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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Security Company is recruiter for CJNG as more calls go out for recruitment

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat Material from MVS Noticias/Radio Formula

Segmex, a company detected by the government of Jalisco, in 2016, as a facade of the CJNG, launched another call in which it requests personnel for the position of custodian (escort) with or without experience.

As a requirement, they ask for weapons management, knowledge of personal defense, have initiative and desire to excel and have personal documents.

And they offer an initial salary of 30 thousand pesos, benefits superior to those of the law, bonuses, short-term growth and salary higher than that offered by the Government to the police and military.

In the call, broadcast through social networks, a contact number appears or, those interested can appear at the bus stations of Nuevo Laredo and Reynosa.

"People will contact you; you only wear black shirts with white to follow up. Here we value you", they point out.


  1. Cjng are baby killers. Anyone caught being a cjng member should have a coup de grace with a 50ae round to the head

    1. All cartels kill babies and innocent people tonto, your favorate carte does too

    2. I agree, I am still waiting for the Sinaloa cartel, to seek revenge for them ahold that killed a baby, and teenager at a party. Common sinaloa step on it.

    3. Sinaloa kills babies too you think they "care"?

  2. This isn’t new of segmex Hasn’t this been going on for years? If they knew since then why haven’t the government shot them down


    1. You unfortunately don’t understand how things work in MX...

    2. Most police commanders and their officers have a second job that doubles as the main money maker as private security company owners or employees, starting with Carlos Slim Helu partner genarco garcia luna, Luis Cardenas Palomino, Arturo bermudez Zurita, Alberto Capella Ibarra, Julian Leyzaola, El Vikingo en quintana roo, Edgar Veytia in Nayarit, they also employ a lot of trained specialists, they specialize in anti-kidnapping and hostage negotiations which they use to kidnap for ransom, many times they just murder their victims after or before getting paid.
      Then everybody blames "el Narco".

  3. Ahh shit these sound fishy to me go ahead and wear that and get smoked by the opposite side theyll be waiting as well.

  4. 30k pesos that’s nothing I make that in 2 weeks. I would not join for that little money

    1. That's Mexico though, a dish washer makes more money in the states

    2. 9:18 do you live in Mexico? If you do then is it hard to believe that people in Mexico don’t make not even close to what you make and they will actually take that offer? Your comment is not the greatest my friend

    3. 9:18 in Mexico $30 000.00 peisos are a lot of money, engineers and doctors newly graduated start at about $5 000.00 peisos a month IF they get a job, and they have to kiss a lot of ass to get an appointment and smear themselves from ear to ear with a lot of shit to keep their job and stay employed.
      Technicians many times barely make do selling tacos in some corner

    4. @9:07 In Jalisco you get 6000 a month being a laborer in construction it’s a very common job.. so I doubt they start at 5000 when they have a degree like a doctor or engineer

    5. Minimum wages at 2,00 DOLLARS A DAY,
      good skilled journeymen could do 4.00 dollars, daily 6 day workweek for $24 dollars a week about $480 peisos,
      close to $2000.00 peisos per Month, you could make more working for very rich narcos or as a toy for lonely customers to really make money. On the US many. Companies brag about paying Mexicans "28 dollars" and Americans think it is dollars per hour, wrong,
      it is per week. 48 hours of work for about 28 Dollars with bonuses

  5. Ok. No wearing black at bus stations. Noted.

  6. ¿Es el gobierno incapaz de cerrar un sitio web o de amenazar a una empresa que publica ese tipo de delito de regrabación? Esta noticia parece que debería protagonizar cantinflas en el papel principal.

    1. 12:23 The government can't do shit even after the crime has been committed on the US; what makes you think Mexico has the means to have an immediate reaction?
      You can see the interview presidente Nicolas Maduro gave to Jorge Ramos where he brags of "having seen venezolanos eating garbage" which is true, I saw them too, jorge ramos staged the whole shit.
      And it still runs all over as a biblical truth.

    2. To stop caring about wrong and moral actions is to give up. La hermana de mi yerno le dijo a mis nietas que iba a buscar narco corridas en sus celulares. Si encontraba algo, molería a los celulares bajo su talón. Ella lo dice en serio. Simplemente decir "¿A quién le importa?" Usted ha perdido y si tiene niños, espere que sean ladrones y deshonestos. No es tu lugar para animar a convertir a México en una jungla sin ley.

    3. 3:35 narco corridos is some of the worst music, meant for rebels and revolutionaries, and nobody like goes around choosing it.
      Back in the day it was rockanrol, Mexican parents felt like they were entering hell if they heard people playing teen tops rolas, then shit hit the fan with Beatles and rolling stones and a the world of mariguanos that followed... Girls got the more tempted with each new prohibition, luckily, for our benefit, they like the forbidden fruits the more forbidden they are.
      Camon Eve even seduced Adam after God herself told her not to.

  7. Where does one apply?Asking for a friend.

  8. Is it not significant that they say to show up at Nuevo Laredo and Reynosa bus station? Do they have that much control in golfo and cdn territory?

    1. that's why it seems kinda fishy to me

    2. Looks like a CDN trap.


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