Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, May 20, 2019

Attorney records his assassination

On Saturday, April 27, in the municipality of Cuautitlán, Mexico, the afternoon was painted blood red after a lawyer was murdered in cold blood in the center of the town. Journalistic reports indicate that a subject entered the office of the lawyer Enrique Villavicencio Cruz, and shot him in the head.

The killer also shot the secretary and her son. The events occurred at noon, in the building located on Aldama Street on November 20. The people were transferred to the Vicente Villada Hospital.

This unfortunate event unfolded in broad daylight, in a place where hundreds of people congregate over the weekend. The execution was took place a few meters from the popular municipal market of Cuautitlán, which houses visitors from various neighboring municipalities.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from VXT

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  1. Replies
    1. Why would he have a camera recording in his office?

    2. 7:31 por pendejo, what you need is a strong door,
      not a strong odor chingadamadre!
      The camera is OK, but it takes a warning system and a pinche pistola, some training, and not opening the door a cualquera as if you were little red riding hood for adults.

    3. I don't think it is odd that someone in his position would have a security system in his office. They are everywhere.

  2. terrible but why did the lady open the door for him???

    1. Is it just me or did the perp move like a cop?

    2. You can tell the culprit is a LEO.. I was unfortunately raised by my uncles in Juarez while they were both with the policia judicial and they were the most dirtiest and corrupt human beings I know the same goes for law enforcement here in the states .. they have 00 respect from me .. cops are nothing but predators no matter where you are .. screw them all

    3. 10:08 I disagree, on the US, the cops do not need to plant drugs or steal your dos peisos for a can of Coke or Pecsi and a gansito.
      on the US they will plant a pound of shit and a gun and make it stick in court, they will hav witnesses and Big Bertha waiting for your ass in prison, after some smaller guy manhandles you in the county like it happened to El Mencho

    4. He really looks like an LEO, right on ......yes and vest too.

  3. Crazy, why is such an old guy still doing this stuff?

    1. He probably got ripped off/

    2. That's the best kind. He seems harmless

    3. Lawyers are not always squeaky clean.
      Taking money from poor unsuspected victims with no legal efforts made on their behalf. Mexico's legal services are notorious for that.

    4. He wants to show the cartel, he is a bad azz.

  4. Hit man is an old guy. Glad his face was not censored. They way, the people can get him, and apply justice. He was there to murder all 3, glad he did no murder the camera, a higher resolution 1080 is recommended.

    1. No hit man.
      Rather, a pissed off and unsatisfied client.

    2. He seems to shot the others for reacting like they did. I think the old assassin is experienced which is why he shot the lawyer straight in the head and the others were collateral for being so loud. I guess no one expects this to happen to them. Can' really tell the outcome if they have just stood on the floor with mouths shut though.

  5. Thank God for that camera. Hopefully justice is found.

  6. Wearing an old man rubber mask.

  7. I met a few crooked lawyers here in the states that just ripped people off. I bet that's the reason for it


  9. In the still picture, the killer looks like R Lee Ermey from Full Metal Jacket.

    -El Arrepentido de la Sierra

    1. 8:35 looks like a well trained police officer, or military, they have taken crime in Mexico to heights no criminals ever did,
      --Maybe if crime fighting were all taken over BY AutoDefensas with real teeth... Shit could change a little...people used to be affraid of community justice, a few tablazos en las nalgas and done. Nobody wanted for more.

    2. Lol he actually does

  10. The son and the woman should just start wearing a sIgn around their neck that says: PLEASE LEAD ME TO MY DEATH. Wtf! You never allow yourselves to be herded into a room like that. That old man wasn’t there for that secret spicy gorditas recipe. He was there to kill. If you’re a man then grow some hair on those nuts/ladies use them ovaries. And take charge of yo situation by tackling down yo damn attacker! Do something other than willingly becoming another crime statistic. If these ugly videos should teach us anything it’s that we must at all times keep our situational awareness on high.

    Ok, now let’s move on to the video for the critique. The video starts off all nice and dandy. Looks like just another day at the law office of the soon to be blown the fuck away lawyer. Nothing happens for a few seconds. And then around the 12 seconds time lapse the lady rushes into the office in a panic. Followed by the young man. The old man babbles on about some shit while pointing with his left hand at the woman to stay in place. And then around 30 seconds into the video he shoots the lawyer in his face right after he had said : What you looking at fool? He then shoots the woman. She goes down. And then fires at the son. He also falls out of view. Now, the old man was either laughing away as he was shooting. Or he clearly has some fucked up overbite going on there. Either way he looks deranged as fuck. Shooter rushes away like some madman. The son screams: Son of a bitch! He then starts to rush out but looks back at his dad and says : What the fuck! Once outside the office the shooter comes back to fire again. By seconds 46 the shooter can be seen descending the stairwell. The rest of the video is the two victims screaming for help. Total chaos and confusion. Around 1:12 seconds two other people show up looking confused and alarmed.

