Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Jalisco: CJNG slaughter house, 18 bagged bodies

This Friday a new safe house was located in the town of San Agustín, in Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, where several persons kidnapped were located and at least 18 bags with possible remains, according to information from the Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional  (Sedena).

Elements of the Second Battalion of Special Forces  of the Sedena patrolled at the crest of Juarez and Guadalupe Victoria around 1:40 hours when they were attacked with gun fire by subjects in a pick-up truck.

Graphic image on next page

The military elements were not injured in this attack. After the attack they began to patrol in the surrounding area in search of the aggressors.

When they arrived at La Coladera neighborhood , in San Agustín, at 2:40, they located an estate at the intersection of 16 de Septiembre  and Miguel Alcántar, where they saw a suspicious truck. They then coordinated with authorities to proceed with securing the place.

The elements located three kidnapped individuals and one more who had escaped from the site, while three others were detained for their probable responsibility in these acts.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from VXT

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  1. If Hell is ever in doubt. Look at Mexico.

    1. read a news from chiraq before you open tu hocico, la muchacha embarazada ke secuestraron y le sacaron el baby, hell is everywhere amigo.

    2. @9:52 still no comparison, Mexico is worse you jerk off.

    3. Am full blood 100% mexican y le voy al cruz azul and agree with 7:43. No se puede tapar el sol con un dedo.

    4. 6:32 que chingue a su puta madre El Cruz Azul y todas las perras que les guste el futbol sucker.
      In Chicago, one woman looking to have a baby, murders a young pregnant woman about to graduate high school, after offering her toys and clothes for her new baby, still the killer just wanted a baby, in Mexico people is getting kidnapped and murdered even if their family paid the ransom, even if they gave up life and property, and because the government agreed with the US on making cartels take care of each other, often tilting the scale to their favorite cartel, that often has Carte Blanche to traffick drugs to the US and have their routes well secured.
      In agreement with a mexican military and police that collect for playing along...
      No comparison between Chicago and Mexico's murdering.

  2. Ethnic cleansing. Class seperation. Population control. The Purge. Death squads roaming around in Mexico, financed by elite. Pay attention.

    1. Ethnic cleansing on the contrary.
      Class separation a probability. Like many countries whose political and financial agendas keep people in check.

    2. I wouldn't be surprised,
      ALL this murders and disappearances and nobody does anything? There is many foreign investors rooming all over Mexico and more foreigners from china and Europe migrating each year.. not a coincidence

    3. where would the foreigners live safely?real question

    4. This is how insulated Mexico is,they come up with pathetic conspiracies as though someone else is to blame,make the most of your insulation because if multiculturalism came to your country you wouldn't know what hit you,but,who is seeking a new life in serene Mexico where everything is roses.Mexico is not being victimised by outside interests,this goes on worldwide,simp!e greed

    5. Your the same person who is in denial of America consumption and don't want to accept the fact that cartels started because of American love for drugs.. 2:29

    6. 9:47 Americans loved drugs after a while,
      It took a lot of free samples and creating a lot of hippies and music festivals and friends to entice a whole generation into being una pinche bola de drogadictos to have a reason d'etre for the CIA, FBI, NSA, and other entrepreneuring americans, this time in the 60s, and it worked! Many new billionaires keep being created all the time.
      But according to the Opium Wars, the British have been trafficking drugs since the XVII century, followed closely by the US, Germans and the Netherlands but more discretly.
      Don't come now blaming the egg for the chicken fuck ups.

    7. 7:44 you are transplanting BS, most people getting killed in the Bajio areas are white skinned, most soldiers are short Mexican Indian, but there is a lot of tall white abusers everywhere.
      General Galvan is dark brown, and ugly as shit, but he was secretary of defense, and el negro Durazo was made a 5 Star giniral without having been in the army, what ethnic cleansing, guey?

  3. They should add the " suspects" to the parts, until they reveal any info.Then finish carving the animals.

  4. Cjng is the black plague of earth. CDS should hurry and take these tweekers out already

    1. And what makes Cds any better jerk.

    2. Your favorite cartel is struggling to take out cjng
      Word is ALL of sinaloas got together to go against him, cds and Beltranes and independent cells from Sinaloa.
      Sinaloas are super paranoid cjng is growing out of control lol

  5. It had to be this lowlife cartel, they squeeze out the life of innocents, to get money by ransom, it's one of the many ways to continue, to lavish the rampant runaway life in Mexico. I fall it blood buy more guns, ammo Mantas, xo coolers, and nevertheless trash bags.

  6. Please let me go.No not until you have relatives give me $5,000. But they have no money. Ok no problem..the butcher is ready for you. The government can't protect it's citizens, the police are working with the cartels. Only way to defend themselves, is to carry weapons.

