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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Sicarios kidnap and record torture of rivals girlfriend

A group captures a woman and asks about her partner and the people with whom she was riding a van with in the state of Michoacan.

A group of alleged members of the Jalisco Nueva Generacion Cartel (CJNG) captured a woman and interrogated her for several minutes about her activities.

A man holds the head of a woman who between sobs says she is Evelyn and that she was going to see her boyfriend Juan Carlos, nicknamed Compi, and that she had met him in the municipality of Uruapan.

They even ask her if she had been hired, to which the woman rebuffs him and says that her boyfriend had rescued her.

The undersecretary of Seguridad Publica de Michoacán (Public Safety of Michoacán), Carlos Gomez Arrieta, has assured that the state has suffered from violence as a result of the dispute between the CJNG and Los Viagras cartel for the control of the region.

“In Michoacán, we talk about two cartels that have always fought for control, we talked about the ones that they all identify, Cartel Jalisco, Los Viagras, are the ones who have fought and I can not say for sure why because it’s the prosecutor's office that’s in charge of investigating , assured the official before the media”.

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: Let's see, what’s your name? Turn around you son of a bitch! What’s your name?!?!
Evelyn: My name is Evelyn, Evelyn.
Sicario #1: What? Evelyn what?
Evelyn: Evelyn Elizabeth. 
Sicario #1: And where were you going to scout?
Evelyn: I was heading towards the Virgen Mary (place of worship)
Sicario #1: Towards the Virgen Mary? Who initiated you?
Evelyn: I was heading to see my boyfriend.
Sicario #1: Who’s your boyfriend?
Evelyn: They call him Compi.
Sicario #1: What?
Evelyn : Compi.
Sicario #1: Compi, right?
Evelyn : Yes.
Sicario #1: But who brought you, who contracted you?
Evelyn : I wasn’t contracted, I was just there to be with him. 
Sicario #1: To be with him? Where is your boyfriend from, where is he from? Answer me you son of a..
Evelyn: I met him in Uruapan, he rescued me.
Sicario #1: Rescued you from where?
Evelyn : I was selling, and they turned on me.
Sicario #1: Who?
Evelyn: These guys that I was...
Sicario #1: What’s your boyfriends name?
Evelyn : Juan Carlos
Sicario #1: Whats your boyfriends name?
Evelyn : Juan Carlos.
What’s your boyfriends name?
Evelyn : Juan Carlos.
Sicario #1: Juan Carlos what?
Evelyn : Algavinos.
Sicario #1: Algavinos? Where is he from?
Evelyn: I met him in Uruapan.
Sicario #1: Uruapan? Ok. And those faggots in the Jeep, how many were their?
Evelyn : It was just 3 of us. 
Sicario #1: Just 3, you and two more?
Evelyn : Yes.
Sicario #1: And was your boyfriend with you as well?
Evelyn: No.
Sicario #1: Where’s he at?
Evelyn : I don’t know. I was at the Virgen Mary.
Sicario #2: Is he the point man there?
Evelyn: He was at the Virgen....

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from Radio Formula


  1. And to stipulate that drugs have not affected many communities with their violence. Prime example of what's transpiring in many parts of the world due to association or otherwise for control or its money.

    This needs to stop!

    1. 7:08 "tantrumps" and stomping on the floor won't do,
      Any other idea?

  2. Video is safe for everyone to see. No murder, just a woman scared shitless while being interrogated. - Sol Prendido

    1. Don't you dare talk like that about a lady victim of a kidnapping and interrogation Sol.
      ya bastante mal le esta yendo, por andar ahi de caliente.

  3. No torture, just interrogation.

    1. Psychological torture, also known as mental anguish.
      - Sol Prendido

    2. Click-bait ;)

  4. I bit of mild editorial criticism (I'm just trying to improve the site)...

    Missing apostrophe:

    Sicarios kidnap and record torture of rival's girlfriend

    And regarding the content,

    Do they really torture her? The word "torture" is overused. I haven't watched the video, but if they beat her, maybe a better headline is "beat her" or "abuse her". When I read torture, I'm expecting dismemberment, electrical shocks, etc.

    1. @8:13a.m! This isnt an english class or a journalism class! If thats all you got out of this you missed the whole point of this article! They do a great job here and who cares about a missing apostrophe!

    2. @11:46 PM Thanks for setting me straight! You're doing a great job of patrolling the Internet.

    3. 813
      Are you having a fuckin laugh? "mild criticism"
      No one cares about your silly arse apostrophe

    4. 3:44. Point being that if a title is misleading or exaggerated, the article loses credibility. It's a matter of professionalism. Some care, some don't. Move on.

