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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tamaulipas: the Rio Bravo-Donna international bridge closed as migrants forcibly attempt to break into the U.S.

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat VXT

TAMAULIPAS.- The Rio Bravo-Donna International Bridge was abruptly closed on Sunday, May 12, after a contingent of migrants tried to break into US territory by force.

This situation caused  the closing of passage from the North American side, only venting the vehicular traffic that was already in line, allowing the passage only by groups of four vehicles.

The incident was recorded at 7:30 p.m. and was also reported via social networks, generating even slower traffic for those who were already in line to the United States.

Due to the prolonged wait, until resumed after the US agents took measures to repel the undocumented incursion, motorists had to turn off and descend from their units.

The incident only allowed part of the traffic that was on the bi national structure to be unloaded, while on the Mexican side, the passage to more units was restricted until the closing of the crossing at 21:45 hours.


  1. Wonderful people let them in. They work cheap. Probably $4.00 a hour

    1. I agree and probably do a better job than you.

    2. Seond thoughts,dont let them in and take crying arse 837 back with them

    3. cheap isn't always better.

    4. 9:24 y tu a como cobras la hora guey?
      Como que haces unos jales bien chingones...

  2. There has been no comment from the originators of the these extraordinarily dangerous trips for women and children. Why are they telling people that their caravanas have been a success? They have nothing to help innocent people when they end up at the border fence and the only work available is crime and prostitution.

    Pueblos Sin Fronteras

    1. Yet some have declined comment from the horrible conditions that these migrants have to endure.
      A political statement gone wrong by trying to muscle their way in. A dire situation indeed caused by many.
      Mexico bears a majority of this problem by not enforcing their immigration laws. Creating a border issue within many of their towns where US citizens shop. Resulting in a decline of sales due to fear from not only Mexican gangs but now central American criminals as well.
      Many have objected this intrusion to their Mexican government.

    2. "Innocent"? You have no idea what they have done or who they are. They broke laws crossing borders at the least.

    3. 1:44 Mexico is not into persecuting pilgrims,
      moreover after they have+ made it clear that they are on their way to request political asylum on the US that turned their own country into a hell on earth.

    4. 8:14 at least they did not come armed with legality and passports and. Illions of dollars to introduce mass murdering and genocide like the Assassins sent by the US and their School of the Americas to their countries.

  3. People bad mouth USA, yet all want to enter by any means. Building the wall will not help, as many request asylum.

    1. A controversial issue when the laws of the United States regarding asylum are being tested. To the brink of collapse if not addressed quickly to revamp our asylum process.

    2. It's meant to eliminate illegal border crossings to some extent, people that cross illegally will now be forced to redirect towards official ports of entry & request asylum.

    3. There are the beaches and the Canadian border, or 100 dollar ladders, the US could spend less creating peace and opportunity in the lands they left on the hands of its death squads and Corrupt governments but their private prisons are making a killing getting paid from the tariff collections and budget of the military and other taxes, no rubles will be shared, they are all earmarked for other "charities".

    4. @7:02

      Like in Chia Pet boxes shipped from China.


      Hate to open my Chia Pet box anytime soon only to see someone jump out.

  4. Enforcement of border security at its finest there.
    Good job.

    1. With no help from Congress Vela r Gonzalez

  5. Imagine if the closure of border were implemented? Cartels will loose so much money from shipments not reaching its destination point. Probably taking out their frustration against migrants.
    These fluctuations of force by migrants is only costing cartels money.

    1. It's actually the other way around. If closure at the border were implemented, then the cartels will actually make much more money. The more security at the border, the higher the price.

    2. Like to think that such increases would stop someone from consuming. But we all know too well it will never happen.
      Like the continuous tax hikes on cigarettes.

      Good pointing.

  6. I crossed from Nuevo Laredo into Laredo Texas yesterday through Juarez Lincoln bridge and CBP is setting up bar wired.

  7. While I don't have anything against immigration these people want a free meal ticket and we as Americans have to fit the bill I don't get why you want to give these people everything for free when my kids are U.S. citizens and we have to pay for health insurance and everything else no es justo that's their rallying cry guess what your not even supposed to be here

    1. 4:07 refugees work for whatever they get, and they rary fail to be grateful for the help they get, in spite of earning some of the lowest pay,.. If they run away to the US is not all their fault, military in their own countries, trained by the US in their Schools of the Assassins (SOA WATCH) raped and killed 4 American Nuns that protested the attacks against them in their own country and 8 Jesuit Priests, their cook and her daughter for preaching the Theology of Liberation that simply sought to improve their lives in their own countries but got defeated by ARENA, Kaibiles, Battallion Atlacatl, creators of the gangs that make these people run away to the US to steal your jobs, food stamps and medicaid that in their own countries would cost 1/100th of the cost on the US... Creating and Supporting the Gorillates in charge of their banana republics was not supposed to have consequences, but it did, and yet, you have Mike pence, John Bolton and Elliott Abrams trying to impose one more puppet regime doing one more Revolucion Bananera de Guaido armed with 2 banana cases in Venezuela while they keep supporting murdering regimes in Colombia of the Clandestine Mass Graves de Uribe and Co. like la Macarena.

    2. You are absolutely correct and millions of Americans agree with you Trump for America! Trump is the only politician with enough balls to stop this madness

    3. Education is a benefit. Along with breakfast and lunch in schools.

    4. 5:23 shit would get fixed in the countries of origin,
      before it started, cheap, but the Oringe Agent wants it on his turf for benifit of his private prison enterprise businessmen partner friends. The only thing that would work for them is if the illegal immigrant alien refugees were buying ten million dollar apartments from a tremendously place, but hurry, business is failing fast.

  8. Migrant rights defenders recognize new, perverse dynamics and specific caravan organizers, such as Pueblo Sin Fronteras. Particular interests are promoting the caravanization of Central American immigration.

    The caravan phenomenon marks a crucial moment: a new administration in Mexico coinciding with President Donald Trump, who waves his flag for re-election by vowing to build a wall.

    Illegal and criminal actors profit from this non-organic migration through human smuggling, extortion, kidnapping and human trafficking. Organized crime and corrupt officials are directly involved. Pseudo-activists and immigration attorneys also benefit from this human tragedy. A network analysis of actors could shed light in this direction.

  9. was it a drill???

  10. Expect some hysteria and the race card.Mexico doesn't want them but will they be vilified as the US is?A political stunt using people's lives.

  11. Theseimigrants study the us laws and use them to their advantage. Can you blame them. Its like the drug flow. It will never stop.

  12. I don't cross anymore lines to long

  13. No respect for the laws of the US. They trample across southern border of mexico with impunity and think they can do the same coming into USA.


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