Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

"La Tuta" : Sentenced to 55 years for Kidnapping

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Arestgui y EF
                      Servando Gómez, "La Tuta", sentenced to 55 years in prison for kidnapping

'El Profe', as he is also known, was a normalista teacher and created help centers for young drug addicts.  He later became a drug dealer and a cartel founder according to authorities.

The Attorney General of the state of Michoacán reported Monday that it obtained a sentence of 55 years in prison against Servando Gómez Martínez, alias 'La Tuta' or 'El Profe', founder of the Knights Templar cartel.

In addition, he said that he accredited "his full responsibility in the kidnapping of a businessman in the month of August 2011, in the city of Uruapan."

It should be recalled that on February 27, 2015, federal forces captured Servando Gómez in a poor neighborhood in the city of Morelia, accused of the crime of organized crime.

' La Tuta' was considered one of the most wanted criminals in the country, who even managed to infiltrate the highest levels of power in Michoacán.

The interim governor, Jesús Reyna García, was arrested for his alleged links to 'El Profe', but after four years in prison, he was released.

In July 2014, a video shows a conversation between the leader of the Knights Templar and Rodrigo Vallejo Mora, youngest son of the ex-governor of Michoacán, Fausto Vallejo Figueroa.

' La Tuta' was first a normalist teacher, then a farmer, he created help centers for young drug addicts and then a narcotics dealer, according to federal authorities.

Servando Gómez , was born in Arteaga, Michoacán, was the last leader of the non-extinct criminal group known as Knights Templar.

'El Profe' is being held in El Altiplano prison for organized crime and now the sentence for kidnapping a businessman in Uruapan will also be added.

The 49-year-old man was arrested on February 27, 2015, in Morelia, Michoacán, without a single shot being recorded and since then he has been held in the Altiplano prison, accused of organized crime and now the sentence for kidnapping.

In 2015, "La Tuta" was issued a formal prison sentence for the crimes of organized crime and crimes against health " in the form of collaborating to promote cocaine and marijuana traffic." That same year, the offender was notified of a new formal prison sentence for the crime of kidnapping.

This would be the first sentence against him, which will continue accumulating with others, for which the former criminal leader will spend the rest of his days in prison.

The sentence corresponds to one of the 17 preliminary inquiries and 10 circumstantial acts in which the Michoacan capo is related to crimes such as kidnapping, extortion, organized crime, money laundering and drug trafficking, among others.

Meanwhile, last year  Ana Patiño Lopez, wife of the former criminal leader of the Knights Templar, was sentenced to three years and six months in prison, for his responsibility in the crime of bribery. 

While in 2015 Servando Gómez Patiño, aka El Pelón, son of Servando Gómez Martínez, was sentenced to 27 years, eight months and three days in prison,  as responsible for the crimes of organized crime and possession of a firearm for the exclusive use of the Army, Navy and Air Force.

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  1. Chivis went AWOL !
    Please keep the faith, she will be back online manana / tomorrow.

    1. Ok Yanqui, in the meantime you owe me and comandate Marcos 2 cigars from Cuba.

    2. Yaqui for administrator!

  2. 55 years for reals, he wasn't bribing officials like he used to, so he will stay in for sure this time.?

    1. Governor Andres Granier got released last May,
      he stole about 190 000 000 000.00 million peisos, about 1 billion dollars, had 10 years sentence but it fell under 5 years left he quified for parole, with him about 20 accomplices.
      La Chaky also got released, javier Duarte de Ochoa, "la Marrana", Roberto Borge, Guillermo Padres, Rodrigo Medina, EPN, Cesar "el capulina" Duarte, Tomas Yarrington, ugenio hernandez, El bertie boy moreira, Miguel Angel Osorio chon, Manuel murillo Karam and Emilio Chuayfett Chemor are still waiting for some divine justice to help prove their innocence, some in prison, some at home...

  3. 55 years in prison huh? Didnt he admit to have HIV/AIDS upon capture ?

    1. I think that if he did admit that it was only to gain sympathy for his quick release. Gotta play that sad story out to tug on all those gullible hearts out there. - Sol Prendido

    2. In 55 years his hemorrhoids will get better.
      They may even find a cure, but governor Reyna has no reason to be free, along with Pellejos Vallejo he was a co-conspirator and accomplice who took a lot of money.

  4. He looks like he used too much of his product guey!

    1. He looks like an end stage AIDS patient with a bad crack habit.

  5. Bigger capos got less

    1. 11:43 a los feos siempre les va pior por andar ahi de calientes.
      "Que se mueran los feos", one beautiful song google,
      Los feos have never done anything bdtter than inspire that song.

    2. With appeals and good behavior professor gets out in ten years.
      La Chaky was only about 3 years in house arrest, and she really fucked up the Mexican education system and the Teachers' Union in the ass, backed FECAL and EPN AND Salinas, to screw Mexico a bit more, to collect for allowing professor Carlos Jongitud Barrios leader of the teachers union before her to screw her when she was his younger "secretary" until she helped Carlos Salinas de Gortari steal the Mexican presidency from Cuauhtemoc Cardenas.
      That bitch has been a facker a her life, and she is free.

  6. Interesting figure. A man with education added with his community service to revert to criminal activities?

    1. Yeah. He was always kind of cartoonish, kind of like one of those Batman villains. He was a good man until one day a vat of green chemicals fell on his head and he became a villain every since.

    2. Cual pinche education,
      all he did was learn the bibles of El Mas Loco... ALIAS EL CHAYO.
      Now, everybody get ready, La Luz del Mundo is getting it up the ass everywhere for sexual abuses of minors by its beloved main man, Sergio Mayer, margarita zavala "la senora FECAL" Angelica Rivera la "senora" de EPN, politicos de Jalisco, sede en Mexico del culto endemoniado con sede en Los Angeles por tres generacioneees! Send money for Naason Joaquin, he needs to make bail to continue his apostolate...
      Last thing he did was rent Bellas Artes for an orgy of honoring his nasty ass, he got levers to pull all over Mexico like Carlos Emiliano Salinas Occhelli and his NXIVM White Slavery victims, brainwashed followers, their tattoo machines and their cattle branding irons. That Emiliano was getting ready to run for new Presidente de Mexico, Haganmen un cabron favor...

  7. Any one think he will escape?

    1. No one literally lol

    2. He won't escape because no one on the outside wants him to. Who would benefit from aiding him?

    3. 12:43 I really don't care, du yu?
      He got teachers union, has been collecting pay every day since he went into Knights Templar business, who knows? Deutsche Bank now installed in the Original Knights' Island of Cyprus might have job for him, laundering money for the bosses in Russia, they even use children of UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT OF JUSTICE, like Anthony Kennedy's, one black possum from Michuakan might be welcome to higher knowledge.

  8. The Narco defensas were created so that El PRI who owed the Templarios billions wouln't have to pay them the the money the received from the money the Templarios took from the people of Michoacan. El PRI are some bad motherfuckers if you guys didn't know.

    1. Este pinchi narco-puto at 5:27
      AutoDefensas guey, respetuosamente,
      aunque te arda la cola.

    2. Billions ? What billions ? Michigan has got to be one of the most impoverished states in the country .. a billion limones maybe ... lol

  9. The Knights Templar cartel sure does have some weird beliefs!

  10. Capos never really serve all their time in Mexico.. he will be out in a few years with technicalities or for good behavior.
    He actually gives speaches and preaches the word of God 8n there.
    This guy is super political, you gotta see him talk

  11. I was hoping at the time, that the DR would capture him.


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