    1. 11:11 if the police catch you with weapons,
      they will stick it up your ass.
      Better carry a stink bomb or muchas, to make sure.
      Bank robbers have been burned a few times by exploding paint packets, that could work too.

  7. What a shame. Mexico is one of the worlds great countries that has evolved into the devils playground. Mexico is a top down narco state.

  8. According to the great "Kimosabe"....el pinche viejo pedorro,agachon,and cobarde known as AMLO...."no pasa nada"...for now at least until he feels the fire at his feet like the rest of the good,honest,hard working people of Mexico do day in and day out...AMLO the worst thing that could had happened to Mexico...

    1. 1:36 lookihere Tonto, you seem to believe like you are Red Beaver with your pinchis mamadas, because,
      are you trying to suggest El Pinto Miado for PRI, or El canallin for El PAN or Margara FECAL were better candidates?
      Crime is a local matter, and I am sure the Guarida Nacional commanded by the Mexican. Army and Polesias Federales helped by Marinas are heating up the plasa to kick the municipales out of business, because they are too cowardly to become the lords of the country and rule by military junta as if it were one more Republica Bananera, designs from above...
      These crimes have been happening right before the Guarida Nacional arrives and before that it was the Mando Unico.

  9. Mexico is such a failed state on such a large scale, what will it take to ever bring it back, I live in the US and we in a lot of ways are a failed state to for using all these drugs, we are slowly turning into a third world country, and I am so sorry what are country is doing to yours by using all these drugs, you have such a beautiful country.

    1. 656 yes we all know Mexico is a failing country, not a state. You forgot to blame the government, that is rarely doing nothing to combat the problem, instead it like a cancer..letting spread like wildfire.

  10. Sinaloas are not looking so good in those trash bags, cjng too ruthless.
    Cds should go back to Sonora or Sinaloa where cjng is not so active.
    Cds are in a suicide mission thinking they could take jalisco from cjng.
    It's going to turn out like when chapo tried taking tamaulipas but his people got slaughtered by Zetas and he changed his mind about that plaza

    1. It dont even say anything about SINALOA and if cjng is behind the killing knowing how they work they were proably people they trick with offers of jobs then they make them work for them and if they refuse they kill them or some central americanos, maybe some collage kids,who knows they might be cjng that plaza nueva and Cholo killed ?and about that SINALOA and Zeta Comentario ja ja compa if you going to talk shit make sure you know what your talking about cause the only people getting slaughtered was los michocanos in ther own tierras (los valencias y mencho )LOS Zetas made them run and hide in Jalisco but they had to ask first and Los Sinaloense saved they cause they couldnt handle ther own proablems nothing new in Guanajuato they had to pay they goverment cause El marró y su gente aint backen down in Michocan Same with Los viagras when it comes to cjng fighting by them self they run they alway need help from other grupos they let them do everything then they come in like if they really did something and the truth its smart and it works mencho has been doing this for a real Long time he has ran and avoided fighting tell things are in his favor then he wants to fight if he has some kind of advantage i cant respect that he's a coward

    2. Saca todo lo que te duela 😂 Cjng #1 hoy por hoy

    3. 10:49 you make the same comment that makes zero sense lol
      If you would read other people's comments or simply educate yourself of michoacan cartels before you post, it won't make you look so dumb. I would explain it to you but it will just go in one ear and out the other.
      Sinaloas are so in denial that cjng is kicking their favorite cartels A$$ that they make $hit up hahaha

    4. 7:25 dork have u ever heard of the cjng training camps n what they do to innocent kidnapped people that refuse to work for them...???well this may b a good example of that...they use those kidnapped as dummies to train those willing to work for them at dismembering decapitating etc..kill innocents babies women etc is what cjng is better at anyways...

    5. Casas de la muerte are not training camps, estupiro.
      Police is the ones that use secret houses to torture and extort their victims, and they kill them when they are done stealing their money and property, getting worse as drugs are not so easily trafficked to the US anymore, still this business of houses of death and torture still thrives since Chilean DINA, Argentinian junta, uruguayans, Paraguayan, Guatemalan Colombian and Mexican venezuelans have been doing it in a smaller scale but much faster.
      Nobody is to be blamed more than the police and the armed forces that do these crimes and then blame the "powerful invincible evil cartels" like pinches viejas violadas.

  11. Hell has broken open everywhere we need to be vigilant
    Amigos , even if those guys catch and ur not with any cartel they'll probably will say ya no modo , let's keep praying for Mexico and the world

  12. Half were prolly innocents. These scum is known for killing babys and women.


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