Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Jalisco: 15 bags with remains of 12 women and men

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat
The complete bodies of at least 12 now confirmed and body parts of others were found that do not form complete bodies.

Tlaquepaque, Jal. - Around fifteen blackplastic bags containing human remains was located five bundles in the colony El tajo in Tlaquepaque, Jalisco. 

The bags contained the remains of 8 women, 2 men and 2 undetermined because of decomposition.

This finding occurs just a few hours after the confrontation occurred in the Jardin de Eden colony, after the murder of a police investigator from the to the State Attorney office, as well as the murder of another officer, murdered in the Colonia Villas de San Martín, both sites located in Tlajomulco.

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  1. So it goes in Mexico!

  2. They have officially pushed him to the edge from the looks of carelessness

  3. Holly Mother of God. This is unreal! Mexico is being close to hell just like syria.

    1. 12:22 PM The war in Syria is a war started from the outside being fought with weapons provided by Nato and their lapdogs that are apart of the Arab branch.

      In Mexico the war that is being fought is a war of greed that was started in 1988 when the Guadalajara Cartel and El PRI were no longer the single power in organized crime. All the other political parties in Mexico started supporting each individual cartel in order to get a piece of the enormous amount of money the drug trade was bringing in.

    2. Mmmmm no far from that. Yeah Mexico has many people killed but we can still live normal a normal life.

    3. It had been bad this last few years..where have you been? Mexico has topped as the highest homicides in the world, furthermore the most currupted. Brazil is on #2.

    4. @ 5:05am Mexico is normal? Buthering and chopping in bit of pieces is normal to you? You lost reality big time my friend.

    5. @12:22 a war since 1988 , a31 year war so far ( WOW ). Does anyone know ,the casualty tall, over those 3 decades ? Thanks B.B this site always ceases to amaze and frighten me .

    6. To be correct you must have said weapons supplied by nato and russia! Isn’t it!

    7. 7:49 yeah, this cite ceases to mamaze me all the time too.
      Specily the way every Mexican drinks from the blood of the murder victims, there is always some blood left to war paint ourselves for the next kill, hope the stint gets more followers.
      Margara Zavala, Felipe Calderon , (FECAL) and their son are crying rivers because somebody made up fake news that their son got arrested loaded with drugs.. Fake news should be "fact checked" they say, but when somebody else is the victim they have no qualms about retweeting any shit.

  4. Yeah... definitely need an autopsy to figure out cause of death!

  5. Cjng too brutal, cholo/mayo people are getting hit hard.. last month or so there was onother find of bags filled with peaces of body parts in a cjng safe house. senseless war for drug sales but the drug game is like that

    1. The game where everyone but the big guys lose

  6. Hopefully all those in the bags are parts belonging to cjng members

  7. This is a genocide people wake up.

    1. Ohhh shit,let me guess,it is being orchestrated by outide(US)forces.....Supposedly intelligent people,well,reasonably,lets be kind ?

    2. 1:22 who else has been conspiring to sink Mexico in despair and destabilization since the 1960`s?
      Contrary to the opinion that it started in 1988, the end of the start was the murdering of Mexican students and the arrests, tortures disappearances in th Plaza de las Tres Culturas in Tlatelolco for the Olympians in MEXICO 68 by military, Policias federal Judiciales and paramilitary of then president Gustavo Diaz ordaz AND HIS SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS graduates generals like Manuel Diaz Escobar and Mario Ballesteros Prieto,
      "Our Man In Mexico" about Win Scott and his conspiracies with th Mexican government and his Litempo agents will help you. The Mexican people endure the Consequences. There have been too many crazy people in power for too long in US government.

  8. This is de-evolution at work here . Apart from the murdered innocent people or those without a choice , why would you want to join a cartel gang voluntary . Such a sad state of affairs

  9. There's a war in Jalisco. El Cholo and El 85 with support from CDS vs Mencho. A ton of dead bodies in plastic bags lately.

    1. 85 is still with Mencho! Dont believe the hype!

    2. @ 1:17 Unreal how you guys know everything. Dude, there are 2 sides of the story, what you wish for and the truth. I'm telling you the truth, El 85 is allied with El Cholo. That's a fact. Inform yourself 1st and then talk. Peace!

    3. @ 9:00 Unreal how you guys know everything. Dude, there are 2 sides of the story, what you wish for and the truth. I'm telling you the truth, El 85 is allied with Mencho. That's a fact. Inform yourself 1st and then talk. Peace! See how easy that was who the hell knows the real truth, not 1:17, not 9:00!

    4. 1:17, 9, and 2:28! One fact is that Mencho owns CDS, El Cholo and who ever is on their side! Mencho Has all W’s in column right now!

  10. sick demented monsters

  11. What you need right now is an army of lie detectors and to kill anybody that fails the interrogations. Start with military and federal police who just arrived in the area.

  12. CDS, and Cholo picking up innocents, killing them and heating up the plaza!

    1. 11:04 might be right but wouldn't the enemy cartel know it isn't their people who were hit?
      That said it is apparent for now life is cheap in Mexico and that is a shame.

  13. Mencho has to be tired of waking up to bulllshit everyday. Even Caeser wanted peace.

    1. You must not understand Mencho very well...

  14. does crime scene evidence like this get fingerprinted etc? is there even the facade of “police work” that occurs when things like this are found in mx?

  15. True 85 turned on mencho,85 wanted to be boss again and mencho said nop!


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