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Monday, June 24, 2019

HSI Authorities advise MX Federal Police to the presence of Islamic terrorists in Mexico

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from Publimetro
Three alleged terrorists of the Islamic State (ISIS) could be found in
Mexican territory and are heading towards the United States.

Three alleged members of the terrorist group Islamic State (ISIS) could be in Mexican territory  with intention of going into  the  United States , so the Federal Police  (PF) was Alerted to locate and stop them.

In the letter, dated June 21st  sent to the Federal Police,  it is instructed to widely disseminate the photograph of the alleged members of the terrorist group.

Amahed Ghanim Mohamed Al Jabari, an Iraqi national; Ibrahim Mohamed and Mohamed Eissa, from Egypt, who are confirmed in Panama on May 12, and in Costa Rica on June 9.

 The Federal Police received the alert, through an intelligence bulletin  to locate and apprehend  them.

The notice was addressed to the inspector Francisco Rodrigo Rodríguez Galindo, by the general director of Reaction and Operation, Commissioner Mario Alberto Montaño.

According to an intelligence bulletin from HSI International Operations, the man of Iraqi nationality was arrested in Costa Rica on Monday.

In case of having information about his whereabouts, the authorities asked to notify the USBP official, Adrián Saiz, or call (915) 493-1361.


  1. And this is why securing our borders is imperative. It's not like criminal organizations do a background check for those who are smuggled. If they really cared for the US interests? Drugs along with a certain criteria of immigrants would have never been allowed in the first place.

  2. Mexico wont catch they're own terrorist and you want them to catch these guys?? They probably will though since they got to look good for the gringos.

  3. ¿No es hora de que los gringos hagan la recompensa de cien millones de pesos por la recompensa de una emboscada de sus migras por la captura de terroristas isis? También ofrecen la amenaza de buscar un pollero que sirva a los terroristas con la liberación automática del ¿Pollero al EUA FBI y veinte años en prisión? Los terroristas y el pollero deben comprender que el ayudarlos tendrá un precio alto. Para los terroristas vienen un viaje libre y rápido a Guantánamo.

  4. Hand them over to the Cartels and let them go to town with them.

    1. If anything they would benefit those cartels for their ruthlessness. Their training in explosives and guerrilla operations will be highly anticipated.
      The 800 recruiting service has yet to obtain such prospects.

    2. @450 the cartels make more money than isis and any other crime group terrorist or not. If Mexican cartels need experts they’ll hire them to train their own they don’t need these fools. Cartels are better funded and way more ruthless than isis or anybody else Russians Asians blacks white militias are small time to Mexican cartels.

    3. 7:19 Cartels have more money but they can’t fight or go against anyone like those terrorist groups, their gunmen are just a bunch of teenagers and overweight rancheros that can’t aim.

    4. Agree

      The cartels are a different breed!

    5. @ 1:35am obviously you didn't see the pictures from the shootings in Sonora last week

    6. 7:19 when did mexico get nukes or mass stockpile of war weapons papi USA say spread bend over you say how wide with russia and china they say kick rocks. ruthlessness works for vulnerable unprotected public not elite global super powers player. if needed be circus can get shutdown anytime but too much money and Mexicans killing Mexicans that's what the higher power wants they don't want peace and stability. as long as the right pockets getting paid

    7. ISIS will kill you for not following islam.these folks have been fighting in the middle east over their religion since the beginning of time! A very bad mix here in mexico with the cartels AND ISIS!

    8. 6:41 that shooting just showed a bunch of random guys from el rancho shoot it out with the weak poorly trained police from Mexico, these guys would get slaughtered in the Middle East against US trained and armed rebels.

  5. It was just a matter of time.

    1. That is for certain. A legitimate response for once.

    2. Not the first or the last, the US-MEX border has a long and continuing history of trans-border incursions back and forth by people deemed bandits, outlaws,revolutionaries, mercenaries, and nowadays "terrorists ".

    3. Matter of time...?? 9/11 was close too 20 years ago. The Terrorists threat has been around for a long time.

    4. After inventing weapons of mass destruction 20 years ago, 10 thousand American deaths in Iraq, Hundreds of thousands of war wounded and PTSD victims, millions of Iraqis killed and wounded, and 30 trillion dollars worth of war, you catch one Iraqi doing you don't know what in Costa Rica... Nice going. Someone even discovered they are ISIS, GOOD JOB!

  6. Come on Mexico ....Jeez!!!!!

  7. Two of them look Mexican! They won’t ever be caught.

    1. Yes not alive

    2. Damn, they got caught! I was wrong.

  8. When they get caught all they have to do is turn around and ask for Derechos Humanos and allege torture. Those Derechos Humanos zealots love to defend thugs anyway and these thugs will get lost somewhere.

    El Ranchero de Juarez

    1. Its crazy how much power these nonsense groups have

    2. Derechos Humanos, in Mexico, the Continent of the world, has no power whatsoever, for example: no Ayotzinapos have been found, and nobody is being investigated far as i know, broke ass Yemen is still being bombarded with US tools of war by bone saw carrying Saudis, and more bombs are being recommended.

    3. Yeah, 10:52, all they care is uniformity of rhetoric. Any deviance from standard authorative claims is zealotry or thug apology. They love hearing the echo of the discourse the militaristic boneheads yell from above repeated ad nauseam.

  9. They are probably just seeking asylum like everyone else in the southern and eastern hemisphere....

  10. Hi Chivas,
    This information is for you and I don't think you will post it. America's CIA has had ISIS training camps in Central America for many years. They have been training them in Central America for many years.

    All the information in these videos verifies the story in your article. Kathy Rubio is a Latina who is a whistle blower. She has worked in a classified government position in Central America.

    Here's a couple of her videos - I think you will find what she has to say interesting. She talks about what she has seen and what she knows regarding ISIS, the cartels, etc. Terrorists have been in the US for many years.

    ISIS has training camps in all 50 states in the US.

    Thank you for all the work you do.

    April 10, 2019 - Kathy talks about Nicaragua and the training camps.

    March 14, 2019

    January 23, 2019

    November 4, 2018

  11. easier to cross the canadian border. I remember middle eastern terrorist did this before.

    1. Truuuueeee. I’m surprised Cartels don’t start shipping to Canada from Columbia and move downwards. All eyes are on Mexico so Canada is wide open.

  12. Most of the terrorists in the US are white males.

    1. 5:58 white supremacist male apes are the American terrorist wannabes on the US, they are mostly largely minority alternative humanoids and they need help.

  13. Looks like they have been arrested in costa rica

    1. No Chivis tell me that's not true? I have relatives in San Jose, CR, and has been relatively safe, some Colombian families have opened up bakery shops, almost at every corner. But terrorists coming to Costa Rica no way.
      Luna Apagtha

    2. i think they tried to enter cr from nica and were arrested. cr has a heavy influx of migants from nica and crime etc has gone crazy. i have many friends in cr, some have left.

    3. 8:55 All three, or only one.

    4. Costa Rica Pura Vida.
      El Perin de Tamp.


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