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Monday, May 13, 2019

US Child finds $40,000 in Crystal Meth Inside Toy Box

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Televisa
                                                             "Un Classic" Lego Pieces

A child found 3 pounds (1.3 kilos) of crystal methamphetamine, worth $ 40,000 dollars, inside a toy box in Charleston, South Carolina, in the United States.

Three women, whose names remain anonymous, bought a box of Lego pieces in a Charleston consignment shop and presented it to a child. When the child opened it inside he found a packet of methamphetamine.

After the discovery, the women contacted the Bulloch County Sheriff's Office, whose agents collected the drug and contacted the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) about what happened.

The DEA said that this box could have been bought in a storage auction, and then taken to the store without anyone noticing its contents.

Jim Riggs, a researcher at the sheriff's office, explained that drug dealers often send packages to addresses where there are abandoned or empty properties to be collected clandestinely. However, the United States Postal Service does not usually leave them unless it is with a neighbor. If they do not find anyone, the packages are auctioned.


  1. 33 kilos of meth found in commerce georgia and 2 men arrested!

    1. No man it was 3 pounds, a kid found in a toy box. And no the kid was not arrested. But the lady at the shop had some explaining to do.

    2. @6:29a.m! This is a different one than the toybox.this happened 2 days ago in commerce and two men were was on our news here.

  2. Would have auctioned it off to the highest bidder.

  3. Good thing it wasn't eaten like cereal by the kid.

  4. worth 40gs?? dang over here in cali i can get that for any where from 3-6 gs

    1. Street level distribution. Not by the Key/lbs, no whole sale but by the gram. And you also consider the market but the ladder is what makes most of that number.

    2. @6:27, also, proximity to the border factors into the price. Cali is essentially Northern Mexico so the prices are a lot cheaper. Although, Coke is still expensive.

    3. The police likes to exaggerate the value of drugs seized..

    4. 9:52 not for nothing,
      the government pays them commissions for the Falsos Positivos.

  5. All the while he thought he was just getting a lousy lego set. Imagine his face.

  6. Lego meth edition. Dam, Lego bosses that's one way of getting people hooked on Lego ba ha ha. But seriously how scary for the parent lucky kid didnt open it.

  7. 40k and they give it to the police. Idiots.

  8. Poor kid was up for 3 days..parents thought he had A.D.D.


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