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Monday, May 13, 2019

Mothers of the Most Notorious Drug Capos

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Vanguardia
        The narcos also have a mother ... they are the mothers of the most dangerous drug lords

The code of criminals changes radically as the years go by; some mothers of the capos have observed these transformations in detail. Mothers have and have always been recognized as figures of authority and discipline , in addition, teach children noble behaviors that carry carrying for life.

Although the origin of the cult of the mother and the principles, in this case,  that it transgresses are not known; some mention that it is a tradition exported by the Italian mafias into the United States , however, the figure of the mother in Latin America has a very different figure of strength and origin.

Before responding to justice for their criminal acts, these men had to obey that woman they called Mother. These are the moms of the crime figures in Mexico, mothers of the drug traffickers who have defended their children, they have also been involved in criminal acts.

              María Consuelo Loera Pérez, mother of Joaquín Guzmán Loera "El Chapo Guzmán":

The mother of "El Chapo" Guzmán is called María Consuelo Loera Pérez , she had her son in 1957, he, whom  years later would become the most famous drug trafficker in the world.

She is currently 88 years old, lives in Badiraguato, Sinaloa and is considered a hospitable and religious woman , who has declared that God does not want her son to be imprisoned. "My God does not want me to also  be a prisoner; that's why he , ie "El Chapo" , puts the means for him to leave prison and the government does not understand that. "

In June 2016 a 15-man commando attacked her  mansion; in the attack, which was awarded to the Beltrán Leyva Cartel, three men were killed.

Mother of "El Señor de los Cielos";
             Aurora Fuentes López, mother of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, "The Lord of the Skies":

Doña Aurora , as she was known among her relatives, lived in the town of El Guamuchilito, Navolato, Sinaloa.  She married Vicente Carrillo Vega and with whom she procreated Florentina, Amado, Vicente, Alberto, Rodolfo and José Cruz Carrillo Fuentes. On a property where the remains of their son Amado Carrillo is  currently buried , who died of a plastic surgery in 1997.

Mrs. Aurora Fuentes is the mother of the leaders of the Juarez cartel, Luce Fuerte, but she says that they are running out slowly, a heart disease and sadness over the death of her youngest son, José Cruz Carrillo Fuentes.

"Since I knew what my children were dedicated to, I live in anguish. I'm tired of crying and I still do not finish. Every day I've prayed to God for them, first alive and then after death," she confesses, and her voice is choked and muffled by the sobs.

The Beloved, "The Lord of the Skies", was the first to become powerful.  He was the capo who had the most aircrafts to transport cocaine from Colombia to the United States. He died in 1997.  He was followed by Vicente, "El Viceroy", who until now maintains the leadership of the cartel, and Rodolfo, "El Niño de Oro", identified as the "negotiator" of the organization, for his ability to negotiate with rivals without the need for reprisals and gunshots. He was executed in 2004 together with his wife, Giovanna, in Culiacán, Sinaloa.  José Cruz In 2008, the youngest of the Carrillo Fuentes was brought up, into the Cartel , ie. His body was found calcinated in Culiacán ; the authorities took him to the Forensic Medical Service to carry out the identification tests and the autopsy, but two days later the body was stolen.

In December 2008, Mrs. Aurora publicly accused the Army of the disappearance of her best son, José Cruz , who according to the PGR, was murdered and burned in Culiacán; the body was stolen from the Semefo.

The mother of the Carrillo Fuentes died on March 17, 2014, victim of a myocardial infarction. Aurora Fuentes suffered from severe kidney problems and was hospitalized, also had complications in her health from diabetes.

Her body was transferred to a Funeral Home in Culiacán and then to her residence in El Guamuchilito, Navolato, Sinaloa shortly before 3:00 p.m., a  Sinaloan newspaper reported.

Aurora died without knowing for sure where her other son, José Cruz Fuentes Carrillo, remained, although the PGR declared that he had been murdered and burned in Culiacán, and the body later stolen from the Semefo in 2008.

Mother to the Arellano Felix Cartel:
                                    Alicia Félix Zazueta, mother of the Arellano Félix Cartel

The Arellano Felix family was the origin of Doña Alicia Félix Zazueta , along with Benjamín Arellano Sánchez, she procreated 11 children: four women and seven men.

Alicia, cousin of another of the great capos of Mexico, Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo, was the mother of 10 children. Confidential files of the Federal Prosecutor's Office in Mexico, cited by Proceso magazine in 2001, pointed out that in the family their matriarchy always predominated.

"She is the one who makes the most important decisions ... Dona Alicia's voice is a determining order: her suggestions must be obeyed without any objection by her 10 children or by the personnel closest to the Tijuana cartel. Arellano Felix organization and she is who greatly influences the decisions of their children, " says the publication.

Despite the fact that the organization of their children is extinct, it became news in 2014, when it won a resounding demand from the Mexican State, thanks to which it recovered a mansion in Tlajomulco, Jalisco, which had been secured, ie confiscated in 1993. The property was sold at 12 million pesos (USD $923,000). Since then, nothing is known about her.

The Mother of "La Tuta" :
                 María Teresa Martínez Castañeda , mother of Servando Gómez Martínez "La Tuta"

María Teresa Martínez Castañeda is the mother of Servando Gómez Martínez, "La Tuta", former leader of the La Familia Michoacana criminal group, who later created the Knights Templar.  

The mother of Servando and Flavio , married to Luis Felipe Gómez Aburto, and was arrested by the Attorney General's Office (PGR) in August 2009, in the company of another of her sons, Luis Felipe, "El Guicho", for the kidnapping and murder of 12 elements of the Federal Police, in July, 6 years ago in Michoacán.

