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Wednesday, June 5, 2019

CDG cartel weighs in on the immigration issue with a manta to Trump

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat 

Mantas hung addressed to President Trump,  from CDG operating in the region of la llamada "frontera chica" of Tamaulipas.

Manta reads as follows and translated by Sol Prendido

President Trump, your law is against the illegal migrants. But your citizen governor Cabeza de Vaca has a group of state police officers charging us for each Cuban, Venezuelan, Brazilian, Chinese, and Arab from all over the world for passing through our plazas in Tamaulipas. Mainly in our Ribereña. Everyone has different prices depending on what country they originated from. As do our assassins have a fee to pay if they get caught. We the cartels are not your enemies. We pay to live. Operative group Cartel del Golfo. 
Comandante Primito


  1. Call me crazy, but if you are writing a "manta" to the U.S. President, maybe you should do it in English?

  2. Cdg is just mad because the us gov cbp is coming hard on illegals on the border.
    Back in the 60s/80s my family helped crossed people through Miguel aleman and camargo sometimes for free now it’s a whole different ball game. All forms of government are in it for the $.

    Shout out starr county!
    -Flaco Cisneros

  3. Who is Cabeza de Vaca?

    1. 2:22 Tejas born governor of Tamaulipas francisco javier cabeza de cagadas de vacas, proud descendant according to himself of Spaniards Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, discoverer of the fountain of youth in Florida, and probably the original pederasta tourist.
      Osiel Cardenas financed his first political run for mayor of Reynosa, he learned to walk and chew gum right away.

  4. OMG, that Caveza de Cagada de Vaca just like my boy Millie always said.

  5. 😮 Plaza cost just went up 10 fold!

  6. What an asshole....opening for a war against Trump with that bs statement.

  7. Bad hombres at the border.

  8. Whats the point?

  9. Sure Trumpy boy will tweet regarding your concern sir.

    1. It only means that "his" laws are against illegals,
      but what about US citizen and Tejas born francisco javier garcia cabeza de cagadas de vacas governor of Tamaulipas...

  10. Lmao these guys are a joke!

  11. Wait a minute, so they basically saying we do this to make a living🤔🤔🤣

  12. Wtf does this moron think he is gonna accomplish with this manta lol

    1. They think they can scare Mr. T.

    2. Looks like they're high or off their heads? Lol.

  13. What is said it truth, the state gov and or police put a tax on migrants to pass through tamps. the cartels are worse they take more then tax....

    1. i should add i thought it was strange and humorous that they went to this measure to try and take the heat off themselves . but what they said is true.

      a horrible situation.

    2. The idea is to get Tejas born narco-governor cabeza de cagadas de vacas on the news, it has been a while since Osiel sponsored his political career and candidacy for mayor of Reynosa, only to be betrayed, now Francisco gets ventaneado in a manta, and maybe jorge Ramos does a report in Telemundo or Nat Geo... nice job.

    3. In Mexico they call it balconeada, putting somebody out there,
      Outing others is one favorite US pass time.
      In Mexico you may get killed for the favor, imagine if Fuerza Tamaulipas catches these guys outing the governor?

  14. Okay. If you migrate, you pay a delivery fee, the difference is where you came from. We charge more for Koreans, instead of the Peruvians.

    You are so kind and informative.

    F**k O##.

  15. I don’t think Trump cares about what these meth head loser think.

  16. Fake news. We need to hear that from actual immigrants.

  17. Al garsia cabeza de cagadas de vacas le gustan los centabooos,
    que quieren, asina son los tejanos mesmamente. As long as he gets paid, it might be worth it.

  18. Sounds like they’re trying to create tension between the fact that Cabeza de Vaca is a US born citizen and is corrupt. How he’s extorting immigrants, cartels and the citizens...”Att: Trump. Extradite Cabeza de Vaca” is what it sounds like to me...

  19. Manta not valid, did not come with a dead body.

  20. omg are they that dumb? wow!

  21. If the top guys in cartel land can be so dumb, I think I could run things better even with no experience.

    1. Give it a shot!

    2. 5:32 I hope Rodin doesn't wake up and makes another sculpture,
      --it would blow David, Venus, and La Pieta out of their shorings.

  22. Of course Trump kidnaps, beheads, boils in acid, kills women and children, goes from door to door que saques piso.

    My recocommend is for you to increase the distance from you and your product. Some of it is leaking and affecting sus sesos.

    1. 11:14 tromp is NOT being accused of anything here, boy.
      The message IS for him, and somebody may deliver, that his Komrad Tejas born governor of Tamaulipas, francisco javier garcia cabeza de cagadas de vacas is a pollero, and that some state police are his helpers, chingadamadre,

    2. 9:09...lmfao!!! El liberalo...😂

  23. Too late for explaining yourself now! Cartels are in the process of going on the Terrorist list and the US Special Forces cant be bought and they are going to end all your lives!

    1. I can't wait to see that. I'm confident special forces could clean out the smaller communities in the Jalisco backwaters in a day or two. Satellite recon and tracking, Apache attack ships, quick deploy blackhawks. Those twenty year old sicarios running around with their weak 50 caliber bolted onto an old Chevy pick up will disappear overnight.
      Can't wait.

    2. This comment shows that you really don't understand the situation.

    3. Can I have an Amen

    4. Threatining directly a US President is highly going to that dude in trouble

    5. 9:51 what threatinings, pendejo.
      Come eres guey.
      11:53 Iran has about twice the population of Iraq, combined with other perceived enemies it would mean another 40 years of war, and about 120 trillion dollars US Treasury, possibly government bonds sold to China, and then you Want a war with Mexico over a pinchi sabana pierca from some cheap hourly hotel?
      --No mames tanto los Aguacates guey.

  24. This is why Trump is putting tariffs on the mexican govt, because they obviously could stop those people in 1 day, but corruption directly by mexican govt. is clearly allowing them to get all the way to the border. Im mexican but Mexican govt. makes me sick. it is a Effing Joke

  25. Lol will Trump even ser this manta ?

  26. You all talk , like if you know everything. But, then again you only know what you read

    1. You're right, 942. We sure as hell are not out killing people, and the people being victimized have NO VOICE. So of course many of us don't know firsthand.

    2. Then tell us all you know genius...we've got a second.

  27. CDG - if you want a reply from Trump you have to tweet him, he does not respond to narcomantas in spanish


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