10. Things are getting heated in Playa...the governor and the presidente of Playa del Carmen...the "mayor" are fighting...the States police made a show of force taking over the municipal police building ladt night..Now AMLO the presedent of Mexico is stepping into the fight....

    1. A good shooting of some popular place has always preceeded FUERZA UNICA, MANDO UNICO TAKE OVER, even now the Guarida de Lobos I mean Nazional keeps finding narco war shootouts right before they appear to take over and re-establish order.

  11. Didnt anyone post up the achilles guys dismembering some guy with a saw

  12. I don’t give a Damn what anyone says, unless you’re involved in cartel work, or you re out causing trouble you’re fine.. CANT WAIT TO GO BACK. Isla mujeres, tulum, xcaret, cenotes ..

    1. You are so wrong....they are killing business owners and their employees for not paying derecho le can't wait to go back for the cheap drugs n whores

  13. Sargasso... "the other day a tourist got raped on the beach, by two police officers, and nobody did anything to the officers".
    Secretary of Public Security Alberto Capella Ibarra en Quintana Roo:
    Quien es Alberto Capella Ibarra?
    Morelos state governor accuses him of stealing all the money, left all the polesias naked in the street without equipment, "but Capella claims he gave them more Than 70 000 training seminars, '5 per officer' claims he solved al the crime in the state, for GRACO Ramirez... Started working QR two weeks after resigning in Morelos under fire.
    Claims MANDO UNICO under his divine guidance is the solution to all the problems, 'except for some cities that won't submit', see? Those that doubt will only take a few hitz on the noggin' to accept and become subjects of the "Mando Unico" that does not work for free.
    --Reportero (de Tulum) sin pelos en la lengua acuso a todos Los corruptos, AMLO quedo sorprendido, pone al cargo al procurador Alejandro Gertz Manero inmediatamente (en la Mananera)/ Mexico Informa.
    All the crime in QR has increased since Alberto Capella Ibarra arrived on the state. Mysteriously, the governor of QR Carlos Joaquin Gonzalez supports Capella's ass what is a governor without his very own money shaker Fouche?


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