    - Sol Prendido

    1. Shut the fuck up big man on the key board what a fake ass person you are from your overly aggressive macho talk to your shitty ass translations i bet you your life revolves around this website and facination with narco life style but in reality you would never see or have any connection to this world now you lived fully intergrated into this fake persona you created for yourself with a back story and all lol wanna know something im the real deal and you aint shit


    2. You think too much !

    3. Shooter almost looked like he had a military or LE uniform.

    4. Have to admit sol, this tongue of yours speaking like this does not suite you well.
      A little self restraint and self respect next time. After all you have followers here. No disrespect just a friendly heads up.


    5. 4:44 PM Sol with this comment you are sounding like Sicario 000 it made me laugh. Humans when encountered with these situations unless trained by the streets or by the government will always try and ensure their own survival every man or women for themselves. I am sure you have never encountered a similar situation in your life. Few people will react the way you want them to. Your body either freezes up or you coward away in a corner.

    6. I don't even need to see the vid after the descripcion up there
      man u know the business, gracias.

    7. Chivis how can you allow this comment of sol to pass? He will give a bad reputation to BB and other reporters.

    8. Chivis you have a way if it was Sol, I think it's an imposter using sols name. Sol is good for reading Mantas, but jibing like this is not him, unless esta burrucho.
      El Perin de Tamp.

    9. At 10:38 It is Sol. He is learning and doing better, but I only post half of his comments. this one got by me. and I apologize. remember he was asked to become a contributor so he needs to learn what is acceptable, we are working on it but he works very diligently at finding posts and is a valuable team member.

    10. Sol is as much a Ex CAG operator as 006 is a real sicario. False valor hiding behind a keyboard

    11. Ah ok Chivis, he is learning the ropes, on critque of 1-10 , this give him a 6. No cuzzing is needed. He is good on manta decoding give him a 10.
      El Perin de Tamp.

    12. You should not attempt anything stupid unless that is the last option and even then you have to know what you are doing.

    13. @6:18
      Hey REAL DEAL...
      More like chump change from your logic.
      If not you wouldn't be on here.

  11. Dont really like attorneys my self but I would like to know why he did it.

  12. There is no way I'd ever comply with ANY one pointing a gun at me. If they got the drop, assume you are dead anyway, don't make it easy, or convenient. The lady and the young guy coulda taken him down. Especially in Mexico, don't even let the cops cuff you....just fight like hell, until they just cut bait, and shoot you in the head. Better that, than cut on on YouTube.

    1. Always aware of one's surroundings is what I tell my kids. Preparedness is the key to not becoming a victim in this day and age my friend.


  13. The public is not aware security guard training is available to the plebes that make minimum wages at these jobs. I have seen lawyers offices closed securely and nobody gets in who is not allowed, still, lawyers get killed on the street, on their car, somehow.

  14. I guess administration doesnt wants to be honest with sol so my comment which if you read you know in the bottom of your heart im 100% correct. We dont have to go into detail but if you understand put a single emoji so i know thanks FYI ive been loyal reader since this page started


    1. U stipulated that you are the real deal here. Like many who post and comment here.
      Question is? And not to be disrespectful; Has clarity kicked in yet to justify ones actions? Money is the biggest bitch u will ever hustle. And if u live in chasing that. U may as well be dead.



  15. Sol. When I read your comments I want to wear a sign that reads: please lead me to my death. Sir? This is real life not a movie. Be professional like the other BB staff members. Grow up!

  16. Bastard had a sick grin on his face

  17. Any info on the lawyer or his clients?
    What did he do in court?
    He isn’t a pro....just some shithead with a gun.

    1. Correct. A skilled killer would have gunned down all within seconds. The closest victim first then on. Added of course with the lack of defense measures taken from these victims.
      A walk in the park for those trained eyes.


  18. Dude will never be convicted

  19. It's hard to tell on my phone but does the shooter have a vest on? Can anyone tell what is up by his shoulder? It almost looks like a badge but the positioning seems too high for that. I hope the secretary survives. Listening to a woman screaming for "help" in absolute terror isn't pretty to hear. I also hope the shooters uncovered face leads to his downfall.

    - Solothurn la Arma

    1. 2:53 just a backpack,
      Most prolly with a different jacket inside.

  20. Dirty Mexican cop is the killer. Mexican police bastards are bigger garbage than narco gangbanger.

    1. Everyone is soiled. Just depends on which cleaning products one uses to hide ones stench.
      This killing like most in Mexico are personal.

  21. High level hit which had double meaning, he was proving he didn’t have ties that’s it


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