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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

"La Patrona" Chapo's top financial boss, set to plead guilty,

El Armadillo For Borderland Beat From ABC

CHICAGO, Illinois -- A 58-year-old Mexican national known as "La Patrona" is about to plead guilty in Chicago to being the CFO for drug cartel strongman El Chapo.

Guadalupe Fernandez Valencia, the guardian of Chapo's billion-plus fortune, was allegedly among the highest-ranked female drug executives for the notorious Sinaloa Cartel and in charge of Chapo's drug-induced billions.

Federal drug investigators said Valencia was one of El Chapo's most trusted top aides. She has a change of plea hearing set for May 29th in front of Chief Judge Ruben Castillo in Chicago district court.

Valencia was grabbed by Mexican federal police in early 2016 and extradited to Chicago in November 2017. She is accused of trafficking cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines and marijuana, and also charged with money laundering.

Prior to her arrest U.S. Treasury Department officials put her on the nation's official "Kingpin List" meaning assets she holds here can be seized.

El Chapo, officially Joaquin Guzman, was convicted by a New York jury in February and is due to be sentenced on June 25.
Chapo is lead defendant in the very similar Chicago drug conspiracy in which Valencia is expected to plead guilty. He is not expected to face trial here because he is looking at a potential life sentence in New York.

The specific plea deal she is looking at with prosecutors in Chicago is not known, nor the details of a possible sentence.

Valencia's brother was also charged in the Chicago conspiracy case and was in the first wave of guilty pleas. Manuel Fernandez-Valencia is now serving a 27-year sentence.

Ms. Guadalupe's attorneys in Chicago did not immediately respond to I-Team messages.

Several of those under indictment in the Chicago case are fugitives, including one of El Chapo's sons.

A few excepts from the indictment, click on images to enlarge:


  1. Manuel Fernandez-Valencia "La Puerca ".
    Deep in the jungles of Sinaloa there is a heavily guarded Fort Knox style building where all the Billions of US Dollars ,Japanese Yen ,and British Pounds of El Señor's money is hidden along with very expensive paintings and stamps. Among the paintings is a Pablo Picasso painting of "Jesus Malvedre " .

    This building is protected by Gente Nueva Special Forces and a team of Antrax Ghost Recon unit as El Señor Mayo also keeps money there.

    1. You're the reason I read the comments.

    2. No such painting by Pablo Picasso exist. A comedic fib. Your 15 minutes have long expired.

    3. Whatever it is that you're on - I want some.

    4. You're best post yet.... Puro Sinaloa

    5. I admire your unwavering commitment to the joke.

    6. Aaahhhhhhhhh f**ing sikario , that is ur best lineeee !!! The picasso malverde !!! Hahahahahahahahhaha hilarious !!

    7. Still waiting for British Special Ops.

    8. Why you snitching though

    9. Sicario 006 is the new cds mascot, poor guy is running out of imagination. He says the same crap in every article and his fans are still amused at his nonsense lol

  2. Saw this breaking news earlier.
    She doesn't look happy. Rather,the only option for her to see the light of day.
    Nevertheless, won't be surprised if 5 years a hefty fine and cooperation with fed's is given. It seems to be a pattern for many of these individuals. While American citizens are practically given life sentences for nowhere near the crimes committed by those u see here.
    Political interests at work.

    1. Money laundering is not a small crime, she is looking big time in the slammer.

  3. So the whole time I thought sinaloas ran the show but this michoacan lady was in charge of chapo's billions.. the irony

    1. She's from Michocan?

    2. Quit obsessing with states...greed and money don’t care

    3. She was just one of many working not in charge to diffrent things

    4. Stop being naive dummy Michoacán always behind the scenes running the show

    5. 6:15 love your observation

    6. @6:15 and 12:00, listen to @9:56. Only people outside of the game worry about States. Trust me, those deeply involved only care what you have to offer them, not what state you are from. More useless shit to divide people over.