    5. Nor the critics here.

  5. Cjng are the isis of mexico. Anyobe caught being cjng should get the standard coup de grâce treatment

    1. What about the Sinaloans? What about old school Caf and the Zetas? Mfs been doing this for years and now youre upset?

    2. You ever notice that Sinaloa is virtualy bereft of any news about kidnappings, tortures, etc? They are different They are strictly about moving weight. Its a shame the government failed in their efforts to let them run the whole country

    3. Unknown, what about Chihuahua, Tijuana, and Zacatecas? They did a whole lot more than just move weight.

    4. Sinaloa fan girls always posting the same cjng ISIS crap, eventhough wall cartels operate the same. The difference now is that cjng is the dominant cartel

  6. Pinches vatos tantos huevos tienen vayan y busque al vato de Ella. Pobre guerca no puede ni hablar...

    1. Asi son estos culos drogadictos. Nomas con niños y mujeres pueden. Cuando se topan con ⚓ corren los maruchaneros.

  7. Punk ass cowards...they tuff only against women n unarmed people..

  8. I hope these sick motherfuckers didn’t do anything else besides question her

    1. They cjng aka baby and women killers.

  9. I'm confused. Do Michoacanos call themselves drug traffickers? Most of the time it seems like they're either committing murders or terrorizing communities.
    I was talking to a friend who told me about an incident in their town in Michoacan. A group of about 20 armed guys went to his grandmother's house because they had confused his uncle for being a dealer, once they realized they mistook the uncle for the wrong person they asked if the grandmother could cook for them. Of course, the grandmother being scared cooked for a group of 20 armed men. You would think if they belong to a cartel they must have money but according to my friend they didn't drop a dime. For all they know it could've just been an excuse to get a free meal.

    1. My uncle has a seafood restaurant in Jalisco in the middle of nowhere. Very close to Michoacán, by La Barca .Anyways sometimes a few truck loads show up, they order food and then they take off out of nowhere that they have a call and they have to take care of something. They all have guns but they NEVER ask him for money. They just eat and act stupid and take off running. Like 10-20 at a time, just crazy .The restaurant is very low key by a dirt road and a main highway.

    2. Tweekers with a stolen truck and gun thats all they is. Once la marina catches and get their poor malnourished ass handed to them.

    3. 644 due to unforeseen events in Mexico...the Marina's needed to show a yearly quota of 2-3 drug busts, they did it in November of 2018. Furthermore no one was arrested at all 3 sites, shows you where the priorities are at.
      Sorry to inform you Marina's suk.
      Luna Apagtha

  10. Fucked up situation. Cjng obviously doesn't respect women, children and elderly with all the recent incidents exposing them.

  11. There’s ur filthy cartel can’t go with the main source so they have to kill girlfriends and wife and children what a bunch of lames

  12. Jalisco is such a beautiful place and the people there are amazing, except the ones on drugs lol, but its a shame how these people are ruining it. And the sad thing is that jalisco is getting a bad image yet those who are giving jalisco that image are not even from jalisco, all those fucked up things are mostly people who are not from jalisco most zeta style of cowardice is being done in guerrero veracruz and michoacan done by people from there just because they use the jalisco name in their cartel. The people from jalisco should kick these people out of jalisco back to michoacan they can call them selves CMNG cartel de michoacan nueva generacion or whatever.

    1. Its the same in borders of Tamaulipas all the bad people doing criminal activities are sons of people who moved from other states, everyone there knows it, same in Monterrey & Zacatecas are full of parasite outsiders getting away with it because locale are too nice & scared

  13. Wow. Those are the toughest pussies I've ever seen. If Mexico legalized all drugs. They better legalize guns as well.

    1. Thats 99.9 % of the sicarios and their cheerleaders. Nothing but pusseys

  14. Gun rights for Mexican citizens 100%

  15. For everyone's info....ALL CARTELS ARE COWARDS AND SCUM.

  16. The undersecretary of public security SSP DEL ESTADO is the State Police and the state's attorney is the Prosecutor's Office, or Fiscalia, as some more evolved in "Colombia traditions" call it, both have been getting famous for their abuses of authority like Arturo "el jaguar" Bermudez Zurita and Edgar Veytia "el demonio" , or Jesus Alberto Capella Ibarra "El Rambo de tijuana" who has gone from Tijuana to morelos and campeche, doing the same style crimes without punishment.
    Bet your ass, michoacan is suffering the same under these hijos de la chingada, and they are on top of the situation extorting viagras and through them the people of Michuakan for their governor from the PRD.

  17. Couldn't see her belly very well . Looked like she may be pregnant . Only in Mexico could a person put such a video out and expect to get away with it. Here where I live , it could earn a man a life sentence in state court . There are many locked away for the remainder of their lives that didn't make a video .

  18. Todo putillo narco ya nada mas porke hacen lo que les de la chingada gana andando en ese negocio y ganan cualquier mierda de lana se creen superiores a la gente inocente y o pobre. Este video aunque es para hacer enojar a los contras demuestra bien esto de todas maneras!
    Solos y sin harmas no valen para pura puta verga!

  19. Organized crime is an equal opportunity enterprise. No doubt about it.


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