At that time, officials of the PGR revealed that Mrs. Martinez Castañeda , then 65 years old , gave her statement as a petition, after being detained by federal police during an operation in the municipality of Arteaga.

However, hours later the mother of the Michoacán capo was released, after being detained for almost 48 hours in the facilities of the then Deputy Attorney General for Specialized Investigation in Organized Crime of the metropolis.

Rubido García said during the radio interview that the mother and brother, Flavio, of "La Tuta" were transferred to the Merida metropolis "because Yucatan is probably the most secure entity in the country."

Mother of "El Tequilero":
                             María Félix de Almonte, mother of Raybel Jacobo "El Tequilero":

The mother of Raybel Jacobo Almonte, leader of the criminal group "Los Tequileros", is called María Félix de Almonte . She is known because she was kidnapped by the self-defense groups of Totolapan, Guerrero, and they asked her son , "El Tequilero", to release "El Ingeneiro", Isauro de la Paz Duque.

"Look ... son, if you have to please "El Ingeneiro"; give the money to him...... if you have it, I trust that you will give it ...... please do it", said  María Félix to her son in a video with a duration of 18 seconds.

"El Ingeniero" paid the ransom and the residents of Totolapan released the mother of "El Tequilero" , who is attributed more than 50 kidnappings and the murder of mayors and party leaders.


  1. In the past i wondered what it feels like to know that your son will be the lil bitch of Astaroth and Azazel for all eternity, then i realized that i really don’t give a fuck.

    El Cabrón De Tamaulipas

    1. That was deep

    2. Who’s the bitch hiding online talking shit through a keyboard?🤔

    3. People really get their panties in a wad on here! They act like they know these women and their druggie sons.

  2. God bless El Senors Mother Maria Conseulo. She is a beacon of light in the hills of La Tuna. Stay strong jefa.

  3. Mothers who let their sons become monsters. They should be denounced! These idiots never listened to their mothers when it came to killing, terrorizing, trafficking drugs, extorting, corrupting and other inhumane acts. These mothers failed!

    1. 7:31 Mothers are not to be blamed for their sons or their daughters pendejadas, Chapo mother had her son selling Oringes until opportunity came calling to help the corrupt mexican police with the drug business that fueled the anti-communist counter-insurgency campaigns of the CIA en Mexico that did not end with the murder of DEA AGENT Kiki Camarena or the end of the Guadalajara Cartel.
      --Other Oringe Sellers become Russian Puppets without ever having done anything for the US other than selling out to the best bidder in spite of the hundreds of millions of dollars inherited from their Daddy... And THAT IS FACKED UP!

    2. Like ur mother knew what u were doing at all times.

  4. And what about the fathers.

    1. That will be covered for father's day. The topic is mother's day.

  5. To the left of dona Alicia Felix Zazueta alias "La Cochiloca", sits La Chivis, better known as La eNe or Enedina.

    1. Chivis of BB is not Endina lol.

    2. 😄😄😄🤣 wtffff. I live for comments like these. Obv love u Chivis. Laughing at the comment not you personally.

  6. Is Alicia Félix Zazueta still alive today?

  7. sitting here waiting for 006 comment.....

    1. God bless El Senors Mother Maria Conseulo. She is a beacon of light in the hills of La Tuna. Stay strong jefa. that is ur sicario006 undecover im with the CIA !!! Hahahahahha

  8. Mother of Chapo, your son committed lots of sins, my God said he will go to hell, a place with lots of steel bars.

    1. El Chapo says "this too shall pass"

  9. Seize the property of all known family members of cartel leadership. Follow them, put them on the street. Bring their murderous offspring to heel. Their mothers will not live in enjoyment and safety while their thug sons extort local businesses and sell drugs to kids.

    1. Suggest implementing this policy to those officials who will never be nor can be indicted for their participations of drug trafficking.
      Its through these high government officials that permitted this. Not the mother's of these individuals (narcos).


    2. 12:08 once in a while you are correct mister!
      And if the accused are dead, their pinchis bones should be obtained and made into Pinole and fed to their surviving government officers in prison.
      Mothers and fathers and families of criminals are not to be touched. Even animals know that.

  10. Wonderful women rised some nice boys

    1. 9:22 nice to their mothers sure and fuckers of others, but innocent enough to be turned against each other by the likes of pretty boys like Manlio Fabio Beltrones and EPN, FECAL and genarco garcia luna and all the PRIISTAS THAT USED THEM since Diaz ordaz in cahoots with CIA.

  11. Enedina even got property given back by the Mex Gob which had been confiscated. And they don't know where she is. Just like El Menchos daughter who dies her hair and wears colored contact lenses. Don't know where she is either,correct? USA does and will use Sicario006 Special Forces to snatch her up soon to bring out her pops El Mencho ...

    1. Haven’t you ever heard with every action comes a reaction?

    2. Oh noooo🤣Not his special forces squad😄 Sicario 006 is cray cray wit all his fables. Truly enjoyable to say the least

  12. These women should have found planned parenthood or its equivalent with these losers and spared the world of their misery!

    1. Like u. One less ignorant comment to hear.

    2. @5:40a.m! Definitely you! Go troll elsewhere!

    3. @5:40

      Are you daring to suggest that the world wouldn’t have been a better place without these dirty sons of a dog?

      El Cabrón De Tamaulipas

  13. Does anyone know anything about Amado's other brother, Cipriano? I know he died, but there's not much information about him.

  14. Y la de el mencho?

  15. The title should have read "Women who failed at being Mothers"


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