Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

"El Tortas" and "El Jamon" Detained in Mexico City

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Milenio
         The leaders of 'La Unión Tepito' and 'Fuerza Anti Unión' detained in CdMx and Edomex

Jorge Flores Concha, 'El Tortas', leader of the Fuerza Anti-Union, and Pedro Ramírez Pérez , 'El Jamón', leader of the La Unión de Tepito cartel, are accused of crimes such as homicide, kidnapping, extortion and distribution of narcotics.

Elements of the Criminal Investigation Agency, of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic ( FGR ) , captured in the capital and in the State of Mexico: Jorge Flores Concha "El Tortas" ,  leader of the criminal organization Fuerza Anti-Union , as well as Pedro Ramirez Perez, "El Jamón" , leader of the cartel Union of Tepito. 

Both will be transferred to the Deputy Attorney General specialized in Investigation of Organized Crime (Seido). In simultaneous operations, carried out with the support of the Secretaries of the Navy and National Defense, the capture of these alleged criminals was achieved. The first operation, in the vicinity of the Tlalpan City Hall , in Mexico City, Jorge Flores was captured. 

                                                                     "El Tortas"
Federal officials pointed out that "El Tortas" is responsible for crimes such as homicide, kidnapping, extortion, payment of ''piso", sale and distribution of narcotics , mainly in the areas of Cuauhtémoc, Iztapalapa, Venustiano Carranza and Gustavo A. Madero.

"El Jamon"
In a second operation, in the municipality of Atizapán de Zaragoza, Pedro Ramírez Pérez,  "El Jamón", was arrested who is thought to be responsible for committing various crimes such as homicide, kidnapping, sale and distribution of drugs, extortion, collection of "piso" and trafficking in persons for the purpose of sexual exploitation, among others. 

"El Jamón"  assumed control of the criminal organization following the arrest of David García Ramírez,  "El Pistache" ,  which took place on August 7, for which he took control of the entirety of the criminal operations, which included extortion, collection of "piso" from businessmen of the restaurant industry and bar owners located in Mexico City, as well as the sale and distribution of drugs in these businesses, mainly in La Condesa, Zona Rosa, Polanco, Narvarte, Rome, as well as Ciudad Satélite,  in the State of Mexico . 

In addition, this person is responsible for the large-scale distribution of various types of drugs for retail sale at various points in Mexico City.                                                                                        

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  1. Like the old saying goes, they will be let out, once the judge get bribed. Yes to commit more crime of murder, kidnapping.

  2. What happened to El Queso?

  3. Que Paso con El Frijoles? Se escapo?


    1. Crossed over the Rio Bravo and changed his name to El Big Mac

    2. Saco del ultimo

  4. Wow, now “el pizza” y “el pepperoni” are gonna take they’re spot

  5. Where's el queso at?

    1. There was one that died years ago from the Zetas.

    2. Ami me dicen EL CHILE..... Aquí estoy para lo que se lea ofrezca.....😁😁😁😁

  6. So el tortas y el jamon got caught I guess el bollio is next then the tomate lechuga😂😂😂😂

    1. 9:54 el bolillo me lo prestas
      A la hora que yo quiera. Facilona.

  7. What happened to agua frescas brothers horchata tamarind jamayca piña and limon i personally know that they torture and kill the shit out of your thirst

  8. El Mayonesa and El Tomate are up to bat...

  9. Aca estos gueyes nombrados El Tortas y el Jamon y el pobre Chavo del 8 muriendose por una tortita.

    -El Arrepentido de la Sierra

  10. Okay everyone's already doing it but El Peanut Butter and El Jelly are the states next priority targets.

    My sources say Los Hotpockets have made a deal with Cartel Del Taco in a rare quid qou pro between 2 very different organizations.

    1. 11:23 Los Hotpocekts lmao that's too much

    2. El Armadillo - Thanks for starting off my morning with a good laugh 😂. I. I feel like it’s gonna be a good day now!


    3. Chivis this has been the funniest article by far lmao damn I'm laughing like an idiot lmao

    4. the comments---yes I know jajaja

  11. It amazes me with how much security Mexico has and how large a population, that these little fat brownies can have so much control

  12. LMAO el whole sandwich

  13. Lol.. let me get in on this, Los Maruchans hacen pacto con los Agua chiles

  14. Pos se van a ir a comer pan y agua

  15. After reading the comments from the post I’m certain this blog is not the same. I’m out. Thanks chapo for the good years.

    1. 1:43 no te sientes a miar, es solo un Dia a la vez. Pinchis chilangos y sus pinchis apodos siempre mandan todo a la Verruga.
      Be smart, there is still nothing like us here at BB...

    2. Now there will be a marriage between these former rivals, nothing like sharing the same prison cell for years, to come.

  16. Nah I think the birote ran off made a clean get away

    1. Te fuites a peinar los bigotes del birote, chato... O chata?

  17. Seriously, this was front page news on Milenio, but not seriously I couldn't help myself with the rare moment of comic relief. Don't forget "El Pistache" who was arrested in 2018 and a big boss in Tepito.

    El Armadillo gets double thumbs up for that one !

    1. jajaja, always good to get some comedic relief on here :)

    2. Yes, great job El armadillo but we are talking about Mexico. So these guys won't do much time if any.

  18. El Torta de Jamon

  19. why is every group of criminals labeled a cartel? by definition, a cartel has a wide area of influence including politics and have a monopoly in their area over the production and international distribution of illegal narcotics. these guys fight other local groups and may claim to be supported by a cartel but theyre tocal grouos fighting other local groups from the same city over street corners for the local distribution and their costumers and victims are their own community, they fit the term of drug gangs but not cartels and their actions closely resemble domestic terrorism and should be labeled as that.

    if you gather a group of people wether its 5, 20, 100, and kill them all at once, if the killing was to eliminate your competition and they all where your competition, they all belonged to a rival cartel and where all against you it is a massacre.
    if you killed them to send a message or warning for everyone to see, to intimidate the community or because one of them didnt pay extorsion and the rest where innocent people that happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time it is terrorism.

    1. 5:38 that is where there are cartels, cartelitos and cartulinas to apply to your favorite charity, but the largest certel in Mexico city is the Hermandad Policiaca that control every aspect of crime in Mexico City and exports more criminal policuicos judiciales, ministries, de investigacion and parking Attendants to other states than the local criminal tribes to impose their regime of kidnapping for ransom, extortion, Murdering and disappearances.

  20. Shits all funny til one of these funny named fools kills one of your kids.

  21. Where’s El Tocino and El Queso Fresco

  22. Always good news when they get another crusty bread roll off the streets!

  23. I think both wouldn’t want it no other way.

  24. Remember that guy from awhile back.. El hamberguesa?


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