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Friday, May 31, 2019

Plea Deal: El Mono Muñoz free, turned state witness

The Coahuilense has been released for several days now, reported sources close to the case. Juan Manuel "El Mono" Muñoz was released by US authorities, after pleading guilty last week, where he had reached an agreement with the Texas prosecution to give information , sources close to the case reported to Milenio.

The Coahuilense linked to Los Zetas, was released a few days ago was reported last night, without there being a confirmation or denial from the US authorities or the Mexican.

Last week, it was reported that "El Mono" Muñoz pleaded guilty before a Texas court for the crime of conspiracy to launder money.

Although the records in the file were sealed, it was learned that the US Attorney's Office told Judge David Ezra that Muñoz Luévano made illicit financial transactions with money that came directly from the sale of drugs.

It was also announced that, according to information from the San Antonio Express-News, a hearing was scheduled for next November 25, where sentence would be issued.

After this, the Attorney General of Coahuila said that despite having pleaded guilty, it would not open an investigation in the entity, since it would correspond to the federal level.

Juan Manuel Muñoz Luévano. Prosecuted in Texas Court for the crime of conspiracy to launder money; he has been linked with governors, mayors, deputies and businessmen of the town.

"El Mono" Muñoz was extradited to the United States from Spain in March of this year, so he remained in a local prison since then available to the court.

He was arrested on March 18, 2016, after he was identified as a Los Zetas liaison in Europe; it was also presumed that he could collaborate independently with the cartels of Sinaloa, el Golfo and Beltrán Leyva.

The US justice system was tracking him since 2015 when an investigation was launched against him on charges related to the importation and distribution of cocaine, conspiracy to launder money and conspiracy to possess weapons.

The organization led by "El Mono" Muñoz used firearms purchased from the Zetas cartel to control the pathways of introduction and distribution of the drug in the United States and laundered the money obtained from its illicit activities through several businesses owned by it and used for that purpose.

The eavesdropping done by the Spanish police to the narco before his arrest, revealed threats of kidnapping and homicides.

“Give me a chance”, he begged Juan Manuel Muñoz Luévano by telephone for a man who owed him 24 million pesos, to which the drug dealer replied:" No, no, no. What last opportunity? What will you do, sell your soul? ", Announced the Spanish news agency EFE at the time.

Muñoz Luévano owns a chain of gas stations in the southeastern region of the state. In addition, he is accused of having links with several political figures from Coahuila, such as the former governor, Humberto Moreira Valdés, as well as prosecutors, mayors, deputies and judges. Those who have delivered information.

Muñoz would become the third Coahuilense to collaborate with the U.S.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat VXT


  1. Here is another snitch ass buster like Vicente Zambada

    1. Do you know how many snitches are in the drug game? People who are really in that game know that rats come with the territory. It’s to be expected more than not now a days.

  2. The power of political power

  3. I thought only CDS snitches. Huh. Interesting.

  4. Looks like he’s gonna snitch against all the governors and also I think he will testify against all trevino brothers

  5. The 3rd Coahuilense of many to come!

  6. Haha Mono’s facial expression in that photo says “I played them all”

  7. Why prostitute mexican criminals in the US? Looks like for frauds to American banking institutions, laundering drug money from cartels and stolen funds from the state.
    I sincerely hope they get soon to the moreiros, after all they stole the lion's share

    1. Rather, prosecute not prostitute.
      If not the US than who? Everyone and their mommas have criminal passes in Mexico. Drugs continue to flood American societies with no end in sight from the many corrupt officials on both sides of the fence (countries).
      Despite the scrutiny of financial institutions turning a blind eye for financial purposes. Fines are attributed for their participation.
      Baby, we all know too well that the laundering of money is widespread. A global epidemic of the wealthy hiding fortunes and evading taxes. Its never been a secret. Just well hidden!



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