Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, May 20, 2019

More than 60 security cameras belonging to organized crime removed

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from VXT

Chivis Note; These cameras are most likely CDN.  The Trevino's were the first creating a radio and security network in Coahuila, Tamaulipas and Veracruz. Looks like they are up to their old tricks. Read two good posts about their network using this hyperlink and this one.  Their network was very impressive.  

Tamaulipas - Elements of the Police located just over 60 video cameras installed in different parts of Reynosa that allegedly belong to organized crime.

Agents of the State Police and other corporations were responsible for removing more than 60 cameras disguised to look like those of any service company.

They were installed on the main avenues of approach to the city, mainly with access and direction to the Monterrey Nuevo Leon highway and International Bridges to the United States.

The specialized equipment was removed and transferred over to the corresponding authority.

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  1. What does Trevinos mean?

    1. Trevinos= pigs....

    2. o boy, I cannot wait to see the responses to this persons question about "who or what is a Trevinos?"

    3. The family Trevino Morales of cartel los zetas,z40 was one of the leaders,and later on formed CDN cartel noreste

    4. It's a surname of a few brothers and other family members that are involved in organized crime for the Norsete cartel

    5. 7:40 Trevino is a family name, not a surname or a nickname.
      Google it chingao!

  2. Cartel doing counter spying, on the city.

  3. fueron las golfas kon loz zetas lo ke elloz icieron aze muchoz ańoz ally mismo en reynosa, lo mire en blog del narco en eze tiempo.

    1. 12:59 back then supplied by radio shack,
      from Tejas to los zetas.

  4. Its ok for the government to have cameras and monitor people yet its not ok for others to use cameras for the same thing the government does.

    1. 3:46 the government has a job to do,
      in the name of the people, supposedly...
      Criminals do not have the job and are not supposed to,
      even if too often they do work for criminals in government.

    2. are you estupido or what? of course the government can monitor the streets for safety purposes.

    3. Lol exactly i mean sure its not ok for organized crime to do it but the governments are no different just more better structured organized crime the governments are the ones who do such dirty work but blame smaller crime organizations like false flags that happened in the U.S like the one that happened in my city ORLANDO ,FL i was in that parking lot across the street from the club there were definitely shooters in that garage parking lot not just the shooter inside the club . Facts!

    4. Nope it's not ok fall in line and stfu!

    5. 4:19 and what the fack were you doing on that other place?
      I hope you was not with a customer, even if he paid you.

    6. The government does not usually have that kind of equipment, but it bills the government treasury for buying the most hyper advanced inventions and discoveries at ten times the cost to the US government, without buying anything, they steal the money.
      Narcos buy the best they can and do not charge the mexican people or the US government.

  5. We have had them here in Matamoros. Got a Question, do u guys Amlo will make Mexico Safe Again?????

    1. He's the worst president Mexico will ever have.

    2. 5:18 you have to form your own local organizations and make sure to communicate to AMLO or his commissioners or secretaries like Alejandro Gertz Manero, they want to listen to you, people have gone to the mananera to report on the murdering situation on Quintana Roo where Alberto capea Ibarra is making a killing after making a killing in Morelos after making a killing in Tijuana and BC some say he is the mirror image of Genarco Garcia Luna with all the crime innovations he brings with him wherever he goes to work, including kidnapping, torture, ransom, bar shootings, stealing the budget, Cuauhtemoc Blanco the new Morelos Governor has told QR governor Joaquin, but he keeps Capella on the job... Joaquin got to power in a PAN/PRD alliance, and is too busy screwing PRIISTA Roberto Borge and Co. in the ass... While in Veracruz AMLO listened and the Minatitlan murderers are getting cogidos. It may show some work has started being done by his public security forces, at least as soon as they are sent, because by themselves, they can't find their ass with both hands, typical of Mexican federal and state police helped by army, navy, Guarida Nazional. Don't wonder, help.

    3. I doubt it. He's too soft...

    4. Hell no, homicides continue to climb. There is no change with ALMO, he has been in office, already 5 months and no change, instead he offers poems.

    5. 6:53 yup.. the reason so much killing is because now Amlo favors MAYO and is against MENCHO. Cds had the president in their pocket for many term until Pena nieto. Now the tables turned and there will be adjustments in cds favo wich means millions more dead

  6. Doesn't Raynosa belong to Cartel del Golfo?

  7. If these were in Reynosa then they belong to CDG not CDN. But which faction, I suppose Los Metros?

  8. 5:18 Not with the Guarida Nacional in charge of stealing police functions from local police departments in their quest to establish Mando Unico, a long cherished dream of the Mexican melitary sick and tired of being hungry in their barracks, there is a reason the melitary is under civilian commander in Chief, mainly that they are fucking murderers that just won't reason. And it shows in spite of mixing them up with federal and estatal police to share of the shit cake.
    Secretary of Defense Giniral Luis Sandoval is famous for leaving Piedras Negras prison that was his responsibility in charge of zeta prisoners that did their murdering unchecked when he was military zone commander, his selection made giniral Cienpedos very happy, because they both know they are both a pair of cacas de perro.

  9. It's only through those public officials that these cameras were installed. Doubt that anyone can achieve this sophistication without lifts and technical expertise.
    All paid and bought for by criminal organizations and your local government.


    1. Sorry but no, it’s easy to buy cams, easy to install and easy to setup. No magic behind.

  10. More proof cdn has taken over reynosa

  11. 006 ain’t worried he has the best UAV (drone) recon technology that cds can by


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