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Saturday, June 1, 2019

Sierra De Guerrero: People from 27 Communities Hold 40 Soldiers and Policemen

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Excelsior y Proceso
                                 40 federal soldiers and state police are detained in Guerrero

Citizens held them in the municipality of Heliodoro Castillo, protesting the delay in the delivery of fertilizers by the government.

People from 27 communities of San Miguel Totolapan and Heliodoro Castillo, from the Sierra de Guerrero, held 30 soldiers of the 68th Infantry Battalion and 12 state policemen, protesting the delay in the delivery of fertilizer. They arrived with supplies to stay but unarmed.

The subsistence farmers who produce corn and poppies, from twenty seven mountain communities in the municipalities of General Heliodoro Castillo (Tlacotepec) and San Miguel Totolapan, broke into the sectorial section of the State Preventive Police (PPE), in the town of San Juan Puerto del Gallo, where soldiers and state agents are facilities are located.

The action of the nonconformists is to protest the delay in the delivery of the free fertilizer, which on this occasion is coordinated by the federal government, and the failure of promises offered by state authorities in social work.

The producers reported that federal and state officials have only cheated them, and to date there is no certainty in the fertilizer program, because the list of beneficiaries is unknown.

For his part, Governor Hector Astudillo Flores publicly denounced that the delay in the delivery of the agricultural input is due to the fact that the fertilizer register prepared by the federal government does not coincide with the lists handled by the state authorities.

In the community of San Juan Puerto del Gallo, where men and women from 27 communities claim that the federal government is cheating them, because they do not know the status of the census and conclude several of them were not counted and they do not know if they will receive their ration of fertilizer.

According to official reports, in the morning more than a hundred people arrived in the town of San Juan Puerto del Gallo, municipality of Atoyac de Álvarez, where a sectorial barracks is occupied by soldiers and state police to hold  a protest, surrounded the community and retained 30 soldiers and a dozen state police.

The protesters announced that they will not leave until the delegate of the federal government, Pablo Amílcar Sandoval Ballesteros, goes up to the mountains to resolve the conflict.

The peasants, among which there are women, denounced that they were deceived by the federal government that they were going to deliver the fertilizer and there is delay, so they demand the presence of the delegate Sandoval Ballesteros, otherwise, they warned that they will not move .

In addition, they denounced that they are marginalized, because there are communities without electric power and the roads are in poor condition, so they warned that they will not move until they are given fertilizer and their demands are met.

The peasants carry in their vehicles food supplies, firewood, blankets and clothes, to stay in that place as long as necessary, retaining the military personnel and the state police.

At the beginning of last April, at least 40 soldiers were detained by peasants from the town of Campo Morado, municipality of Tlacotepec, who oppose the destruction of poppy fields in the mountains.

They even broadcast a video to demand that the governor fulfill his promise to take productive projects as an alternative to development in that area, where poppy cultivation is his means of subsistence.

In contrast,  Sedena announced on Twitter account that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador met with the soldiers attacked in La Huacana, whom he recognized and thanked them for their  strength to avoid a confrontation.


  1. Ojalá así se listos se pusieran con los narcos

  2. Nonconformists? Is that another word for kidnappers/hostage takers?

    1. Word play runs rampant with the person telling the story and the message to be delivered- terrorists v. freedom fighters, unborn child v. fetus -the list is non-exhaustive and depends on the agenda to be driven.

    2. Non violent civil disobedience.

    3. 3:29 The melitary and police is under orders to stop the murdering, and they are obeying, during the day, to show restraint.
      --then the night comes replete of sicarios, polesias and melitary carrying out orders of local caciques and governors...
      --Pray they never show at your house.

  3. Goberrnacion must pay la gente to grow heroin that kills children with stray bullets and is exported to support crime of robbery and murder in our neighbor to the north.

    If this was only a novella it would be rejected as to absurd to even consider.

    How about a structured crop that the government purchases without means of a coyote? Perhaps mota that can be processed for medical treatment of the poor? Someone is failing to have enough intelligence to solve this. There are uses for some types of marihuana that can improve serious medical conditions without intoxication.

  4. Chivis don't call me a tattle tail...Yanqui used the word in this article, that you don't like.."pheasants". Please don't take one of her goats, she's just a reporter.

  5. I am flabbergasted that this day age, they still use the word pheasants. I remember hearing it in elementary school, that was back in 1972.

    1. Pheasants are FAISANES.
      Peasants, pissants, farmers, field workers, campesinos are a whole 'nother thang altogether. For a while they even believed they could be like. Decent and have Unions, wages and benefits, but if they Don't get smart they never get benefits with anyone but the Ranchero's wife or his big fat daughters.

    2. Mexican farmers wanted Unions
      And all they got were more ONIONS,


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