    7. You must be a teenager...

    8. AnonymousMay 14, 2019 at 6:15 PM
      lo que no sabes es que es fernandez. nacida en micoachan pero lo fernandez es de sinaloa y de los grandes jefes en su tiempo. nomas pregunta quien fue don lalo fernandez.

    9. 11:49 jajajaja chistoso
      Fernandez ay en todo Mexico no digas tontadas! Pinches chinolas siempre inventando pendejadas hahaha

    10. Plead guilty and Forfeit the money to go home early,
      they will not give it back anyway...

  4. The Americans spent decades breaking even the most ruthless gangsters. No surprise. With enough psychological torture the CIA will crack any egg.

    1. Unfortunately life isn't a video game or a movie. These people know the second they snitch, their families back home will be butchered and delivered in pieces to the busiest street corner in their community. If anything she's going to provide some old Intel about her businesses and plead guilty to avoid a trial.

    2. 62 million dollars from "US farm bailout money" went to a Brazilian meat packing plant instead, federales are investigating.
      Never mind what will happen to the Wall money after it gets stolen from defense department and other government corporations cooperating in the effort...

  5. She was supposed to be sentenced in november. But negotiations were ongoing I thought for sure she would cut the deal and testify against Chapo. all they would have needed was her testimony for the financial element of sinaloa cartel. she was also in charge of all money laundering from U.S.

    1. Think maybe that's one the US doesn't want talking at all? Mexico too. She's the one who ran the money. The bribes all came through her. The only ones that benefit from her testimony would be Chapo and CDS. She knows the names, dates, and numbers. Neither gov wants her testifying. Your Scrib'd pages would be all black. JMO

    2. Think maybe that's one the US doesn't want talking at all? Mexico too. She's the one who ran the money. The bribes all came through her. The only ones that benefit from her testimony would be Chapo and CDS. She knows the names, dates, and numbers. Neither gov wants her testifying. Your Scrib'd pages would be all black. JMO

    3. So she refused to testify?!

    4. La Doña is pleading more balls then most of those lames in the cartel she was working for...tenia que ser Michoacana!

  6. She is a powerful lady yet sinaloas that don't know say michoacanos were merely car washers for sinaloas. Michoacanos have always been partners of either cdg or cds,now they have their own cartels and rather take the whole cake

  7. Was she la patrona who ran Nogales & Sonoita Sonora? Her sons were in the biz as well if that’s who I think it is.

  8. Is she related to el animal?

  9. So, aside from that crazy hair do and the tacky ass wardrobe that makes her look like some fucked up national disaster, what is there left to look forward to in life? - Sol Prendido

    1. Sol Prendido wtf does your BROKE ASS have to look forward to?? Some people risk there lives and freedom to give there children options and financial freedom one never had. Maybe she doesn't give a f..k what happens to her. The fact that her generation is tookin care of is very worth it to some. In the end we all die...G.C.

    2. @10:20, sorry to burst your bubble but Sol is a master Manta translator. He is charging $1,000 USD per Manta. So trust us, he’s far from broke. Nahhhh, just kidding but ease up on the Vato.

  10. If the PGR of EUA wants to prosecute crime from Mexico with more power, forget crimes like drug smuggling or the washing of money.

    A new law, 'the funding of terrorism' conspiracy, aiding and abetting terrorists.

    This points out the real problems and avoids the bronco of drugs legal or not in the EUA. Proving a Diputado or senador is cupable of terrorism and he can be blocked from entering EUA. Tie this person to drugs going to EUA or Dollars and then the penalty of terrorism can be made. The accusation of terrorist could have a freak out effect on anyone. Mexicanos Gringos, Columbianos. This problem which causes the death of babies must be labeled for what it is. Do you think los femininas would like the title of terrorista baby killer?

  11. Kate del Castillo is the real patrona

  12. 7:31 . Yep psychological torture. Put em in a little room and tell them "this is your life" . That's all it takes . There some physical torture with these Mexican cartel members . They slap them once to start them talking . Then they have to slab them a half dozen times to get them to stop .

    1. Guess u never watched the First 48.


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