Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

El Muñeco, Sicario Lieutenant of El Chapo, will be extradited to Texas

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Mexico has given the green light for the extradition of Jesús Alfredo Salazar, known as El Muñeco, to the United States after a federal court gave the approval.

According to the newspaper Milenio, El Muñeco was one of the most dangerous sicarios of the Sinaloa Cartel and, during the leadership of Joaquín Guzmán Loera, El Chapo , and Ismael Zambada served as lieutenant.

The Fourth Collegiate Court in Criminal Matters, based in Mexico City, unanimously confirmed the decision of the second district judge of Amparo in Criminal Matters that on June 30, 2015 denied protecting Jesús Alfredo from possible extradition.

For its part, the defendant's defense argued that Mexican authorities improperly granted probative value to actions that they considered illegal and that there was a "filtering of agents" of the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and cooperating witnesses that led to his capture.

El Muñeco was apprehended on November 1, 2012 in Huixquilucan, State of Mexico. Since then he was wanted by the Federal Court of the Western District of Texas for the crimes of criminal association and possession and distribution of more than five kilograms of cocaine in the United States.
In Mexico, Jesús Alfredo is accused of the death of Nepomuceno Moreno, activist of the Movement for Peace headed by Javier Sicilia. He is also designated as responsible for controlling the sowing, production and distribution of drugs in Sonora and the Chihuahua highlands.

Another murder that is credited to him, is that of Rubén Alejandro Cepeda, a lawyer from Hermosillo, Sonora, who died in November 2011.

With information from Milenio, Vanguardia and Al Instante Noticias.

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  1. Excellent 👍 another one to be locked up in the slammer made of bars and concrete.

  2. Animo sicarios del CDS .Protegiendo la bandera del Señor.

    El Muñeqo will be providing security for el Señor Guzman while he is awaiting his re trail and being freed from prison.

    1. Sir Sonny Boy, what's up with the townspeople complaining about you dispatching special forces? And never do it. You got procrastinating problems.

    2. More like he will be providing the washing of el senors calzones

    3. The only two places Mr Guzman is going is under the mountain at adx Florence or the witness protection program if he decides to cut his losses and talk

    4. Awww poor 006...your lack of knowledge, as well as your sad & sorry hope are starting to show through. You do realize that mucus or munica (whatever his name), wont be jailed in the same location as chapita? Just because someone from Mexico is extradited here does not mean they go straight to New York. And even if they did, he would certainly not be allowed any communication with senorita guzman. So go back to your video games or go play outside, mijo!!!

    5. Can someone report this guy to the FBI so he could get a visit from them thank you

    6. You have obviously never been in Federal Prison custody in the US.
      The only light Chapo is getting is from a light bulb. Chapo is safe. LOL. Nothing or no one can get to him.

    7. Being in supermax might just b the safest place for him for all the power he had he doesn't have shit now no money no army and more important no way to communicate he would be like a 14 point buck if left in population

    8. Soy tu fan 006

    9. You ppl who bitch about 006 have zero sense of humor.get over yourselves and lighten up! Chances are you guys still live in your mommas basement too!😁

    10. @12:17, the US doesn't want him to talk. He is their "trophy" hunt. A sort of, look, we are winning the war on drugs, catch.

    11. Sacario 006 he is ok in my book, he helps quiver out the stress, that is happening in Mexico by providing humor. He has an artistic way of coping with reality.

    12. Sicario006 for president!!


  4. 1029 Yeah cuase he's going to Texas n Chapo to Colorado. Let's see if he can last with all those z's and golfos in Texas prison

    1. Are those supposed to be Texas prison gangs?

    2. You think people can send hits in US prisons lol.
      Funny these guys are all isolated

    3. 11:58 perhaps you've forgotten that Whitey Bulger was killed off in prison for being a known snitch. - Sol Prendido

    4. 11:58. People get whacked in prison daily and put out hits what rock do you live under?

  5. As if these detentions will make any difference in the war on drugs. Despite the moral obligation to bring justice where justice is not favorable (Mexico). The taxpayers costs by US citizens are adding more of a burden than halting the drugs.

    1. You can used seizured money and property etc to refund prison time for the tax payers. Ask your local politician about.

    2. Homes, assets, drug money, cars are seized by the DEA, and auctioned off, part of the proceeds go to the prison system.

    3. It goes to the DEA , and other unknown political figures,pockets they are as bad as Guzman or even worst.

    4. All the money goes to DEA and political figures pockets, they are as bad as Guzman or worst ,

    5. @9:32. Why dont you ask your politicians to use it for FREE roads like they used to be. Instead of giving us "toll roads" which we pay for twice. As we pass and as tax payers

    6. @ 5:01
      You'd be surprised to know that many toll roads are owned by Chinese in many US cities.
      A baffling fact.

  6. En Florencia alguien enciende el cartel que dice. Bienvenidos a tu hogar permanente lejos de casa.

  7. One day they will arrest the Americans working with them?!

  8. Too much snitching in cds

  9. 50-1 el muñeco becomes a confidential informant.. his deal is already worked out; why else does the DEA want this guy...typical sinaloa
    modus of operandi....

    1. 50-1? That’s a bogus bet,how about 3-2 sounds better! Learn ur shit before u post stupid shit!

  10. You never know might be put in Arizona. Where all prisoners wear pink underwear, thanks to warden Pyle.

    1. That’s a County jail. Not a fed or state prison

  11. Etas Tapado my frien , here in the us Prisons are not like Mexico , no special prevailing here , and the only thing he will protecting is his buthole from all the Negrotes that will want him

    1. The voice of experience , sorry for what the negrotes did to you,

    2. Too many HOLLYWOOD movies who believe such.

  12. "Trabaje para el muñeco, la bandera salazar la defendi en todo momento" one of javier rosas song, if this guy gets sent to the USA the hole salazar organization its gonna crumble just like when cdg when oziel cardenas got extradited, and guess who is gonna take advantage of this? You got it! CJNG this is their specialty, get ready for an all out war

    1. Lol dude that was funny,
      He’s not even the main SalaZar

    2. Hes been busted since 2012. GN is still around.

    3. 3:46 busted in mexico and getting extradited to the usa are two hole different things you guys should know that, dont make me think you guys are new to this narco stories that keep repeating them selfs, no matter what cartel, the only cartel that hasnt fall yet is mexicos government, but the rest of the cartels will fall and a new one will be born and fall again! Its a never ending cicle


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