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Monday, May 13, 2019

CDN attacks in Anahuac, Nuevo León.

Once again police elements were assaulted by criminals, this time in the municipality of Anáhuac where they seized a truck with tactical equipment and a large amount of ammunition.

According to a source close to the case, the events took place this morning on the road to Las Ranas community, where criminals in a red pick-up truck attacked the municipal police.

The Fuerza Civil went in as reinforcements and they also were attacked in the cross fire.

Once the criminals found themselves outnumbered they fled within the bushes of a crevasse leaving the truck abandoned.

No injuries or arrests were reported. Tactical supplies, rifles magazines , radio equipment, and tactical gear were seized.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from NoticiasInfo7


  1. All that equipment can be donated to the autodefensas,to protect themselves against salvage criminals.

  2. Do these sicarios get tablas for abandoning all their equipment in the field? It seems that in Tamps and NL, sicarios regularly abandon trucks and valuable equipment when they get overwhelmed. I can’t imagine the bosses are telling them to abandon all this stuff—god knows the equipment is worth more to them than the lives of their men.

    1. "Never give up, never surrender!" Has never been a Zeta motto!

    2. 3:45 Never Resuscitate is the other side of the coin,
      where you lose your ass 100%.

  3. More proof cdn is bigger than ever they’ve called a truth with old school zetas now and are the second biggest force in Mexico and are pushing into more territory’s like back in zetas hey day 2010

    1. 9:59 dummy they getting smoked, they will never b as big as back in the days..

    2. Yeah right 😏

    3. A truce in what states? Cause CDN is still fighting ZVE for control of the prisons in NL and Tamps

  4. Not much of a haul. I don’t see any actual weapons I do see two grenade launcher and very little ammo. There appears to be some empty ammo boxes and looks like they laid out the contents-maybe a couple of hundred rounds. Lots of ammo clips, radios and tactical vests. I’m assuming they took actual weapons with them. Notice the article doesn’t actually mention the seizure of any actual weapons

    “Tactical supplies, rifle magazines, radio equipment and tactical gear or werr seized.”

    This is so small time in terms of seizure significance

  5. Its called truce and i doubt there will be a truce. The cdn is just what its left of the treviños. Cdn has a great plaza. Nuevo Laredo but they dont run cd victoria nor they took over the frontera chica which they wanted badly. They said they were taking over monterrey and nothing has come of that. Theyre just the most violent cell that was once zetas. Even with el tory and el cadete they cant take over any new plazas.

  6. is that a mortar?? i've never seen a cartel use mortars before!

    1. 9:33 very precise mortars where used to attack the US in Benghazi, according to Blackwater owner Erik Prince who was mad for being kicked out of Iraq. I am sure he still has the receipts for mortars and ammo, and the manpower, for tax purposes, deductions like all business expenses.

    2. 553
      What a monumental bore,sad case

  7. You can always buy more equipment and weapons,
    but if you fight the army or police you will not be alive to do that.
    Mexicans and Gangbangers know that, which says that when you have multiple killings of "so called criminals", you can safely say they were extra-judiciarily exterminated, relocated, cleansed, offed, dismissed...
    Most probably deemed too poor to pay a ransom or already paid but knew too much...


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